Saturday, July 21, 2018

ZOWIE EC2-B CSGO Version mouse for esports (Review)

So guys this is a big one for me. I've played with the regular Zowie EC2-B for
about a month now. This is my new favorite esports mouse, but
it just got even better. Hey guys, salut mes amis och hall gubbar,
Maxim here! Zowie is the most popular choice for esports
fans and pro players.

According to e-sportsgear.Net the Zowie EC2
is the most popular esports mouse together with the Zowie products. So why is it that Zowie is on the top? Speaking for myself, I believe it's a combination
of shape, simplicity and build quality for it's price, it's the perfect choice for almost
any competitive player. Now you probably noticed that there's an EC1
and EC2. EC1 is larger and EC2 is smaller, as you can
see here, but they're from the same EC series and it's all about preference.

For me, using a larger mouse can often be
more comfortable and relaxing for the hand, but if I use a smaller mouse I get better
aim which is something I want when I play CSGO. My hands are roughly 19 cm but using the
EC2 fits my hand perfectly. My preferred hand style is the palm grip which works very well with this mouse, cause you can get your whole hand around it.
But fingertip and clawgrip should work really well If you have medium to large sized hands.

So what's the main difference between the
CSGO version and the regular one? Well, the size is the same, the weight is exactly the same, but there are some noticeable differences. First thing is obviously the look, it has
a dark blue and black coating which makes it look stealthy combined with the
logo in the front which gives it a bit of contrast. It's a beautiful mouse, but my main concern
would be the feel of the mouse. And I can tell you, it's a relief to know
that it's using the same type of coating as the black one.

I prefer the texture and it's great if you
don't want your mouse to look so dirty. Here's the white coating just to give you guys an example. Apart from the looks there are two more things
I discovered. The first was the clicking sound of the buttons.

The clicking sounds a bit lighter to me on
the CSGO version but maybe it's because of the textures or just because I've barely used
it. The second thing I noticed could just be that
I was unlucky with my regular EC2-B but it does make more noise when I shake it compared
to the CSGO version. This should not determine anything in my opinion
but it's only something I noticed with my own EC2-B's. If you went out to buy a regular EC2-B with
black coating you would pretty much get the same thing as the CSGO version.

However, this is a CSGO channel and my new
favorite mouse happens to have a CSGO skin, so obviously I'm gonna buy it. When opening the package you'll notice how
simple everything is, but the coolest part, there's no software involved. The only settings on the mouse are the ones
below, the report rate and DPI. It's perfect for when you need to move your
mouse to another computer, all the settings are stored on the mouse and it's not like
you need to use a software or login to an account to load your settings.

I've always liked Zowie products because of
this, they're simple, easy to use and I think this is what an esports mouse is all about. As soon as you plug the EC series in, you'll
immediately feel the tracking, it's really smooth, and responsive. There is no hardware acceleration, and
angle snapping. Getting used to the EC2-B goes really fast,
the same for EC1-B, but I feel like you can get even better precision with the smaller

After a few minutes I was already landing
some sick shots, this is all recorded with the new mouse. If you're new to the Zowie products, then
I feel like getting the EC2-B CSGO version is worth the money. If you already have the EC series then maybe
you should just keep using it seeing there's not really much of a difference apart from
the look. In the end this is all I really wanted.

It's a cool product and even cooler that they
actually did something together with Valve. I'll put some links down below if you want
to buy it yourself. You can follow me on my social medias to see
what's going on behind the scenes. I'll see you guys in the next one, and go

ZOWIE EC2-B CSGO Version mouse for esports (Review)

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Wonder Girls NOBODY (Kor. Ver) MV

Nobody Hi~ Jin Young This is a new song, called 'NOBODY'. Have a look at it.
It sounds like a great hit. How's it?
Wanna have a go with it? I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But You
I want nobody else if it aint you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Thank you,
Ladies and Gentlemen, you will not regret to be here tonight. I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But~~ You
I want nobody else if it aint you Hey, where is he!! What's going on here! Hello Here we present JYP's new song~ NOBODY!! Hello, anybody out there?? Hey you! Just go out instead! Hurry~ You Know I still Love You Baby.

And it will never change. I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But You
I want nobody else if it aint you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Why are you pushing me away, and youre not even listening to me.
Why are you keep trying to send me away to somebody else, how can you do this to me Stop saying that its for me, Stop saying that youre not enough,
Why are you forcing me, even if you know how its like to me I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But You
I want nobody else if it aint you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But You
I want nobody else if it aint you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I like the way it is, Im happy, I want no more but you
How can I be happy with someone else, I cannot be happy leaving you Its a nonsense saying its for me Its a nonsense saying youre not enough.
How can I be happy without you OH~~ gorgeous new singers are comin' out!!
Wonder Girls~~~~ I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But You
I want nobody else if it aint you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I dont want nobody body body.I dont want nobody body body I really want nobody else, nobody else if it aint you ah~ I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But You
I want nobody else if it aint you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody I want nobody nobody But You   I want nobody nobody But You
I want nobody else if it aint you I want nobody nobody nobody nobody Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free.

