Saturday, June 30, 2018

Top 5 Legendary Pokemon Ash Should Have Caught

Hey guys, HDvee here. Now not long ago, i uploaded a video to the
channel going over the top five Pokemon that Ash should have caught, and whilst you guys
seemed to really like it, there were a number of comments going over the legendary Pokemon
that Ash should have caught. This got me thinking that looking back at
the movies, there were a bunch of legendary Pokemon that Ash really bonded with that could
have easily joined his team. The most likely reason Ash has never caught
a legendary Pokemon is because it would pretty much break the anime seeing as hed easily
beat most trainers, but its still fun to speculate who he should have caught.

With that being said, todays video takes
a look at the top five legendary pokemon Ash should have caught. Dont hesitate to drop a comment down below
about the video and if you found it interesting or not! Dont forget to leave a like on this video
too to show your support and Ill be sure to bring out a new video very shortly. Make sure to subscribe if you havent already
to keep up to date and follow my twitter to hear updates about the channel. Now, without further ado, lets get into
the video and I really hope that you enjoy! Starting things off and claiming the number
five spot in todays top five video is Lugia.

Lugia is a very serious Pokmon with immense
power. Even with all three Legendary birds attacking
it at once, Lugia was able to employ very skilled moves in defending itself against
them. Lugia is intelligent and clear-minded, keenly
aware of its role in the legend surrounding the islands and also of its inability to quell
the Legendary birds by itself. This Lugia is set apart from other Lugia in
that it has a special connection to the song played by Melody on her instrument.

Lugia makes song-like noises similar to this
tune and when played, the song has the power to restore Lugia's depleted strength. In addition, Lugia is able to communicate
via telepathy, much like other Pokmon featured in the Pokmon movies. Lugia should probably have joined Ashs
team, not only because together they saved the world, but there was also a prophecy written
about the pair which goes, Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning, Lest these
titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash, Though the water's great
guardian shall rise to quell the fighting, Alone its song will fail, thus the earth shall
turn to ash, which pretty much says theyd meet one day, and lets face it, a Lugia
on Ashs team would have been incredible to see. Coming in at the number four spot in todays
top five video is Suicune.

While on a ferry going to Ash and his friends'
next destination, the group looked out into the woods and saw Suicune. Not knowing what it is, they called Professor
Oak and described it to him. Professor Oak said that it was in fact a Suicune
and told the group all about it. A while later, Suicune saw the Iron-Masked
Marauder making Celebi destroy the forest and saved Ash and Sam from falling off the
monster that Celebi created.

Suicune eventually got caught in the monster's
hand, nearly immobilized. It managed to struggle out of its grip, buying
time for Ash and Sam. They eventually succeeded into saving Celebi
from the Iron-Masked Marauder. Ash and Suicune seemed to have a really strong
connection in this movie, and hey, it beats the last time they saw a legendary dog, seeing
as Entei pretty much kidnapped Ashs mum.

Suicune also saved Ashs life, so the Pokemon
clearly trusted him too and again, it would have been pretty cool to see Suicune on Ashs
team. Coming in at the halfway point in todays
top five video is Victini. When Ash, Iris, and Cilan visit Eindoak Town,
Victini transfers some of its power to Ash so he could save some Deerling from falling
off a ledge. It later telepathically guided Ash through
the tunnels beneath the castle.

After Ash found his way back to his friends,
Victini secretly stole some of Cilan's homemade Macarons just as Ash was about to eat them. Ash even sacrificed himself for Victini by
holding Victini and Pikachu in his arms, as his body freezes and he slowly runs out of
air during the scenes featuring the sword of the vale. After the Sword of the Vale is returned to
the surface and placed in a new location, Victini returns despite Ash assuming it had
given its life, and happily finds itself at the ocean. With the barriers destroyed, Victini is free
to go wherever it wants, and it journeys with Ash, Iris, and Cilan for a while before ultimately
saying goodbye.

Victini has taken a liking to Ash as seen
when it powered up his Tepig and Scraggy when they were at a severe disadvantage and Ash
was willing to help Victini escape the barriers, holding it. So as you can see, a legendary Pokemon even
travelled around with Ash, even though it was short lived, and so could have definitely
found its way into Ashs team. Coming in at the number two spot in todays
top five video is Ho-oh. For some reason, Ho-oh has a huge significance
in the Pokemon anime, and to Ash.

Ash first saw Ho-Oh in Pokmon - I Choose
You!. It appeared in a forest on his way to Viridian
City during his first day as a Trainer. He was lying on the ground with his injured
Pikachu and saw it fly over the rainbow that appeared in the sky after a storm. His Pokdex could not identify it and explained
that many Pokmon were still unknown.

As fate would have it, Ash saw Ho-Oh a second
time in Gotta Catch Ya Later! After he parted ways with his close friends Brock and Misty. The third time he saw it was in Battling the
Enemy Within! After May pointed to it flying in the sky after Ash lost an informal challenge
against Pyramid King Brandon and was released from possession by the King of Poklantis'
spirit. Ho-oh is one of the legendary Pokemon that
Ash has seen the most, so could that imply that its following him around on his journey? It would have been pretty cool to see Ash
finally capture Ho-oh, but who knows, with the new movie coming out this year which revolves
around Ash and Ho-oh, maybe the young trainer finally captures his first legendary pokemon. Finishing things off though and claiming the
number one spot in todays top five video is Latias.

Latias and her brother, Latios, lived in the
Secret Garden in Alto Mare, where they were the guardians of the Soul Dew. They were friends with Lorenzo and Bianca. Latias and Latios presented some very unique
powers in the movie, such as sight-sharing, invisibility, and shapeshifting. Latias commonly shapeshifts to appear the
same as Bianca, and befriended Ash under her persona.

Latias is a very docile Pokmon. She appeared to dislike fighting and was easily
scared off by any conflict or anything attempting to cause harm to her. She cared much for people and Pokmon close
to her, including Ash, Latios, Bianca and Lorenzo. She was, however, shown to have a more mature
side besides her childish and playful side, bravely joining her big brother to save Alto
Mare from drowning.

Latias is one of the few Pokmon seen in
the anime to have been shown to have a crush on a person, who, in Latias's case, is Ash. After saving Latias from Annie and Oakley,
Latias was shown to have complete trust in Ash, wanting to play with him all the time
they spent together at the Secret Garden, and also being the one she sought for help
when Latios was kidnapped. Latias reminds me a lot of Bayleef, mostly
because they both had a crush on Ash, but because Latias always wanted to be with the
trainer, she seems the most likely candidate for joining his team. But with that, wraps up this video.

I really hope you enjoyed it as much as i
did making it! If you did enjoy the video though, please
leave a like id really appreciate it! Like i said at the start of the video, I would
also love to hear your guys opinions too on this subject so be sure to leave them in the
comment section below. I have a couple top fives coming onto your
screen in a second so be sure to give them a watch if you have the time, and also subscribe
if you like my content! Thats everything from me though so thanks
for watching guys, have an amazing day, and ill see you, in the next video!.

Top 5 Legendary Pokemon Ash Should Have Caught

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The True Story of Nikola Tesla [Pt.1]

You are watching ColdFusion TV. Hi, welcome to another ColdFusion video. The human mind is truly an incredible thing, capable of speech, thought, critical thinking, and imagination. When we think of the great legendary minds of this world, we think of the brilliance of people like Einstein.

