Saturday, July 21, 2018

ZOWIE EC2-B CSGO Version mouse for esports (Review)

So guys this is a big one for me. I've played with the regular Zowie EC2-B for
about a month now. This is my new favorite esports mouse, but
it just got even better. Hey guys, salut mes amis och hall gubbar,
Maxim here! Zowie is the most popular choice for esports
fans and pro players.

According to e-sportsgear.Net the Zowie EC2
is the most popular esports mouse together with the Zowie products. So why is it that Zowie is on the top? Speaking for myself, I believe it's a combination
of shape, simplicity and build quality for it's price, it's the perfect choice for almost
any competitive player. Now you probably noticed that there's an EC1
and EC2. EC1 is larger and EC2 is smaller, as you can
see here, but they're from the same EC series and it's all about preference.

For me, using a larger mouse can often be
more comfortable and relaxing for the hand, but if I use a smaller mouse I get better
aim which is something I want when I play CSGO. My hands are roughly 19 cm but using the
EC2 fits my hand perfectly. My preferred hand style is the palm grip which works very well with this mouse, cause you can get your whole hand around it.
But fingertip and clawgrip should work really well If you have medium to large sized hands.

So what's the main difference between the
CSGO version and the regular one? Well, the size is the same, the weight is exactly the same, but there are some noticeable differences. First thing is obviously the look, it has
a dark blue and black coating which makes it look stealthy combined with the
logo in the front which gives it a bit of contrast. It's a beautiful mouse, but my main concern
would be the feel of the mouse. And I can tell you, it's a relief to know
that it's using the same type of coating as the black one.

I prefer the texture and it's great if you
don't want your mouse to look so dirty. Here's the white coating just to give you guys an example. Apart from the looks there are two more things
I discovered. The first was the clicking sound of the buttons.

The clicking sounds a bit lighter to me on
the CSGO version but maybe it's because of the textures or just because I've barely used
it. The second thing I noticed could just be that
I was unlucky with my regular EC2-B but it does make more noise when I shake it compared
to the CSGO version. This should not determine anything in my opinion
but it's only something I noticed with my own EC2-B's. If you went out to buy a regular EC2-B with
black coating you would pretty much get the same thing as the CSGO version.

However, this is a CSGO channel and my new
favorite mouse happens to have a CSGO skin, so obviously I'm gonna buy it. When opening the package you'll notice how
simple everything is, but the coolest part, there's no software involved. The only settings on the mouse are the ones
below, the report rate and DPI. It's perfect for when you need to move your
mouse to another computer, all the settings are stored on the mouse and it's not like
you need to use a software or login to an account to load your settings.

I've always liked Zowie products because of
this, they're simple, easy to use and I think this is what an esports mouse is all about. As soon as you plug the EC series in, you'll
immediately feel the tracking, it's really smooth, and responsive. There is no hardware acceleration, and
angle snapping. Getting used to the EC2-B goes really fast,
the same for EC1-B, but I feel like you can get even better precision with the smaller

After a few minutes I was already landing
some sick shots, this is all recorded with the new mouse. If you're new to the Zowie products, then
I feel like getting the EC2-B CSGO version is worth the money. If you already have the EC series then maybe
you should just keep using it seeing there's not really much of a difference apart from
the look. In the end this is all I really wanted.

It's a cool product and even cooler that they
actually did something together with Valve. I'll put some links down below if you want
to buy it yourself. You can follow me on my social medias to see
what's going on behind the scenes. I'll see you guys in the next one, and go

ZOWIE EC2-B CSGO Version mouse for esports (Review)

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