Friday, November 24, 2017

Batu Menangis Cerita Dari Kalimantan Barat - Asta And Story

Hallo guys !!! Well come back with me Emily today, i want to tell you a story from West Kalimantan the tittle is The Crying Stone Wanna know the story ?? Stay follow me in Asta and story one day.. In a village West Kalimantan there lived a beautiful girl, her name is Darmi Darmi always spend her time with a mirror for dress up she lives with her mother Her mother always advised her to not always dress up and spend time in front of the mirror because when Darmi dress up, she forget to help her mother Darmi... Come here. Yes mom, what's wrong ?? I want to go to the fields, Will you help me to cook in the kitchen what ?? Cooking in the kitchen ??? Oh noooo...I don't want cooking in the kitchen I don't want my face and my skin exposed by  oil please help me this time.

If I'm not going to the fields, how can we eat?? Mom, if I'm cooking in the kitchen and my skin is exposed by oil, I'll be ugly alright.. I want to go to the fields yes mom since her father died, her mother worked hard in the fields and feeding Darmi but Darmi no sympathy at all with her mother Darmi just always mocks his mother's face an increasingly aging after her mother back home from the field my body feels so tired, I'd better go home Darmi... Darmi... Heyyy mom..

Have you eaten ?? Yes, I have mom. Wait... What smell it is? OMG mom, Your body's very smells, you'd better to go shower Anyway Mom, I want to say something to you I'm so embarrassed if walking with you Why don't you have to dress up even for once? I'm pretty but you're so ugly You must be diligent to dress up so you'll as pretty as me don't be like this, I am ashamed how I could dress up ?? I've bothered to take care of you and also farming so that we can get some money and we can eat at home Don't lie mom. Just say that you can't dress up like me come on mom, just  dress up like me to look beautiful alright..

I want a bath day by day pass away and one day Darmi asked her mother to buy new clothes Mom, see my shirt mom, I only have this one. And I wear this every time. I'm a beautiful girl but I always used this ugly clothes. So, you want to buy new clothes ?? Of course, mom.

I had to buy new clothes. Come on mom buy new clothes but I don't know where to buy new clothes take it easy mom, I know where to buy clothes on the market, in the city center hurry up mom, we buy new clothes Let's go after a long walk finally Darmi and his mother arrived at the market wait mom... What is wrong ?? The market was already visible I want you to walk away from me I'm embarrassed if you're near me I don't want all people known that you are my mother Why you be like that? Mother Darmi greatly surprised but her mother think, maybe just because she has not yet shower and then Darmi asked his mother to walk apart alright.. Let's go...

We buy clothes oke It was a beautiful dress, I want to see and you're still walk behind I don't want anyone known that you are my mother nice clothes sir, how much the price ?? The price of fifty thousand please choose another, beautiful young lady yes sir, i will sellect is she your mother ?? No..! She's not my mother she's my assistant my mother at home, and she's so beautiful like me but your face is very similar I said No! You're so annoying, I don't want to buy clothes here, I want to go Darmi was irritated by the traders in the market finally Darmi back home with her mother and her mother only complied Darmi I've already told you, mothers do not come near me I dont want all people know that you are my mother I'm so sorry let's go home alright, I'm not buying clothes tomorrow we'll back to the market oke In the middle of the road, Darmi and his mother met a woman hey miss .. Is she your girl ?? She's so beautiful if I had a son, I would have to marry my son with your girl What ??? She was not my mother she's the assistant my mother was at home she's pretty like me not like her Very dirty i'm sorry.. I think you're her daughter Thanks why I greeting you nooo... I'm not her daughter! I've already told my mother is very pretty and she was at home alright..