He taught us many things about the low-level rules that govern our universe, fundamental things like time, space and matter, but in terms of practical discoveries that are the basis for the technologies we use each and every day, it was Nikola Tesla. Who was the most brilliant of all. He had a mind of the rarest kind. He can memorize entire books and visualize inventions with pinpoint accuracy.

Once he had the concept of an invention fully visualized, he then undertook the hard work of bringing it to reality. In comparison, most other scientists and engineers are unwittingly narrow-minded in their thinking. How is it that such a man exists vaguely in the public consciousness, only as a fuzzy haze of distant knowledge? Today, let's change that. In this video, you'll learn all about Nikola Tesla and the way he changed the world you live in now.

Let's begin. Tesla of Serbian heritage was born in 1856 in a small village within the Austrian Empire or modern-day Croatia. Tesla's birth was during a particularly violent lightning storm. Reading this as a bad omen, the midwife said to Tesla's mother that Tesla would be a child of darkness.

Tesla's mom immediately replied: "No, he will be a child of light." As we'll see later, this statement was significant. From an early age, it was clear that Tesla was a remarkable kid. While in high school, he had the ability to perform integral calculus in his head. It was so unusual that his teachers thought he was cheating.

Tesla also possessed an eidetic memory, which means he could recall entire books and images in great detail  a gift which he attributes to his mother. He allegedly used his imagination to temper visions and vivid nightmares that he had as a child. Unsurprisingly, Tesla finished high school early. At age 17 though, Tesla had a brush with death after contracting cholera in which he pleaded he might live if his father let him study engineering instead of the planned path of a priest, or a career in the army.

Tesla's father agreed. Despite being bedridden and incredibly ill at the time, to the astonishment of his family, he miraculously recovered. Keeping true to his agreement, Tesla's father allowed the teenager to study engineering at university. And the course of history would be changed forever at that moment.

During University in Austria, at age 21, Tesla got the highest grades possible, could speak eight languages, and was called a star student of the first rank by the University's dean. Tesla claimed to work from 3:00 a.M. To 11:00 p.M. Daily.

And because of this, professors wrote a letter to Tesla's father stating that his son may be killed due to overwork. At the end of his second year, things took a turn. Tesla lost his scholarship and became addicted to gambling, and by his third year, Tesla had gambled away his entire allowance and tuition money. He did, however, manage to gamble back the losses and return the balance back to his family, but the damage to his studies had been done.

When exam time came around, Tesla was unprepared and asked for an extension to study, but he was denied. He never graduated from the University and did not receive grades for his last semester. In December of 1878, to hide the fact that he had dropped out of university, Tesla cut all ties with his family. It was so sudden that his friends had thought he had drowned in a river in North Croatia.

In 1880, he moved to Budapest and then finally to America with just four cents in his pocket. After taking up a few odd jobs here and there, Tesla began his work for Thomas Edison at consciente Edison company, in 1882. Here's a word on Edison: Many people today consider Thomas Edison as the father of the light bulb, but he was more along the lines of the Steve Jobs of the light bulb. That is, Edison figured out how to sell the light bulb by improving on ideas of 22 other men before him.

Thomas Edison went on to found General Electric, which I also have a video on, so if you want to see that, check the description below. Okay, so back to this story. In 1885, Tesla said that he could redesign Edison's DC motors and generators which were very inefficient at the time, and had a tendency to spark and break down. Edison liked the idea and offered Tesla 1 million US dollars in today's currency for the job.

Tesla got to work and did as he was promised, fixing all the problems with the motors. The new motors and generators were now simpler, didn't spark, and were much more reliable. In fact, Tesla's design was so good that it still used today for the motors that power anything from household appliances, to water pumps, power tools, disk drives, smartphone haptics feedback systems, and, of course, the Tesla electric car. When Tesla had completed this job and asked for the money, Edison laughed and stated: "Mr.Tesla, you do not understand our American humor." Tesla had just been ripped off big time, and left Edison's company.

He'd had enough. Meanwhile, at this time, something monumental was happening: the electrical revolution was just about to take place. Electricity was the next big thing to change the entire planet. It created an investment startup bubble, much greater than the fever that was the dot-com bubble of the 1990s.

Billion dollar industries arose out of nowhere, and the American economy was lifted into an enhanced growth period that would last for decades. This was due to sudden quantum leaps in manufacturing, household technology, and general efficiency of work. Work and life was simply easier. We simply just can't comprehend this change today.

Why, you might be asking. Because everyone alive today was born with electricity. The sheer magnitude of technological change that resulted from household electricity was truly astonishing So, after being cheated by Edison, Tesla decided to put his energy into joining the electric revolution in the form of the research of alternating current, or AC. While he searched for financial backers to support his vision of an AC powered world, Tesla took up a job of digging ditches for $2 a day, or $50 in today's currency to make ends meet.

He described this period as very painful. Tesla eventually struck up a partnership with Westinghouse. This would put him in direct competition with Edison and his direct current or DC system backed by General Electric. Edison's DC system created dangerous sparks, couldn't transmit electricity very far, required a power plant every few kilometers with cables as thick as your arm.

In other words, it was pretty terribly suited to power every home on this planet. Tesla's AC system, on the other hand, used thinner wires, had higher voltages, and could transmit electricity over long distances. The fight was on, and the prize for the winner was the privilege of lighting up the entire world. By 1893, there had been many shady business deals, stolen ideas and patent suppression that Edison and his money interests wielded over Tesla's inventions.

The feud had reached boiling point, and with this, the war of the currents had reached its peak. Deep down, Edison knew that his system was inferior to Tesla's. But, of course, he didn't want the public to know this. He needed a way to make the public despise AC and accept DC.

But how? Families living near Edison's laboratory began to notice something a little strange. Their pets suddenly began to disappear These mysterious disappearances weren't the work of aliens, but of a group of schoolboys paid 25 cents for each animal that they stole. This was Edison's solution. Once Edison gathered the cats, dogs, and other animals from the school boys, he publicly electrocuted them using Tesla's AC current to prove that it was dangerous, too dangerous to be used in any home.

In addition to this, Edison aided in the creation of the electric chair making sure that it used AC current. Tesla responded to all of this by demonstrating that AC was perfectly safe by famously shooting electric current through his own body to produce light at the 1893 World Fair. This was checkmate to Edison and a symbolic turning point. As the years went on, AC increased in popularity and became the standard due to its technical advantages.

As a result of his inventions, Tesla was shot into the stratosphere of stardom, rubbing shoulders with the most important people of the day. He was universally loved by citizens because he helped to make their lives easier. From arriving with just four cents in his pocket to now have an unprecedented fame, things have certainly changed for Tesla, and his brilliance and hard work had paid off for him. Meanwhile, Edison became more and more despised by others within General Electric and eventually lost control of the company after a series of mergers.

With all of that being said, to give Edison some credit, he did invent the phonograph and motion picture camera, so he also has contributed greatly to society. During the War of the currents, Tesla designed AC motors, generators, transformers, and power transmission technologies, resulting in 25 of the most valuable patents since the invention of the telephone. These designs were so good that we still use them today in all the systems that power our homes, a fact which we take for granted. This in itself was an incredible achievement by Tesla, but he was just getting started.

