Saturday, June 9, 2018


[Run BTS! Spin BTS] Run BTS! Hello everyone,
let's all shout it out before we begin. Please go ahead Suga. - Run!- BTS! Happy new year everyone. [1St shooting in the new year]
Happy new year, happy new year.

- It's the first Run BTS! Of the new year.
- Yeah. [What is the topic of today?]
What do we do today? Today's topic is, - Spin BTS.
- Spin BTS! [Today's Run BTS! <Roulette Special! Spin BTS>
Everything is settled by the roulette] [The 1st & 2nd team will be given snacks
according to the roulette results] [Which teams will get the snacks, and which
teams will get the penalty?] [Full of history and tradition, the members choose
the penalties] As the long history of Run BTS...

I like what you're wearing today. [They forgot about Suga's penalty]
Let's talk about him for a minute. [Hello everyone] Just pretend I'm not here
and be natural about it. [Do you remember?]
I can't believe this day has come.

[Jimin's happiness for being 1st place at the
Manito episode...] Every since I joined BTS, [RM's kind explanation]
I think it's my first time to be 1st place. - My first time to be 1st place for a quiz.
- The 1st place has a prize. [The member who came in last has to wear the
character outfit to the next shooting] What is it? - The one who came last, has to wear the
character outfit and... - He has to wear it? - And advertise for it.

- On the show? [Oh yeah]
As if he had always wore that. [He looks so natural in it]
- Even his hair color is... - You look good in it. [So excited]
Say you're Chimi for today.

1, 2, 3! [Say it with your eyes!]
[OK!] I'll write it down. [BT21 character outfits have been prepared for
all the members] There are outfits that fit all 7 of us here. [Discussions about the penalty - Pick the biggest
one. - Can wearing that outfit be a penalty? It's not that...

The team that scores lowest has to wear
the outfits of the one with the highest scores. - Good idea.
- Yeah. [Adds penalty, "wear BT21 of the winner's]
They have to wear the BT21 character outfit of the winning team.

[All gathered around]
Number 2, number 2. [Thinking] - Nothing else?
- We're using up all the time on this. Write what you've wanted to do.
Something like blurring out.

- 1 Shot blur out.
- 1 Shot blur out. [Perfect]
OK. 1 Shot, blur out.

[Blur out added as a penalty]
That would be so sad. [No... Don't worry about us...]
The editing team will hate us for that. You got to be strict about this.

Mountain climbing. [RM's suggestion for mountain climbing]
Let's write down mountain climbing for one. If I land on that, I'll spin it again. [Penalty added, "RM's mountain climbing
partner] RM's mountain climbing partner.

I won't land on that. That's like a tiny section. [And one last slot]
Then the last one is... We wrote 4 penalties.

- What would we really hate to do?
- Going into a stream. - Like "1 Night and 2 Days".
- No way! - That could kill us. No way.

- One more mountain climbing? Sure. Once more.
It's a tiny slot. Making RM's a lunch box to eat on his
mountain climb.

Hold on. [Jimin's idea is excellent]
Making RM a lunch box! Making a lunch box! That's awesome. [Penalty added, "Make RM a Lunch Box". It's getting hot in here.

We wrote down all the penalties. [Roulette special! Spin BTS! <Team Results>,
Red - RM, Suga, V] [Yellow - Jin, Jimin] [Blue - J-Hope, Jungkook] Those are our teams, everyone. [A new formation] - This is new.
- We're not good at games.

[Knowledge and strength] They'll will win on the
thinking ones, and they'll win on physical fitness. [Life is all about the luck]
- What about us? - We'll win if we get lucky. [The roulette will decide their names]
Everyone, now let's pick the team names. [Shout the name!] - Bang Shihyuk team.

- Bang Shihyuk is a good one. When we go on V LIVE we always call him
by his name instead of calling him producer. - We're huge fans of him.
- Of course. [Suga's prediction] Once this is aired, he'll
probably screen capture it and post it on Twitter.

[The CEO is watching] - "You guys". - "You didn't
think I was watching, huh"? That kind of thing. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <Team Names>
Happiness Evangelists - RM & Suga & V] [Golden Youngest - Jin & Jimin] [Cherry team RM - J-Hope & Jungkook] [Nervous]
I have a bad feeling about today. [Maybe next time for the legendary Kim Seok Jin
team...] - We should have got Kim Seok Jin.