I'm sorry Darmi's mothers feel so hurt And Her mother finally cried (cry) I'm your mother, but why did not you think of me as your mother why are you crying? I never wanted to be born as your girl I don't want asked you as your daughter! I don't want to have an ugly mother like you Don't be like that, I had you and raise you enough .. Let's go home suddenly when Darmi is running his legs felt stiff Darmi unable to walk and crying why my feet like this? My legs stiff and unable to walk what's wrong with you ?? My feet mom... Then there was lightning striking Darmi, and Darmi change to be a stone before it turns to stone, Darmi actually apologized his mother but it was too late and Darmi completely change to a stone Her mother just cried my girl.. My girl..

I'm sorry and in the stone was visible tears so in West Kalimantan this stone is known as crying stone Hallo guys !!! Thank you for watching my video the purpose of this story is you should not be spending time just dress up like Darmi because Darmi is only wasting her life times so Darmi forget to help his mother Darmi like a rebellious child You must not be a rebellious child of as Darmi you must help your parents I still have more exciting stories wanna know the story ??? Stay follow me in Asta and story by SUBSCRIBE my video and see you in the next video. Bye.. Bye....

Batu Menangis Cerita Dari Kalimantan Barat - Asta And Story

Friday, November 17, 2017

Are Clan War Rewards BetterClash Royale

Its-a Orange Juice! The Clan Chest was better
because it was big. The Clan Chest had more total cards. That doesnt mean it had better cards. Clan War Chests can contain
more Rare, Epic and Legendary cards.

If you look at the actual
side-by-side comparisons, two Clan Chests obtained over two weeks
have 480 Common cards, 54 Rare cards, 5 Epic cards
with a 40% chance of a 6th Epic card, and an 18% chance to obtain a Legendary. And you get 3240 gold. Now look at the bronze first place chest,
it offers 270 commons, 54 rares, 6 to 7 epics
and up to 1 legendary. If you participate in all seven wars and win all the matches
to earn the victory gold, you can earn up to
5390 gold in Bronze League.

You only get half the amount of commons,
but check out the epics. You get 25% more epics. The chance of
a legendary is 8% lower in this league, but it gets better and the gold is
already an absurd amount. Look at the silver first place chest:
302 commons, 78 rares, 9.75 Epics,
20% chance of a legendary, and almost 8000 gold if you win
all of the victory gold possible.

Theres still one third less commons,
but everything else is higher: 1.4 Times more rares,
1.8 Times more epics, 2% higher chance to get a legendary, and the gold will get you 2.5 Times more
than two level-10 Clan Chests. This is a brilliant design, because
it addresses common cards over-leveling, and redistributes the card economy
into epic and legendary. If you look at the gold: right off the bat, it offers more gold,
meaning that well have way more gold to upgrade cards for the Clan Wars,
and, in the long run, this will encourage players to play more than
one deck variety in ladder. Theres always that one guy with
maxed out deck with nothing else.

If you have a semi-competitive clan,
your clan can reach Gold League. The first place chest for Gold
gets you 395 commons, almost double the rares, over double
the epics, and almost twice the chance of getting a legendary, and potentially over
3 times more gold than two Clan Chests. Legendary first place chest is absurd. 1% More commons, 2.3 Times more rares,
three times more epics, a guaranteed legendary and potentially over 4 times more gold.
But real talk here: if you look at Gold League, getting 3rd place is
negative 25 trophies, 4th place is negative 50 trophies,
and 5th is minus 100 trophies.

Realistically, a lot of clans will never
reach Legend League. Like most of us never opened
a Grand Champion Draft Chest during the end of ladder season. The reward is massive,
but Ive already come to terms that Ill never open
a Grand Champion Draft Chest, and thats okay, because I take a bronze first place chest
over two Clan Chests any day. How do I feel about Clan Wars? I feel it was designed very well, but its not apparent at first glance
since its just launched.

Everyone starts in Bronze League
and matchmaking is incredibly unfair. Overtime, this system should balance out
and matchmaking will smooth out for more even, fair matches, once the system calculates
everyones hidden ELO. And matches you up properly. I like Clan Wars rewards, how they can
offer more rares, epics and legendaries to balance out the whole economy of
the game and potentially offer more gold.