Over the next few years, Tesla would invent a few foundational technologies that drove the 20th century and still hold relevance today. We'll take a look at that in a second, but before we do, I think it's time for a quick break, so grab a bite to eat get comfortable, readjust, and we'll be back in a bit..

The True Story of Nikola Tesla [Pt.1]

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Super MagicalEpicLegendary Chest Drop Rates [Updated]

Mmm It's a Orange Juice
What's up everyone this is oj. In this video, I'll be explaining a super magical, epic, and legendary chest work. If you don't understand the 240 regular chest cycle first, I recommend watching that first. The super magical, epic, and legendary chests are NOT RANDOM.

They run from the 240 chest cycle. The way that it works that you're guaranteed one super magical, one legendary, and one epic chest for every 500 chests you obtained from the regular cycle. They will all drop once anytime during the 500 chest cycle. After obtaining any of these chest, you will still remain on this cycle and will not gain one of each chests until the cycle is finished.

Free chests and crown chests are not part of this 500 chest cycle. If you get a super magical, epic, or legendary chest early on in the cycle, it does not reset the cycle Like if you got a super magical chest at slot #1, You will remain for the next 499 chests You will not get another super magical chest until the cycle finishes. The opposite is true, if you've been playing for a long time and opened 499 chests, and you have not received your super magical yet. You are guaranteed a super magical on your last chest.

Theoretically, you can obtain two super magical chests back to back. If you get your first super magical chest on 500 in cycle one, you can get another super magical on chest #1 in cycle two. When you obtain a super magical, epic, or legendary chest, it will replace your chest from your regular cycle. It could replace a silver, gold, giant, or even a magic chest The chest cycle does not move when your chest slots are full, so winning a game does not affect your cycle.

It only moves forward if you physically obtain a chest Even if you have over 2000 wins and you only opened 400 chest that means you're at #400 of your chest cycle. If you been playing for a long time and you've hadn't  received a super magical, epic, or legendary chest yet, you're just really high in the cycle and due for all of these chests really soon. Thanks for watching, stay tuned for more quality oj..

Super MagicalEpicLegendary Chest Drop Rates [Updated]

Saturday, June 9, 2018


[Run BTS! Spin BTS] Run BTS! Hello everyone,
let's all shout it out before we begin. Please go ahead Suga. - Run!- BTS! Happy new year everyone. [1St shooting in the new year]
Happy new year, happy new year.

- It's the first Run BTS! Of the new year.
- Yeah. [What is the topic of today?]
What do we do today? Today's topic is, - Spin BTS.
- Spin BTS! [Today's Run BTS! <Roulette Special! Spin BTS>
Everything is settled by the roulette] [The 1st & 2nd team will be given snacks
according to the roulette results] [Which teams will get the snacks, and which
teams will get the penalty?] [Full of history and tradition, the members choose
the penalties] As the long history of Run BTS...

I like what you're wearing today. [They forgot about Suga's penalty]
Let's talk about him for a minute. [Hello everyone] Just pretend I'm not here
and be natural about it. [Do you remember?]
I can't believe this day has come.

[Jimin's happiness for being 1st place at the
Manito episode...] Every since I joined BTS, [RM's kind explanation]
I think it's my first time to be 1st place. - My first time to be 1st place for a quiz.
- The 1st place has a prize. [The member who came in last has to wear the
character outfit to the next shooting] What is it? - The one who came last, has to wear the
character outfit and... - He has to wear it? - And advertise for it.

- On the show? [Oh yeah]
As if he had always wore that. [He looks so natural in it]
- Even his hair color is... - You look good in it. [So excited]
Say you're Chimi for today.

1, 2, 3! [Say it with your eyes!]
[OK!] I'll write it down. [BT21 character outfits have been prepared for
all the members] There are outfits that fit all 7 of us here. [Discussions about the penalty - Pick the biggest
one. - Can wearing that outfit be a penalty? It's not that...

The team that scores lowest has to wear
the outfits of the one with the highest scores. - Good idea.
- Yeah. [Adds penalty, "wear BT21 of the winner's]
They have to wear the BT21 character outfit of the winning team.

[All gathered around]
Number 2, number 2. [Thinking] - Nothing else?
- We're using up all the time on this. Write what you've wanted to do.
Something like blurring out.

- 1 Shot blur out.
- 1 Shot blur out. [Perfect]
OK. 1 Shot, blur out.

[Blur out added as a penalty]
That would be so sad. [No... Don't worry about us...]
The editing team will hate us for that. You got to be strict about this.

Mountain climbing. [RM's suggestion for mountain climbing]
Let's write down mountain climbing for one. If I land on that, I'll spin it again. [Penalty added, "RM's mountain climbing
partner] RM's mountain climbing partner.

I won't land on that. That's like a tiny section. [And one last slot]
Then the last one is... We wrote 4 penalties.

- What would we really hate to do?
- Going into a stream. - Like "1 Night and 2 Days".
- No way! - That could kill us. No way.

- One more mountain climbing? Sure. Once more.
It's a tiny slot. Making RM's a lunch box to eat on his
mountain climb.

Hold on. [Jimin's idea is excellent]
Making RM a lunch box! Making a lunch box! That's awesome. [Penalty added, "Make RM a Lunch Box". It's getting hot in here.

We wrote down all the penalties. [Roulette special! Spin BTS! <Team Results>,
Red - RM, Suga, V] [Yellow - Jin, Jimin] [Blue - J-Hope, Jungkook] Those are our teams, everyone. [A new formation] - This is new.
- We're not good at games.

[Knowledge and strength] They'll will win on the
thinking ones, and they'll win on physical fitness. [Life is all about the luck]
- What about us? - We'll win if we get lucky. [The roulette will decide their names]
Everyone, now let's pick the team names. [Shout the name!] - Bang Shihyuk team.

- Bang Shihyuk is a good one. When we go on V LIVE we always call him
by his name instead of calling him producer. - We're huge fans of him.
- Of course. [Suga's prediction] Once this is aired, he'll
probably screen capture it and post it on Twitter.

[The CEO is watching] - "You guys". - "You didn't
think I was watching, huh"? That kind of thing. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <Team Names>
Happiness Evangelists - RM & Suga & V] [Golden Youngest - Jin & Jimin] [Cherry team RM - J-Hope & Jungkook] [Nervous]
I have a bad feeling about today. [Maybe next time for the legendary Kim Seok Jin
team...] - We should have got Kim Seok Jin.

- Yeah. [The Happiness Evangelists team]
That's long gone now. We have a new team name. Give us the next wheel.

[Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<Spinning for the game order>] [1. Puzzle Tug-of-war 2. Sound Guessing 3. Clear
Box Challenge 4.

Finding Words 5. BTS One Body] [You can tell by the props?] - Just by looking at
the props... - I can tell. - Can't you tell? [Smart]
- Just tug on it.

- I'm thinking hard. - I'm not sure how it works though.
- Just tell us which members should play. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<1St game/ Puzzle Tug-of-war> [The team that  finishes the puzzle first, with
their bodies tied to the 3 ropes gets the point] [There are 3 levels and they go higher] [Golden Youngest - Jimin, Cherry RM - J-Hope
will go again since they are 2 member teams] - You can go to the back and cheer.

- OK. [The youngest member is good]
We should take care of your condition. [I trust you]
Jimin, you'll win, won't you? - It looks hard.
- V, can you tug on it? [Me?]
Go ahead.