I want to go back to those dreamy days. Why are you keep pushing me away why do you push me away.  
I dont want nobody nobody. Nobody nobody but you.


Wonder Girls NOBODY (Kor. Ver) MV

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Top 10 Most Shocking Music Myths

[Narrator]: These stories are the stuff of legend. [Announcer]: Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the building. [Narrator]: Welcome to WatchMojo.Com, and today were counting down our picks for the top ten most shocking myths in rock music. [Kevin]: That was my best friend, Paul Pfeiffer.

Paul was allergic to everything. [Narrator]: Its not as wild as the myth that says Marilyn Manson had ribs removed to facilitate oral sex on himself. But picturing a young Brian Warner on The Wonder Years is just as nutty. [Kevin]: What? Are you crazy? [Narrator]: Despite the stark contrast between the wholesome Paul Pfeiffer and the Antichrist Superstars image, its hard to deny the physical resemblances.

But, its actually Josh Saviano who played Kevin Arnolds best friend, so put this rumor to rest. [Paul]: Okay, maybe it's a dumb idea. [Narrator]: Sometimes die-hard fans have trouble letting go  especially Elvis fans. [Wadsworth]: On August 23rd in 1991 I saw Elvis Presley at Winesburg Inn in Clyde, Ohio.

[Narrator]: Inconsistencies on his death certificate caused some to suggest The King faked his death, and tabloids are full of people who claim to have seen him in the flesh. Fake death theories are also attached to Jim Morrison, since his body was never autopsied, and Tupac, who keeps releasing new music that fans believe references future events. Jimi was almost as famous for his drug use as he was for his guitar skills, so its not crazy to think hed found a way to combine them. Rumor has it the guitar great hid LSD under his bandanas while performing and absorbed the acid through self-inflicted cuts in his forehead.

But thats not all: the shady circumstances surrounding his death encouraged a persistent rumor that Hendrix was murdered. Robert Johnsons complex style made him a legend. Whats also legendary is how the King of Mississippi Delta Blues allegedly got his skills: by selling his soul to the Devil. [Milhouse]: Why do you not sell your soul to me? [Bart]: How much you got? [Milhouse]: Five bucks.

[Bart]: Deal. [Narrator]: Some point to his short life and songs like Me and the Devil as proof, but others know it was natural talent and hard work. Another musician who allegedly made a deal with the Devil? Led Zeppelins Jimmy Page. While this legends been attributed to Elton John, Alanis Morissette, Lil Kim and more, its most famously connected to Rod Stewart.

The story goes that the Brit was *ahem* servicing a fleet of sailors when he had to go to the hospital to get his stomach pumped of all the excess fluid. Though the singer-songwriter maintains a fired assistant concocted this bogus tale, hes still asked about it. Amid KISSs loud anthemic music, eye-catching costumes and onstage antics, Gene Simmons made tongue-wagging his signature move. His appendage quickly caught the attention of fans (and groupies) for its unusual length.

And soon, stories spread that The Demon had a cows tongue attached to his own. But dont worry: it wasnt true and it wasnt possible. Simmons tongue looked nothing like a cows and medicine wasnt that advanced then anyway. Years of substance abuse led Keith Richards to want a clean slate.

The solution? A blood purification procedure. But his status as a member of The Worlds Greatest Rock & Roll Band meant the media hounded him about it. So he fabricated an outrageous tale claiming doctors changed his blood with a new supply. Another Richards anecdote: The Stones guitarist also said he snorted his fathers ashes.

[Interviewer]: You did in fact do it? [Richards]: I ingested my ancestor, yes. [Narrator]: The Beatles were the subject of many rumors, including one where they smoked up at Buckingham Palace. After an American university paper said the Cute One died in a car crash and was replaced by a lookalike, the story picked up steam with help from radio stations and clues in the Fab Fours lyrics and album art. [McCartney]: So this started some rumor that because he was barefooted he's dead.

*Audience laughs* I couldn't see the connection! [Narrator]: While he was in an accident, Maccas alive and going strong today. When a shotgun and note were found near Kurt Cobains lifeless body, most accepted the Nirvana frontmans death as suicide.  But conspiracy theorists cried murder. Journalists and filmmakers took this idea further by suggesting his wife Courtney Love was behind it all  see the El Duce interview in Kurt & Courtney.

[Interviewer]: You did some deal with Courtney, right? [El Duce]: Yeah. She offered me fifty grand to whack Kurt Cobain. [Interviewer]: Yeah, I was telling this. [Narrator]: However, most have concluded there isnt enough evidence to support the murder claim.

As an incredible showman known for shocking theatrics, the Prince of Darkness was used to animal carcasses on stage. After all, the Godfather of heavy metal bit off a doves head during a CBS Records meeting. But his fans probably thought he was bat-shit crazy when he bit a bats head off. And make no mistake: this was no rubber toy and no myth.

[Osbourne]: I thought it was one of those Halloween rubber things, and I just bit into it, and it was a real bat. [Narrator]: After the bat bit back, Ozzy was tested for rabies. Do you agree with our list? What do you think is the most shocking rock myth? Be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo.Com for more entertaining top tens..

Top 10 Most Shocking Music Myths