This gold is used to upgrade cards.
With more cards upgraded, this promotes a healthier ladder system
without a Mortar master who only plays that one deck
in their entire Clash Royale career. The effects will slowly trickle in and,
within a years time, ladderll be a more pleasant experience from this update. It wont be immediately apparent,
but its like a butterfly effect. I dont work for Supercell.
Theyve never paid me to make videos.

I enjoy Clash Royale and I love
delivering hard facts to everyone..

Are Clan War Rewards BetterClash Royale

Friday, November 10, 2017

Anime War - Episode 5 Dragon

JEnglish Subtitles By JM Productions I thought you may be talented to unlock an omni limiter What a waste I admire your guts But you can't beat me. You can barely stand You... Underestimate the will of mortals, and our potential I will push the limits of the Omni Super Saiyan It may be possible To push the Kaioken to the maximum While simultaneously using the god healing to repair my body It could tear my body to shreds But I have to risk it Kaio-Ken His ki is raising at a tremendous rate! 10 Times...20 Times... No!? Y...You bastard! TIMES 100! D...Dad! W...WHAT THE!? S...Son! Kakarot? He had this kind of power the entire time!? I underestimated him 100 TIMES KAIO-KEN.

How did he increase his power so dramatically? You have no idea who you are dealing with You will feel my wrath! You can do it son It appears that this fight will be enjoyable Well, shall we continue? Yes, let's continue I'm just getting warmed up That's it, Gohan! Remember our training and absolutely no one can beat you! What!? That's impossible He's now...Even with Gohan? It seems as though his power is increasing the more they battle Come on Gohan, you can do it I thought you were supposed to be unbeatable? This battle is a pleasure for me Let's continue You won't be enjoying this fight for long I'm going to unleash hell My body is being torn to shreds I can barely keep up with the healing Now's my chance! I...Impossible One final attack! You will pay... He's charged to full power! M E G A    1 0 0  T I M E S. KA ME HA ME HA. OH SHI........! Don't underestimate me! THIS IS THE END FOR YOU! FULL POWER!!! NO WAY! That's not possible! AMAZING! To think that you, could produce this much power and you haven't even broken an omni limiter What is he talking about? Wh...What a terrifying ki You...How did you..? I siphoned all of your god power and absorbed it into myeslf What!? You absorbed my god ki? The Dark Siphoning Ability All Evil Gods have trained to obtain this power and are using it on your allies as we speak It's the reason we have chose to fight you Idiot! How can I have been so stupid!? Every time I hit him, he got stronger Now that I have obtained unrivaled power I have no longer have a use for you! Thank you for the power boost There's nothing I can do His strength far beyond anything I have seen All of our attacks are only making these monsters stronger I don't see any chance to win! It's been fun, Kakarot What!? So you've arrived.

The man who is able to defeat an Evil God single-handed Without the powers of a god It was easy If you would like, I can show you how I did it First, I have an offer for you You have proven to be a formidable opponent There is no need for us to battle Join us in our quest to rule the multiverse With your level of power There is nobody that can stop us, God or not You will rule over this entire universe. Our main plan is... CAN YOU SHUT UP ALREADY!? WHAT'S WITH ALL THIS TALKING!? Your mouth is bigger than your biceps. You meathead! I see What a waste Then I'll just kill you right here Enough chatter.

Let's fight already Yes. Let's do this He's strong..! That's the best you have? Not Good I'll give you one more chance to join us before you die If you refuse I will destroy you on the next attack Son of a... You will pay... I'm going to make you pay 10 fold! What were...Your words earlier? Stay down or I will be forced to...

Punch you So... You were holding something back BESERKER MODE     Show me I will show you the technique I have been saving all this time Super Move: Serious series... SERIOUS TABLE FLIP! Darkness? What kind of technique is this? I'm surrounded by rock on every side Inside this rock he cannot strike me either Unless it's... All part of his attack! Let's see how many hits you can take I'm going to punch you until you explode! Now it's my turn The Earth, is under my protection! GREAT THUNDER! Phase 1 complete After I kill them an elder god should arrive That is enough Former Great Priest Whis...