Try it. Can you move? [The rope is harder to tug than they thought]
Hey! [Why won't you go forward...]
Hey! Hey! Hey! [Harder than he thought]
- This is hard. - Don't use up all your energy. [I'm not confident]
I'm not good at games using physical strength.

[Taking off his coat] [Wow]
V, are you taking of your coat? [He's going to try his best]
Look at his tie, so original. [I can't lose to him.]
He took it off. Look at his sweater. [So antique looking] Wow, you get to wear clothes.

I'm so jealous. [What are you talking about?] You don't have
clothes to take off. - You've got the best outfit. Yeah, that's so warm.

Get ready, go! [Struggling] [Wow~ Looking stable]
V is doing so well. He's already got 2 down. [Jimin is very calm]
It doesn't look like Jimin is struggling at all. [Let's be calm]
Jimin has got the upper hand.

[Jimin has the upper hand]
Since he's in the middle. Jimin isn't affected at all by the other two. [J-Hope is struggling]
You guys, we're on V LIVE, say something. [The 2 members struggle at V's strength] [Come on]
What is this? A bull fight? [This was a practice round]
- This was a practice round.

- Yes, of course. [He holds on to the box] I don't think I can play, because it's so funny. Is that supposed to be a obstacle? [What do you mean?] The other team members
are holding on to the box so it won't move. [Start!]
- Ready! - Let's go! [What is going on?]
Hey! Hey! Come on! [J-Hope is doing so well thanks to V]
[Heehee] V has to go, V has to go.

[Come on]
- Yeah. - Jimin, come on. [Runs!] [At one tug] [Jimin is so good!]
Jimin~ [I'm the strongest one here!]
- Jimin is like a bull. - Jimin is like a bull.

[The youngest member looks most excited]
Jimin is at it again! He's going for it. [So worn out]
Everyone is so strong. [Steps forward] [V stays calm] [Come on!]
Jimin, come on! [V stays nice and calm]
V is so calm right now. - He's looking at the puzzle.

- Be calm, be calm. [Falls]
Jimin fell. This is your chance. Come on V.

[Jimin, come on!]
Jimin, J-Hope is done! Jimin! [Jimin changed his route to bothering J-Hope] [No! No!]
The last piece! The last piece! [Jimin is being pulled by J-Hope]
Hurry up V! [J-Hope is done with his puzzle]
- OK, I'm done! - J-Hope is done. V, come on, let's work together. [Round 1, Cherry RM team wins!] - I didn't think J-Hope would win.
- Me neither.

[Jungkook plays in the 2nd round]
Remember. You're playing against Jungkook. That's why Suga is playing. He practices Judo lately and he's really strong.

[An ace?]
Look at our ace. Come on look at him. [Everyone thinks he's cute]
This really suits you well. [Excited]
I'm looking forward to this team play.

[It's all about the center of gravity, Suga]
You got to think about the center of gravity. [Talking nonstop]
You should bring down the center of gravity, OK? [Leaning funny]
Aren't you bending too much? [Ready to play] [Start!]
Ready! [Jin, where are you going?]
Jin, where are you going? Jin? [Suga who talked about the center of gravity...]
Hey! Hey! Hey! [Looks so sad] [I can't even touch it]
[Almost there] Hey! Hey! Hey! [Urgently]
Hey! I'm not even touching the box yet. [The puzzle is so far away]
He hasn't even reached the puzzle yet. [Same here]
[Are you having fun? Or just a hard time?] [Being fussy]
Hey, get out of here.

[Can't hear him] [Calm]
- Jungkook... - Let go. [Jungkook is staying still while everyone else
is struggling] Let's let Suga play. [I haven't even reached the puzzle]
Hey, look at me.

Jungkook is really clenching his jaw. [He's having a hard time]
- Where does this go? - Hey, look at me! - Hey! - I don't know what will happen now.
I'm going to cheer for whoever wins! Hey, just keep your hand covers on. [Here I go]
- Let's go!  - Let's go! [Stumbling]
[A paper doll?] [Falls] [Jin, come on!]
Jin, come on.

I can't. [He must have different bones or something]
I can't. [It's almost like Jungkook vs Jin & Suga]
You should gang up on him. 2 Versus 1.

[He can't finish the puzzle though]
I can't finish the puzzle here. [He can match the puzzle but...]
Suga's done quite a lot here. He's got a lot of the pieces in. [Run Jin!] [Drags] [You tugged me?] [The power strike]
[Suga is being dragged helplessly] [Come here]
Jungkook is being pulled.

[Leave everything in the past!] [I'm a dangerous animal!] [The puzzle falls to the ground] - Hey!
- Done done done done done. [Round 2, Happiness Evangelists win]
- Done! - Suga is done! [Surprised]
Really? [Finishing the puzzle is more important]
- This isn't about who's strongest. - I told you. [Perfect] [Urgently]
Don't show him beforehand.

[Scanning] [Start!]
You should mix those pieces up again! Whoa! [He's quite stable]
Hey guys! [Surprised]
J-Hope is pretty good at this. [Jimin has changed his strategy]
This is Poli. Poli! [Jimin looks off of the others and runs back]
What are you doing? Are you cheating? [Jimin is struggling] [Dragged] [Come on, win! He decided to help someone else] [Bewildered]
Come on. Jimin, come here with your puzzle.

Now it's all about the puzzle. [RM doesn't get it]
I don't get what this is. [Come here] [He's finishing the puzzle instead] [Talking to himself]
Yeah, be calm. Stay calm.

Stay calm you guys. [Jin and Jungkook finish Jimin's puzzle] I'm done! [Round 3, Cherry RM's team wins!]
It's perfect. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <Puzzle Tug-of-war>
RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 1 point] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 0 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM team - 2 points] [Curious]
What's the next game? You have to guess what sound we're playing. This is a good game.

[Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<2Nd game, Sound Guessing] [Whoever guesses the sound correctly after
shouting out their team name wins] [There are a total of 10 questions] [1st sound]
Here we go. You have to guess which song this is. [Music cue!]
- Songs are... - Please play the music.

- Happiness Evangelists! "Whalien 52".
- Golden Youngest! - "Save ME".
- Really? [Wow] [Ding dong]
How did you know? [What just happened?]
Don't you know to go, ding dong dang? [Ding dong dang dong]
Sky blue, purple, orange, green. [An urgent correction!] - Correct!
- I'm not sure what it is but it feels good.

[How did you get that?]
"Save ME"? Please have some affection towards
your own song. - Did you make a wild guess? - That's towards the
beginning, "please hold out your hand". - Here. [Bewildered] [Embarrassed] [Please hold out that hand...]
Where should the hand go? - Where should the hand go?
- You made a wild guess.

[Comforting him]
- You got it right, that's what's important. - Yes. [The secret is...]
But this is really amazing. [Love BTS] - Let's love BTS.

- I know it. He guessed. [Next one please]
OK. Le's move on now.

[What's up with the expression?]
- Our ears... - The 2nd sound. [The 2nd one starts with a sound]
We'll play it first. What is that? - A pipe?
- Golden Youngest! Someone sneezing.

- You have to guess who is sneezing.
- Cherry RM! Cherry RM! [Me?]
Jimin sneezing. I was going to say that.
Did you know? - I thought it as J-Hope.
- Really? - Please play the 3rd question.