- Yeah. [The Happiness Evangelists team]
That's long gone now. We have a new team name. Give us the next wheel.

[Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<Spinning for the game order>] [1. Puzzle Tug-of-war 2. Sound Guessing 3. Clear
Box Challenge 4.

Finding Words 5. BTS One Body] [You can tell by the props?] - Just by looking at
the props... - I can tell. - Can't you tell? [Smart]
- Just tug on it.

- I'm thinking hard. - I'm not sure how it works though.
- Just tell us which members should play. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<1St game/ Puzzle Tug-of-war> [The team that  finishes the puzzle first, with
their bodies tied to the 3 ropes gets the point] [There are 3 levels and they go higher] [Golden Youngest - Jimin, Cherry RM - J-Hope
will go again since they are 2 member teams] - You can go to the back and cheer.

- OK. [The youngest member is good]
We should take care of your condition. [I trust you]
Jimin, you'll win, won't you? - It looks hard.
- V, can you tug on it? [Me?]
Go ahead.

Try it. Can you move? [The rope is harder to tug than they thought]
Hey! [Why won't you go forward...]
Hey! Hey! Hey! [Harder than he thought]
- This is hard. - Don't use up all your energy. [I'm not confident]
I'm not good at games using physical strength.

[Taking off his coat] [Wow]
V, are you taking of your coat? [He's going to try his best]
Look at his tie, so original. [I can't lose to him.]
He took it off. Look at his sweater. [So antique looking] Wow, you get to wear clothes.

I'm so jealous. [What are you talking about?] You don't have
clothes to take off. - You've got the best outfit. Yeah, that's so warm.

Get ready, go! [Struggling] [Wow~ Looking stable]
V is doing so well. He's already got 2 down. [Jimin is very calm]
It doesn't look like Jimin is struggling at all. [Let's be calm]
Jimin has got the upper hand.

[Jimin has the upper hand]
Since he's in the middle. Jimin isn't affected at all by the other two. [J-Hope is struggling]
You guys, we're on V LIVE, say something. [The 2 members struggle at V's strength] [Come on]
What is this? A bull fight? [This was a practice round]
- This was a practice round.

- Yes, of course. [He holds on to the box] I don't think I can play, because it's so funny. Is that supposed to be a obstacle? [What do you mean?] The other team members
are holding on to the box so it won't move. [Start!]
- Ready! - Let's go! [What is going on?]
Hey! Hey! Come on! [J-Hope is doing so well thanks to V]
[Heehee] V has to go, V has to go.

[Come on]
- Yeah. - Jimin, come on. [Runs!] [At one tug] [Jimin is so good!]
Jimin~ [I'm the strongest one here!]
- Jimin is like a bull. - Jimin is like a bull.

[The youngest member looks most excited]
Jimin is at it again! He's going for it. [So worn out]
Everyone is so strong. [Steps forward] [V stays calm] [Come on!]
Jimin, come on! [V stays nice and calm]
V is so calm right now. - He's looking at the puzzle.

- Be calm, be calm. [Falls]
Jimin fell. This is your chance. Come on V.

[Jimin, come on!]
Jimin, J-Hope is done! Jimin! [Jimin changed his route to bothering J-Hope] [No! No!]
The last piece! The last piece! [Jimin is being pulled by J-Hope]
Hurry up V! [J-Hope is done with his puzzle]
- OK, I'm done! - J-Hope is done. V, come on, let's work together. [Round 1, Cherry RM team wins!] - I didn't think J-Hope would win.
- Me neither.

[Jungkook plays in the 2nd round]
Remember. You're playing against Jungkook. That's why Suga is playing. He practices Judo lately and he's really strong.

[An ace?]
Look at our ace. Come on look at him. [Everyone thinks he's cute]
This really suits you well. [Excited]
I'm looking forward to this team play.

[It's all about the center of gravity, Suga]
You got to think about the center of gravity. [Talking nonstop]
You should bring down the center of gravity, OK? [Leaning funny]
Aren't you bending too much? [Ready to play] [Start!]
Ready! [Jin, where are you going?]
Jin, where are you going? Jin? [Suga who talked about the center of gravity...]
Hey! Hey! Hey! [Looks so sad] [I can't even touch it]
[Almost there] Hey! Hey! Hey! [Urgently]
Hey! I'm not even touching the box yet. [The puzzle is so far away]
He hasn't even reached the puzzle yet. [Same here]
[Are you having fun? Or just a hard time?] [Being fussy]
Hey, get out of here.