Have you come to challenge me? You would like that You fell right into his trap! Well I had to do something... Enough you two! Be happy that you are both alive We have to think of a plan quickly He will sense our ki eventually Let him find me I'll put him in his place Goku don't use that healing technique anymore You've lost years of your life Hey Whis! What took you so long to get here!? I've been preoccupied in a meeting with Zeno and the Angels The rifts in space-time are tearing the multiverse apart We've been putting our power together together to try and fix it Excuse me, who is this new guy? Hey, why is he here? I brought you all to a safe distance and healed you Who is that big guy I was fighting? He was incredibly tough. It's the first time I have ever lost That's right Whis You said that this guy is the former Great Priest or something. Beerus-sama is a God of Destruction So you are too young to know him Even I can't defeat him Nonsense! There's nobody you and I can't defeat together! We would lose Really? Then it's no surprise that I was outmatched Is he one of the Evil Gods? The most Elder of the Gods Elder God? I see! Whis is one because he's older than anybody Then there's no mistaking it He must be one of legends The Dragon God Zarama! THAT GUY!? In a time so early even Kaioshin weren't created yet The universe were just being born at this point The King of All was creating the blueprint for the multiverse He was the right hand of Zeno-sama during this period However, he was treacherous He wanted to be the King of All and tried to assassinate Zeno What the hell...Do you think you're doing? He created the Super Dragon Balls to wish for victory But he was banished to the 13th universe before he could use them This guy is the strongest next to Zeno I bet even the current Great Priest couldn't phase him Whis! We need to fuse! Hurry! You're all here But it doesn't matter how much increase in numbers So then I shall take you all on 4 vs 1 "Anime War" Son Goku Vegeta Piccolo Gohan Trunks Beerus Saitama Ichigo Luffy Naruto Sasuke Natsu Evil Gods                               Anime War Episode 6 Teaser.

Anime War - Episode 5 Dragon

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Anime War - Episode 4 Legendary

Show me your power. Unlock the full potential of the Onni form for me. So that I can siphon all of it. What's the matter with you? Stand up and fight me.

Hero. My...My ribs are broken! That's it. Ok. Let's continue.

Vegeta's death... I used that power The power to heal. I was able to bring him back to life. It drained a lot of Ki.

It'll work. The god healing technique Healing the body at the cost of life force. Now, let's continue. I won't forgive you.

How pathetic. Your power is nothing to me. It's true I'n at my limits of power So I'll have to... BREAK MY LIMITS! BAN KAI This time around Things will be different.

Are you alright?! Let's fight him together! It doesn't matter how many of you join. The result is the same. I hope you're strong, friend. He's ridiculously powerful! I'll use my new form to defeat him! In my future, I've become the God of Destruction! You guys...Look like you could use a hand.

Just...Who are you? I'm a Fairy Tail wizard, Natsu Dragneel! I'm Ichigo Kurosaki. My name is Trunks. Let's crush this guy! Bring as many ants to the fight as you wish. The enemy we are facing is an evil god.

Beware If you hesitate even for an istant to use your full power he will kill you. There's no way I'm holding back! I'm getting all fired up! I see. Show me your strength. We will defeat you together and save this world.

Let's go. You cannot defeat me at that level. I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face. What kind of magic is this? I feel so much pressure! So much power! It's overwhelming! Behold the grand power...

OF THE STRONGEST GOD OF DESTRUCTION EVER BORN!! HOLY SHIT! Impossible! Trunks?! When did he get this strong? Can it be that he's surpassed me as well Damn. Even my own son. Even my own son is more powerful than me! I'm really glad this guy is on our side. This energy...