- Happiness Evangelists. RM being mad! [Wrong!] When he wanted to answer correctly but was wrong. - It's you. You.

- Cherry RM! When RM is embarrassed! - No, no.
- We'll play it one more time. [Let's listen again]
Let's listen. - Golden Youngest! When RM is surprised!
- Happiness Evangelists! [Jin is really close] [He forgot]
- Golden Youngest! - You go.

It's your sound. [The members really can't guess] [What is
that sound?] What is that sound? [Hint: It's very hot] [It's hot?]
It's very hot. [Hint] - Did you make something with kimchi?
- Kimchi hot pot! [They don't remember the food]
- Kimchi hot pot. - They don't know.

They don't know what they made. - Japchae! - Yes. [The members are so energetic today]
Golden Youngest! Golden Youngest! Golden Youngest! RM, when he's putting
his hand in the hot noodles. [You're really amazing]
You got them all.

[Correct answer: The sound RM made when he
was putting his hand in the hot noodles] [Oh yeah] [Now they remember]
Noodles... Oh yeah, I made Japchae. Please play the 4th question. - Ah?
- Suga? [They think it's either V or Suga]
I think it's me.

Why do you think V made this sound? Happiness Evangelist Suga will answer that. His game of yut didn't go well. [Hint: It's related to Suga]
It's related to Suga. - Cherry RM!
- Cherry...

RM? When we were playing Manito games? [When he saw the panels]
When Suga saw the panel signs? - Happiness Evangelists!
- Happiness Evangelists. [Good job] [Correct answer: A sound V made when seeing
Suga's panel] Show us. Show us. [Cherry RM team is making good process]
We've got to get this one.

We're really bad at this. Please give us the next question. [The 5th question!] It's someone eating something. - What is this person eating?
- Cherry RM.

Cold noodles. [Listen carefully one more time]
- Happiness Evangelists. - Happiness Evangelists. [No way] - Happiness Evangelists.

- Rice noodles. - That's not it. [V, you're the same team...]
- Happiness Evangelists. - It's our team.

- What is it then?
- Black bean noodles. [No way...]
Cherry RM. Spicy hot noodles? [Correct answer!]
Amazing. - Please listen to the 6th question.

- Let's go. [Huh?]
Is that something ripping? Why did Suga make this sound? - Golden Youngest. - He was confident it was a correct answer, but it was wrong. [Will Jimin be correct?] [Wrong!]
No, you can tell by his expression.

It was on an episode without MCs. [Thinking hard]
Without MCs? [You don't remember?] The one where
we looked for Taekwon V coupons. [Really?]
- It's that one. - Yeah.

- That's the right one? When J-Hope cut the pig. - Happiness Evangelists.
- Golden Youngest. [Clearly] Please pronounce it clearly.

Happiness Evangelists! J-Hope kept coming next to me and bothered me. [Acting it out] He came and went like,
"go this way, go that way". [Wrong!]
- Happiness Evangelists! - All right! Happiness Evangelists! [Explaining with his hands as well]
When we were looking for the coupons, the sound of him looking. [No way, can it be?] Ding dong dang.

[My bro]
- You saved us. - You saved us V. [Correct answer:
Suga looking for the decorations] [Next question!]
- We'll start the next question. - Yes.

[All ready] [You can tell his laughter from the sounds]
- It's J-Hope. - It's J-Hope. [Sweet] [J-Hope always laughs like this]
- Sound of J-Hope laughing. - J-Hope.

Even right now. Who is laughing? - J-Hope! - Me! [Chaos]
- Cherry RM! - Golden Youngest! Happiness Evangelists!
Happiness Evangelists! [Golden Youngest's chance]
- J-Hope! - Jeong Hoseok, J-Hope's name. - Happiness Evangelists.
- No, he said Jeong Hongseok.

- Jeong Hoseok. - Jeong Hoseok. - Happiness
Evangelists. I heard.

He said Jeong Heongsong. [What are you talking about?] [Correct answer: J-Hope laughing] - We'll play the net question.
- Namjoon. [He just called it out] - Cherry RM.
- Just try it.

Jin calling RM. Correct. In what situation is Jin calling RM? - What was our team name?
- Cherry RM. [Not sure]
When he needed him during cooking? [A chorus]
Golden Youngest? [Showing him chopping]
When he was...

What was it? [Wrong] When he asked him if he
prepared the ingredients. [Sly] - Happiness Evangelists~
Happiness Evangelists~ Happiness Evangelists! [Me! Me!]
- Happiness Evangelists! - Golden Youngest. - Cherry RM. - Happiness Evangelists.

Did you cook the noodles? - Very similar.
- Golden Youngest! Golden Youngest! [Confident he's correct]
When he asked if the noodles were done. - Cherry RM! Cherry RM!
- Can I go? - Sure. RM, take out the noodles! [That can't be] [No way] [Correct!]
Nice! That's what I was going to say too.

[Jimin is scolding the oldest member for
missing this one] Hey! That was you! [Why is he standing like this...]
Namjoon. [J-Hope is excited he got it right]
Shouldn't you have known at least? [Correct answer: Jin calling RM to drain
the noodles] - Namjoon! - Yes. Help! I'm going to drain the water out. - Hold on to the noodles.

- The sound! [Carefully listening] [Huh? Huh?] [The members burst out laughing] - Jungkook!
- Happiness Evangelists! - Golden Youngest! [Confident that he's got the answer] - Hey!
- Golden Youngest! - I know this one for sure. - Golden Youngest first.
- I know this one for sure. [Jimin seems like the only one that doesn't
know] - Isn't it this? - No.

[Jungkook is excited he knows] Cherry RM!
Should we give them a chance or not? - Do you know the answer? - I know for sure.
- I know, I know. - Should we give the others a chance?
- OK. OK.

Happiness Evangelists!
On the Manito episode. [He knows but he can't word it]
When we were picking out clothes, and when he was done, he went
like "this is the one". [Confused] - 100% that! - When we were
choosing clothes? - That's what I thought. [You can tell that J-Hope is urgent]
- You go.

- Cherry RM. You go, brother. When we were getting dressed, I was choosing Suga's outfit and when
he really liked it. [Correct!] [Correct Answer: When Jungkook laughed
as he was picking out clothes] You should say something to your teammates.

- What do you mean?
- Why? [Arguing]
You'll discourage him. You'll discourage our teammate. [V is growing with the care of the members]
- Why are you like that to V? - He'll get upset. - You'll discourage him.

- V, that's something called crossing the line. You always speak well. [Everyone is surprised at V's speech skills]
Wow, a Chinese character idiom. [The members are so proud]
A idiom~ [Proud]
- Crossing the line.

- So smooth. - The first time in 7 years...
- It's a moment to celebrate. It was the first time in 7 years that V
did something like that. Please play the last question.

[Don't come near us, V]
Golden Youngest! - Taekwondo evangelist!
- Don't go forward~ - Happiness Evangelists!
- He said Taekwondo evangelist. [He's a Taekwondo evangelist]
Happiness Evangelists! [V can't speak well] On the Taekwon V episode
when Hoseok went to cut to the pig thing. [Jimin, are you doing a penalty?]
Oh! The Christmas episode! [Confident] Hoseok was the culprit and he went to cut the pig. J-Hope's sound? [Isn't it?]
When he gasped.