[Can't hear him] [Calm]
- Jungkook... - Let go. [Jungkook is staying still while everyone else
is struggling] Let's let Suga play. [I haven't even reached the puzzle]
Hey, look at me.

Jungkook is really clenching his jaw. [He's having a hard time]
- Where does this go? - Hey, look at me! - Hey! - I don't know what will happen now.
I'm going to cheer for whoever wins! Hey, just keep your hand covers on. [Here I go]
- Let's go!  - Let's go! [Stumbling]
[A paper doll?] [Falls] [Jin, come on!]
Jin, come on.

I can't. [He must have different bones or something]
I can't. [It's almost like Jungkook vs Jin & Suga]
You should gang up on him. 2 Versus 1.

[He can't finish the puzzle though]
I can't finish the puzzle here. [He can match the puzzle but...]
Suga's done quite a lot here. He's got a lot of the pieces in. [Run Jin!] [Drags] [You tugged me?] [The power strike]
[Suga is being dragged helplessly] [Come here]
Jungkook is being pulled.

[Leave everything in the past!] [I'm a dangerous animal!] [The puzzle falls to the ground] - Hey!
- Done done done done done. [Round 2, Happiness Evangelists win]
- Done! - Suga is done! [Surprised]
Really? [Finishing the puzzle is more important]
- This isn't about who's strongest. - I told you. [Perfect] [Urgently]
Don't show him beforehand.

[Scanning] [Start!]
You should mix those pieces up again! Whoa! [He's quite stable]
Hey guys! [Surprised]
J-Hope is pretty good at this. [Jimin has changed his strategy]
This is Poli. Poli! [Jimin looks off of the others and runs back]
What are you doing? Are you cheating? [Jimin is struggling] [Dragged] [Come on, win! He decided to help someone else] [Bewildered]
Come on. Jimin, come here with your puzzle.

Now it's all about the puzzle. [RM doesn't get it]
I don't get what this is. [Come here] [He's finishing the puzzle instead] [Talking to himself]
Yeah, be calm. Stay calm.

Stay calm you guys. [Jin and Jungkook finish Jimin's puzzle] I'm done! [Round 3, Cherry RM's team wins!]
It's perfect. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <Puzzle Tug-of-war>
RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 1 point] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 0 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM team - 2 points] [Curious]
What's the next game? You have to guess what sound we're playing. This is a good game.

[Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<2Nd game, Sound Guessing] [Whoever guesses the sound correctly after
shouting out their team name wins] [There are a total of 10 questions] [1st sound]
Here we go. You have to guess which song this is. [Music cue!]
- Songs are... - Please play the music.

- Happiness Evangelists! "Whalien 52".
- Golden Youngest! - "Save ME".
- Really? [Wow] [Ding dong]
How did you know? [What just happened?]
Don't you know to go, ding dong dang? [Ding dong dang dong]
Sky blue, purple, orange, green. [An urgent correction!] - Correct!
- I'm not sure what it is but it feels good.

[How did you get that?]
"Save ME"? Please have some affection towards
your own song. - Did you make a wild guess? - That's towards the
beginning, "please hold out your hand". - Here. [Bewildered] [Embarrassed] [Please hold out that hand...]
Where should the hand go? - Where should the hand go?
- You made a wild guess.

[Comforting him]
- You got it right, that's what's important. - Yes. [The secret is...]
But this is really amazing. [Love BTS] - Let's love BTS.

- I know it. He guessed. [Next one please]
OK. Le's move on now.

[What's up with the expression?]
- Our ears... - The 2nd sound. [The 2nd one starts with a sound]
We'll play it first. What is that? - A pipe?
- Golden Youngest! Someone sneezing.

- You have to guess who is sneezing.
- Cherry RM! Cherry RM! [Me?]
Jimin sneezing. I was going to say that.
Did you know? - I thought it as J-Hope.
- Really? - Please play the 3rd question.

- Happiness Evangelists. RM being mad! [Wrong!] When he wanted to answer correctly but was wrong. - It's you. You.