There's something strange about those swords. I should avoid them at all costs. Hey, Jackass! Don't take your eyes off of me! Full Magic Release! Lightning Dragon Mode Dragon Slayer Secret Art Hidden Fire Form! Crimson Lotus Phoenix Blade! I'm up next in this fight! GETSUGA TENSHOU!! A direct hit. This guy is done for.

This is the end for you! To protect life I destroy! FINAL FLASH!! U...Unreal... Just now people are stronger than me besides Kakorot. I can't believe it! Everyone's strength Even Kakorot's son is stronger than I... Trunks has surpassed me as well! Damn!! It seems that out of the Saiyans, you are the most worthless.

When in the hell...Did I become the weakest of the Saiyans? Damn it! Vegeta. Do you know why our family has ruled the Saiyans for Generations? Because we are the strongest and no one can beat us. That's incorrrect. The answer to that question lays in our blood.

Do you know the leend of the Super Saiyan God? The Super Saiyan God is a children's story! Also incorrect. We are descendants of the Super Saiyan God. That's right.. The blood of the original Super Saiyan God runs through my veins.

Th...Then why...Am I so... Why? I have the royal blood of the saiyans flowing through me! SO WHY THE HELL AM I SO WEAK?! DAMN IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!! VEGETA! FATHER! VEGETA! He's done it. Father has done it! Vegeta... Wha...What the...

My entire body is tremblind from this overpowering ki. He's even stronger than Goku! Unbelievable power! How did he achieve the legendary form? Vegeta... I am the true elite, descendant of the Super Saiyan God and I'm going to kill you! You stupid idiot. What did you think would happen Wasting stamina healing My power is fading fast.

This fight is over. You're getting weaker as the battle continues. No! I'm not giving up! Let's go! To take this much of a beating... I applaud your resilence.

I can't lose! I was wrong about my hopes for you. Damn...My body Do you think he can win, Sasuke? Yeah. His energy is tremendous. However We don't fully know what the enemy is capable of.

If I were to bet My money would be on Our new ally. It's hard to believe That you achieved that form without the help of gods. So that's how the other guy did it. A true warrior achieves power by his own will, not gods.

I'm not too worried about it. They call me the Dark Sorcerer. Do you know why? Because you're a pantywaist. I'm happy to see that you still have such a good sense of humor! But I assure you, it's much sinister than that.

I have the ability to manifest your fears into reality. What is this guy talking about? I've got a bad feeling. Behold the dark power as past, present and future clollide! What now?! CLOCKWORK OF THE FATED! A giant clock...Just appeared in the sky! Come forth my warriors! What the hell is this?! I've brought some friend for you to play with. You bastards will know what true fear is! I was summoned here to this plane of existence.

I can feel the dark energy flowing through me. This guy is...Someone I've heard stories about! Don't worry, they are not quite the real thing. But I assure you, they are quite deadly. That's...Madara! You've got to be kidding me! HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT ALL THESE ENEMIES?! Naruto...

You look different than last time. Different enemies from... Our worlds I can finally... Have my revenge! This is the perfect opportunity to try out Super Saiyan White.

You all are going to regret being summoned to this realm. You're opponent #1Saiyan and I won't hold back! I thought you may be talented enough to unlock an omni limiter. What a waste. I admire your guts But you can't beat me.

You can barely stand. You... Underestimate the will of mortals, and our potential. I will push the limits of the Omni Super Saiyan.

It may be possibe to push Kaioken to the maximum While simultaneously using the god healing to repair my body It could tear my body to shreds But I have to risk it! Kaio-Ken His ki is raising at a tremendous rate! 10 Times...20 Times... No?! You...Bastard! TIMES 100!!! D..Dad! Wh..What the?! S..Son! Kakorot? He had this kind of power this entire time?! I underestimated him! 100 TIMES KAIO-KEN! To Be Continued MaStar Message from: Jibreel's Movies - Good job with the animation, Mastar. You're getting better.   Subscribe.

Anime War - Episode 4 Legendary