What is it? Golden Youngest! This is the sound of Seok Jin
running away on the "Find Santa" episode. - Really?
- Really? [Bewildered]
There's more to it? - The 2 people next to him was...
- Cherry RM! - Happiness Evangelists! Me and Rap Monster was next to him. [Hearing this for the first time] - Golden
Youngest! - What do you mean, I was there? - Golden Youngest!
- I was really good at running away. I think I know.

On the Santa episode when
Hoseok was running, and Jungkook and V split up and
when Jin was in the middle! [Wrong!]
Happiness Evangelists! [Just saying anything]
All the same up to there... [All complaining] - And Namjoon and Jungkook
was there. - What is going on? You have to start from the beginning. [Confident]
Namjoon and Jungkook was there too.

[Bewildered] Why do you look
like you're going to say "wrong"? [Urgently adding more explanation]
Everyone is spread out and Jin was the only one. And Hoseok only followed Jin. [Correct!] [Great job!] [Answer: Jin, RM, Jungkook running away
from J-Hope] He copied other peoples' answers. [Is that allowed?]
That's allowed.

[Excited] - This isn't a computer we're talking
about. - Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[Guessing Sounds game, results] [RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 2 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 3 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 5 points] The next game is a Clear Box Challenge game. - What?
- Clear Box Challenge? [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[3Rd game/ Clear Box Challenge] [Think that there's a clear box on the floor] [And pose as if you were going over it] [Teams that have members who succeed will
be awarded points accordingly] [The first game after some practicing!]
Let's go! [Sensitive acting]
You've got to act it out well.

[Taken aback]
You're going to set it hat high? [Frozen] [Excuses]
That was too wide. This is good. [Hops] - That is a failure for sure.
- Rap Monster, that looks too high.

- Too high.
- Are you going to go now? Go a little later. [Jimin is going to try!]
- Here I go! - Here you go! [A helpful tip?]
It's not good to hold your leg too high. Whoa! [Gently~] [Being crabby]
No, the box tore.

He just stepped on it. [They decide to look at the footage]
I think that one was good. - It looked natural. - I think Jimin passed.
- I can't be picky about that one.

[All gathered around to see] [Come on! Park Jimin!]
- Wow~ - Amazing! Everyone should see this one! [Why don't you check for yourselves?] [Everyone has a tough time] Look at me. [Flaps] [Flap flap]
[So happy] [J-Hope gives it a try!]
This is pretty good, right? [Excited]
Wasn't that good? [Questionable]
No? [Reflects on the game] - There are so many
games in this world. - Yeah, tell me about it. [All gathered around]
That was pretty good! [It would have been perfect if not the end [Comforting him]
The end is a little off but you did really well.

[Confident] - The end is a little off.
- Can I go right away? Will it work? [Soft landing] We have to check [The tops of their heads look amazed] [They say yes to that one!] [Cherry RM team comes in 2nd]
- Great! - 2Nd place. - 2Nd place. If you succeed your 6th try,
we'll give you a point.

[Giving up]
We must be the ones to do the penalty. [Determined to get at least 1 point]
No, let's get at least 1 point! Here I go! It looks like you're making a snowball. [He takes a deep breath and jumps!
Did he fail?] - Fail.
- Let's take a look at least.

[He flew!] [Happiness Evangelists fail!]
Didn't that look like a glass box? [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[Clear Box Challenge results] [RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 0 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 3 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM team - 2 points] - The next game is a thinking game.
- All right! Come on! [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[4Th game/ Finding words in sentences] [Each player has to come out and find a new
way to form the words together] [If they say the same answer or if they don't say
anything in 15 seconds, they are eliminated] [Only words in the Naver dictionary will be
considered all right] [The last players for teams with 2 members]
[Golden Youngest - Jin, Cherry RM - Jungkook] - Ready...
- It's hard. [They need to form new words from the song
"I NEED U"] Begin! [Scanning the word quickly] - Second marriage. - Addition.

- Slang. Wow~ - A frame.
- I don't know any of those words. - Nalboo.

- Nalboo? [Arguing about the strange sounding word]
Nalboo? [Just saying what comes to his mind]
I don't know what I'm saying either. [Jungkook is eliminated]
- Wrong! - That sounded similar. - Wrong. - Master.

- Great dish.
- Great dish! - Age.
- I really can't see anything new. [Come on...] [Those who have been eliminated have a lot
to say] - 10 seconds left.

- This is hard to do. [Yeah...]
You can't think of any can you? Time over! [Jin did so well, the Golden Youngest is 1st place]
- You did so well. - I knew one more. [2Nd round's topic is "Best of Me]
[J-Hope & Jimin & V will play.

- Court lady. - Point out.
- Will. The whole face.

What else? [Thanks to Jimin, the Golden Youngest wins
2nd round!] I won! We might be 1st place! [3Rd round's topic is "Blood, Sweat, Tears"]
[RM & Jin & Jungkook plays!] It's hard to start. A small shovel. [Jin and Jungkook tried their best but...]
- Say anything. - Collect.

[RM did so well the Happiness Evangelists won
the 3rd round!] - Hey you! - You~ [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[Finding words in sentences] [1st, 2nd round, Golden Youngest won]
[3rd round, the Happiness Evangelists won] RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 3 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 5 points] J-Hop & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 1 point] This game is BTS, One Body game. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[5Th Game/ BTS One Body Game] [They must pose what their keyword stands for] [They win if the team members pose same] [2 players go at once and there are 10 questions] [Happiness Evangelists, RM and Suga]
Let's keep it simple! Rap Monster, 1, 2, 3! [RM is this!]
He knows well about himself! Suga, 1, 2, 3! - What should I do?
- Just stay still. [Surprise]  - Stay still.
- Jimin, 1, 2, 3! [Eyes wide]
[How high are you reaching for?] [Now the game begins] - BTS.

1, 2, 3!
- Wow~ [We're BTS!] [What's up with the finger?]
He has a finger up! [No way]
I wasn't! [He puts his mitten back on] Winter. 1, 2, 3! [Frozen]
[Good teamwork!] [So excited]
2 points so far. Heart. 1, 2, 3! [Their hidden finger hearts]
I'm doing the same thing.

Take my mitten off. [My mitten is so precious]
Are you ready? RM. 1, 2, 3! [His chin is all the way out] [Ctrl+C/ Ctrl+V] [Eyes shaking]
Jungkook. 1, 2, 3! - I don't know.

- Fail! [Staying still doesn't count]
You always stay still. - He stayed still. - No you have to do something.
- Yeah.

[What will be next?]
Chicken. 1, 2, 3! [Want a drumstick?]
- Take my mitten off. - It's similar. Game.

1, 2, 3! [Exactly the same]
Wow! [So excited]
They're like one person. [Soul mates] All those years of living together
is really paying off. We've shared the same house the longest. Frog.

1, 2, 3! [Can you see our frog swag?]
- Wow! - Amazing! - That's unbelievable. [Excited] [Members are so surprised]
They're doing so well, they might not come in last. "I NEED U". 1, 2, 3! [Really shocking] [They were shocked too] [He's so amazed he's laughing] [What about the last question?]
Did you guys get all of them except for one? [Jump] - Dunk shoot.

- 1, 2, 3! [Huh?] [The members don't miss a thing]
He dunked and he threw a shot. He gave it a shot and he dunked. [Happiness Evangelists got 8 right]
- All right. - Amazing! [Great work]
So good.