- Cherry RM! When RM is embarrassed! - No, no.
- We'll play it one more time. [Let's listen again]
Let's listen. - Golden Youngest! When RM is surprised!
- Happiness Evangelists! [Jin is really close] [He forgot]
- Golden Youngest! - You go.

It's your sound. [The members really can't guess] [What is
that sound?] What is that sound? [Hint: It's very hot] [It's hot?]
It's very hot. [Hint] - Did you make something with kimchi?
- Kimchi hot pot! [They don't remember the food]
- Kimchi hot pot. - They don't know.

They don't know what they made. - Japchae! - Yes. [The members are so energetic today]
Golden Youngest! Golden Youngest! Golden Youngest! RM, when he's putting
his hand in the hot noodles. [You're really amazing]
You got them all.

[Correct answer: The sound RM made when he
was putting his hand in the hot noodles] [Oh yeah] [Now they remember]
Noodles... Oh yeah, I made Japchae. Please play the 4th question. - Ah?
- Suga? [They think it's either V or Suga]
I think it's me.

Why do you think V made this sound? Happiness Evangelist Suga will answer that. His game of yut didn't go well. [Hint: It's related to Suga]
It's related to Suga. - Cherry RM!
- Cherry...

RM? When we were playing Manito games? [When he saw the panels]
When Suga saw the panel signs? - Happiness Evangelists!
- Happiness Evangelists. [Good job] [Correct answer: A sound V made when seeing
Suga's panel] Show us. Show us. [Cherry RM team is making good process]
We've got to get this one.

We're really bad at this. Please give us the next question. [The 5th question!] It's someone eating something. - What is this person eating?
- Cherry RM.

Cold noodles. [Listen carefully one more time]
- Happiness Evangelists. - Happiness Evangelists. [No way] - Happiness Evangelists.

- Rice noodles. - That's not it. [V, you're the same team...]
- Happiness Evangelists. - It's our team.

- What is it then?
- Black bean noodles. [No way...]
Cherry RM. Spicy hot noodles? [Correct answer!]
Amazing. - Please listen to the 6th question.

- Let's go. [Huh?]
Is that something ripping? Why did Suga make this sound? - Golden Youngest. - He was confident it was a correct answer, but it was wrong. [Will Jimin be correct?] [Wrong!]
No, you can tell by his expression.

It was on an episode without MCs. [Thinking hard]
Without MCs? [You don't remember?] The one where
we looked for Taekwon V coupons. [Really?]
- It's that one. - Yeah.

- That's the right one? When J-Hope cut the pig. - Happiness Evangelists.
- Golden Youngest. [Clearly] Please pronounce it clearly.

Happiness Evangelists! J-Hope kept coming next to me and bothered me. [Acting it out] He came and went like,
"go this way, go that way". [Wrong!]
- Happiness Evangelists! - All right! Happiness Evangelists! [Explaining with his hands as well]
When we were looking for the coupons, the sound of him looking. [No way, can it be?] Ding dong dang.

[My bro]
- You saved us. - You saved us V. [Correct answer:
Suga looking for the decorations] [Next question!]
- We'll start the next question. - Yes.

[All ready] [You can tell his laughter from the sounds]
- It's J-Hope. - It's J-Hope. [Sweet] [J-Hope always laughs like this]
- Sound of J-Hope laughing. - J-Hope.

Even right now. Who is laughing? - J-Hope! - Me! [Chaos]
- Cherry RM! - Golden Youngest! Happiness Evangelists!
Happiness Evangelists! [Golden Youngest's chance]
- J-Hope! - Jeong Hoseok, J-Hope's name. - Happiness Evangelists.
- No, he said Jeong Hongseok.

- Jeong Hoseok. - Jeong Hoseok. - Happiness
Evangelists. I heard.

He said Jeong Heongsong. [What are you talking about?] [Correct answer: J-Hope laughing] - We'll play the net question.
- Namjoon. [He just called it out] - Cherry RM.
- Just try it.

Jin calling RM. Correct. In what situation is Jin calling RM? - What was our team name?
- Cherry RM. [Not sure]
When he needed him during cooking? [A chorus]
Golden Youngest? [Showing him chopping]
When he was...