[Golden Youngest team goes] "Blood, Sweat, Tears". 1, 2, 3! [Is it raining?] [They posed differently from the start]
They missed that one, right? [Suddenly so talkative] I should have done
that pose. That didn't come to my mind. Something cute.

1, 2, 3! [Cutie cutie]
Correct. "DNA". 1, 2, 3! [That's easy]
- That was too easy. - Too easy.

[This is hard]
J-Hope. 1, 2, 3! [J-Hope is confused?] [They look the same but...]
But why is that pose... Why is that me? [The members know J-Hope better than he
knows himself] You always look like this. [Pretty positive] [Do I?]
Let's get it! It's a wonder he doesn't know himself.

Jimin. 1, 2, 3! [Perfect pose] [That's different] - The legs!
- Come on now... Americano. 1, 2, 3! [What's up with the sound?] [Ice Americano?]
Wait! He's drinking a ice Americano.

[The hyenas approach them]
Look, he's drinking through a straw. [Nonsense]
I sometimes drink like this with a straw. [Jin is drinking an iced one and Jimin is drinking
a hot Americano] The one on the left is iced... - Yes, and he has a hot Americano.

- And the right side Americano is hot. You all drink you ice Americanos with straws. [Strict] - That's true but...
- I keep my lid open. [One more step
I drink mine in a bowl.

Wifi. 1, 2, 3! [Huh? Is that wifi not working?] - Why is that wifi?
- This is wifi. [If the meaning gets through,
that's good enough] Wifi! I thought of that! "Fire". 1, 2, 3! [What is that?]
- What's this? - What's this? [This]
Come on.

[We did it!] I didn't think that would be the pose. Fish-shaped bun! 1, 2, 3! [A bite] [The detectives come again]
His left hand came up later. [I'm not guilty! I'm really not!]
No, play the footage again. I went like this! [What does the footage say?] It came up later.

[Footage says it came up later!] Justice... Model. 1, 2, 3! [Different]
- Different. - Completely different, huh? [The two are flabbergasted by each other]
What kind of model looks like that? What model goes like that...

[The other 5 are amazed by the 2 players]
What model goes like that? [Acting like a model]
They walk like this. [I don't understand that]
Don't you know the swag pose? [Cherry RM team is going to be fun]
J-Hope, Jungkook are going to be great. [Worried]
We might not think alike. Amusement park.

1, 2, 3! [Yay! I'm having fun!]
[What was that?] [What did we do differently?] [Can't believe them]
Are you kidding me? [What?] [Wrong pose]
You should have at lease opened your arms. Clock. 1, 2, 3! [What time is it?] [The detectives come out again] - I heard
something. - Since you wear watched on your left.

We did the opposite side pose earlier too. They said it was OK so we should keep quiet. [Lips sealed] [Pass for that one]
We should pass this one. [Keyword, MIC Drop]
"MIC Drop".

1, 2, 3! [Full of swag] - Get it wrong.
- Here we go. [Keyword, Run BTS]
Run BTS! 1, 2, 3! [What pose did they strike?] [This guy disappears again]
[Nothing looks the same] [Everyone claps]
Isn't this "Run BTS"? [Come on] [We always did that pose]
- This is it. - This is right.

[Apologizes in a hurry]
Sorry about that. [Keyword, wink]
Wink, 1, 2, 3! [Winks]
[They closed different eyes] - They closed different eyes.
- There's only 2 options. Dcalcomanie! [If they wink the same eye this time,
they'll consider it as correct] [Why do they keep doing the opposite?] No, it's like we're looking into a mirror! [No way]
We gave you one more chance.

[Keyword, "Don't Worry, Just GO]
"Don't Worry, Just GO". 1, 2, 3! [What is this?]
Go? [You can't cheat]
He cheated. He shouldn't do that. J-Hope is a very honest guy.

Did you cheat or not? I just looked at his eyes. [He's so pure]
He cheated. He did. [So bright] [Keyword, Suga]
- Suga.

- 1, 2. [Exactly the same] [Everyone agrees] [Yes]
- Isn't this right? Right? - We agree. [Keyword V]
V. 1, 2, 3! [V's pose] [Talking to themselves]
- Wasn't it Rain? - V.

V. - V. [Keyword, Jin]
Jin. 1, 2, 3! [Bring your shoulders up!]
[So manly] [Bursts out laughing] [Looks just like Jin]
Why is that me? [So hilarious]
This is...

[Ctrl+C, Ctrl_V of Jin]
Why is that me? Ramen, 1, 2, 3! [All agree on that]
OK. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <One Body results>
RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 8 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 5 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 5 points] [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <Final Results>] [1st place]
[Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 16 points] [2nd, J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 15]
[3rd, RM & Suga & V, Happy Evangelists - 14] Do you want to start with the penalties? [They will spin for the penalties and snacks!]
We'll go with snacks first. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<Snack Roulette Results>] [1st place winners spin for snacks, the
Golden Youngest team - Sandwiches and Juice] [2nd place will spin for snacks and spin once
more on the OX wheel for snacks] [Cherry RM team - Chocolate
(But they got X on the 2nd wheel)] [Happiness Evangelists have to spin the
penalty wheel] I think BT21 is a normal one. [Some are normal penalties] And the one with
the curly hair shooting is normal too.

Yeah, at least that's cute. [Snacks are ready] - Sandwiches were
a good choice. - They look good They look expensive. [Cherry RM team come sniffing]
You can't leave a thing.

Got it? They're not the main.
We are. - Let' go.
- Spin the wheel! [Where will they land?]
This is our fate.

Please, land on mountain climbing. [Please don't...]
Please land on packing lunches. [Will it be mountain climbing?]
Climbing buddies? [The wheel goes back a little!]
Now it's spinning backwards. - What's that? - Wait.

[V - Let's the staff do what they want with him]
Allows the staff to do what they want. [It's not that good?]
- I'm jealous. - That's not a good thing. You might have to go mountain climbing.

[Looks at the staff] They wouldn't do that
to me. The director is close with us by now. [What will RM land on?] Namjoon.
Don't look.

Don't look. - Here you are. - We'll look at it and react for you.
- You can guess with our reactions.

[So nervous] - It can't be...
- It can't be. [Are the members fooling with him?]
Really? [RM is so nervous]
You have to spin once more. [RM is already going mountain climbing]
- Spin again. - Why? Is it mountain climbing? That was close.

Oh never mind.
I have to go anyways. - Once more.
- Let's go! [The roulette spins once more with a heavy sigh]
RM, just stay there [I'm not going to watch] OK.

It might be fun if he lands on making lunch boxes. [That's no fun for me]
Then he has to pack his own lunch. [The roulette is moving...]
- No? - No way, that can't be. [What will RM land on?]
Wait up.

[1 Shot blurred]
Congratulations. - Congratulations.
- Why? [RM's penalty - 1 shot blurred]
- Blurred 1 shot. - All right.

Not bad. [Just saying whatever comes to mind]
Just blur me out. I like it actually. [Penalty]
Please, blur me out.

[For those of you who want to see RM,
we will blur out his body only] [Lastly, it's Suga's turn to spin]
You know how I roll right? Straight up. Climbing partners would be amazing.
Just once please! [Spins as if he doesn't care but looks nervous]
Partner! [RM wants him to land on partner] I think that
you might land on being my partner. [Why are you standing behind the wheel together?] [Nervous]
- Don't touch it.

- I didn't. [Hey...] [Am I shaking?]
For real? [Gets up] [V is surprised] [What?] [Penalty]
Hey! What? [Suga landed on pass?]
What is that? [The members are trying to trick him]
- You can switch. - We'll give you a chance. - Don't touch it.

- Hold on for a second. [Worried about his shot] - It's not decided yet.
- Get out of my shot. [The members are tricking him]
It's like fate.

[Suga isn't persuaded]
No, I'm not going to switch. [The arrow moved] [Penalty]
- I stick with it. - Are you sure? - Yes. [Sighs]
Yes I stick by my choice! [He's amazing] [Excited]
Again? [So funny]
- Again.

- Yep, once again. Hey it's better than being blurred out. Yeah it is. So I have to wear this again? [Almost in tears] So whose outfit
do I put on this time? [Suga's penalty - Jin's RJ character outfit]
- Jin's outfit.

- RJ. [Making fun of him]
Yep, again. [Given up]
- RJ is cute. - I'll come back as RJ.

We'll let V select. [I didn't think you were this bad...]
You are too mean. [Staff decides to use V this way]
I would spin once more if it was me. - I'll do it.

- Go back. [I guess everyone wants to go mountain
climbing?] He should land on climbing. [Will the gods of entertainment shows help?]
Will the gods help us out? [What's this?]
Hold on there. [Eyes wet]
Wait, really? [V - Has to shoot un BTS! In curls]
Really? [Gives him an option] Will you stick to this one
or do you want to change to mountain climbing? [Tries to trick him] I think they're
similar choices.

What's the difference? [Tries to trick him 2]
V, mountain climbing might be better. [Tries to trick him 3]
You can bond with RM. What will happen? [Wavering] - We'll count to three now.
- Make a decision.

- Make a decision. [Now it's time to decide]
Three! - 3! 2!
- I'll go mountain climbing. [This innocent sheep gets caught in the trick]
It was shooting Run BTS! In curls. [He has to go mountain climbing]
But you chose to go mountain climbing...

[Oh no...] - Achasan Mountain is waiting for you.
- I'd go with the curls. [Penalty] I didn't expect this to happen but
I'm happy that I have a partner now. [RM could have been lonely but now he has
someone] At least you won't be lonely.

- Hey, it's a good thing for you.
- I know, I didn't say anything. [Penalty] [Very happy] [I love this]
We wanted you two to bond. The penalties are fun.

It's fun since we don't have to do them. - Run BTS! Will continue on. Run!
- BTS! [Next time, it's RJ!]
- What's next? - RJ. - Back as RJ..


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Special Korean food in highway rest area!

Hello my name is Jisun..   Right now me and my mom is at highway rest area in South Korea A place for rest in Korea If you ride a bus or car for a long time, it can make you sleepy and exhausted right? Maybe it will be okay if you ride a bus.. But it can be so dangerous if you drive a car for a very long time by yourself. There are so much rest area in Korea in order to let the drivers have a rest here.

Korean rest area have their typical foods. So today, I will show you some snacks that you can find in Korean rest area.       Usually, if you ride a bus, they will only stop and wait for you in only 15 minutes. So we have to eat hurriedly..

Fortunately, today I came by car with my mom.. So I don't have to eat so quickly But usually buses will only wait for 15 minutes. So there are so many foods that are easy and can be eaten quickly. There are many kind of fish cakes (eomuk in korea), korean skewered food and another snacks The first snack is...

I'm sure there will be many people have already know about this food. This is corn dog (hotdog in korea) But the potatoes are outside. Potato corndog ($3.5) Let's try it!   Hmm.. The typical corn dog taste Truthfully, this is not a special taste for me.

Because I have already ate corn dog frequently at rest area. Corn dog is one of my favourite snacks at korean rest area. Unfortunately, there's another food that I want to show you, my most favourite one, but it has been sold out everywhere :( It's so regrettable because I really want to show it to you. Maybe next time, okay? :)   It can make my jaw dislocated LOL :') The potatoes that are outside are very crispy And at the inside there is a sausage that's wrapped with bread.

 These both are fish cakes (eomuk in korea) This one with octopus filling and the other one with shrimp. Each taste is different Now, I want to try the shrimp fish cake first Shrimp fish cake ($3) It looks so delicious right? :) Maybe you have already heard about "odeng". "Odeng" and "eomuk" both are fish cakes made from fish. But this one looks different with "odeng" doesn't it? Yes, the taste is also different.

This one has a thicker and softer texture. (Fish cake with stick usually called HOTBAR in korea) They use vegetables dan seafood for fish cake sticks.   Oohh.. It's so soft.

So yummy! Usually I like corn dog more than fish cake, but today the fish cake stick tasted more delicious. Hotbar at this rest are more delicious than fish cake at market that have a curved shape. I like this rest area's fish cake hotbar more. And...

This one is octopus fish cake stick ($3) *WOW!* The octopus inside the fish cake is so chewy But truthfully I like the earlier one more The one that has a shrimp inside. It has a spicy taste. This one not spicy at all. Next, there's another snack that I will show to you.

If you ask korean people about the special snacks at korean rest area, I'm sure many people will tell you about this. This one also a typical food in korean rest area The name is...... Walnut cake ($2) This is a walnut cake What is walnut in Indonesian?   Walnut is "Kenari" in Indonesian. This is a "Kue Kenari" (Indonesia) It's crispy at the outside and at the inside there is......

 There are red bean and walnut paste at the inside.   For me, the taste is like a cake with red bean filling But many korean people think it's a special snack in rest area. Like just now, there was a person passing by me said "Ah.. I have to try walnut cake!"   If korean people don't eat walnut cake in rest area, it feels unsatisfied.

 The taste is sweet and savory It's more delicious when you eat walnut cake with a glass of milk.   If there's not much time to eat at rest area, many people will just buy walnut cake and immediately back to their bus.   At the rest area, they sell not only snacks, but foods also. They sell foods made from special ingredients from each region.

Right now, I'm at the rest area near my hometown My hometown's typical ingredient is small clams. We called it "jechup" in korea. So I have ordered "jechup bibimbab" (clam mixed rice) Clam mixed rice ($8) It comes with a few side dishes and a bowl of soup. Rice and also the ingredients for the mixed rice (bibimbab) This is "jechup"..

My hometown's typical food   This is also "jechup" soup *WOW!*     It's delicious! There are so much vegetables so it tastes so fresh. Before, I used the red sauce right? It's called "chojang". It gives sour, sweet and spicy taste.     This small clam, "Jechup", has a very chewy meat.

 The taste is not much different from the usual bibimbab, they also use plum juice.   And this is not a water.   It's so refreshing! (Even though it's spicy) This is a Korean egg roll The plum juice is suits with this bibimbab. If they don't use plum juice, it will taste like the regular bibimbab.

The plum juice gives a special taste. A sweet and sour taste is popping inside the mouth. The texture is also very good   It's done..   This time the bowl is also very big.

Yes that's right.. Korean bowl is this big   I ate all the side dishes too Finally, i feel so full. Since I am full now, I have energy for driving again. If you go to Korea, don't miss korean rest area.

You must try snacks at korean rest area. So this is the end of today's video Good bye :)    .

Special Korean food in highway rest area!