What was it? [Wrong] When he asked him if he
prepared the ingredients. [Sly] - Happiness Evangelists~
Happiness Evangelists~ Happiness Evangelists! [Me! Me!]
- Happiness Evangelists! - Golden Youngest. - Cherry RM. - Happiness Evangelists.

Did you cook the noodles? - Very similar.
- Golden Youngest! Golden Youngest! [Confident he's correct]
When he asked if the noodles were done. - Cherry RM! Cherry RM!
- Can I go? - Sure. RM, take out the noodles! [That can't be] [No way] [Correct!]
Nice! That's what I was going to say too.

[Jimin is scolding the oldest member for
missing this one] Hey! That was you! [Why is he standing like this...]
Namjoon. [J-Hope is excited he got it right]
Shouldn't you have known at least? [Correct answer: Jin calling RM to drain
the noodles] - Namjoon! - Yes. Help! I'm going to drain the water out. - Hold on to the noodles.

- The sound! [Carefully listening] [Huh? Huh?] [The members burst out laughing] - Jungkook!
- Happiness Evangelists! - Golden Youngest! [Confident that he's got the answer] - Hey!
- Golden Youngest! - I know this one for sure. - Golden Youngest first.
- I know this one for sure. [Jimin seems like the only one that doesn't
know] - Isn't it this? - No.

[Jungkook is excited he knows] Cherry RM!
Should we give them a chance or not? - Do you know the answer? - I know for sure.
- I know, I know. - Should we give the others a chance?
- OK. OK.

Happiness Evangelists!
On the Manito episode. [He knows but he can't word it]
When we were picking out clothes, and when he was done, he went
like "this is the one". [Confused] - 100% that! - When we were
choosing clothes? - That's what I thought. [You can tell that J-Hope is urgent]
- You go.

- Cherry RM. You go, brother. When we were getting dressed, I was choosing Suga's outfit and when
he really liked it. [Correct!] [Correct Answer: When Jungkook laughed
as he was picking out clothes] You should say something to your teammates.

- What do you mean?
- Why? [Arguing]
You'll discourage him. You'll discourage our teammate. [V is growing with the care of the members]
- Why are you like that to V? - He'll get upset. - You'll discourage him.

- V, that's something called crossing the line. You always speak well. [Everyone is surprised at V's speech skills]
Wow, a Chinese character idiom. [The members are so proud]
A idiom~ [Proud]
- Crossing the line.

- So smooth. - The first time in 7 years...
- It's a moment to celebrate. It was the first time in 7 years that V
did something like that. Please play the last question.

[Don't come near us, V]
Golden Youngest! - Taekwondo evangelist!
- Don't go forward~ - Happiness Evangelists!
- He said Taekwondo evangelist. [He's a Taekwondo evangelist]
Happiness Evangelists! [V can't speak well] On the Taekwon V episode
when Hoseok went to cut to the pig thing. [Jimin, are you doing a penalty?]
Oh! The Christmas episode! [Confident] Hoseok was the culprit and he went to cut the pig. J-Hope's sound? [Isn't it?]
When he gasped.

What is it? Golden Youngest! This is the sound of Seok Jin
running away on the "Find Santa" episode. - Really?
- Really? [Bewildered]
There's more to it? - The 2 people next to him was...
- Cherry RM! - Happiness Evangelists! Me and Rap Monster was next to him. [Hearing this for the first time] - Golden
Youngest! - What do you mean, I was there? - Golden Youngest!
- I was really good at running away. I think I know.

On the Santa episode when
Hoseok was running, and Jungkook and V split up and
when Jin was in the middle! [Wrong!]
Happiness Evangelists! [Just saying anything]
All the same up to there... [All complaining] - And Namjoon and Jungkook
was there. - What is going on? You have to start from the beginning. [Confident]
Namjoon and Jungkook was there too.

[Bewildered] Why do you look
like you're going to say "wrong"? [Urgently adding more explanation]
Everyone is spread out and Jin was the only one. And Hoseok only followed Jin. [Correct!] [Great job!] [Answer: Jin, RM, Jungkook running away
from J-Hope] He copied other peoples' answers. [Is that allowed?]
That's allowed.

[Excited] - This isn't a computer we're talking
about. - Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[Guessing Sounds game, results] [RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 2 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 3 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 5 points] The next game is a Clear Box Challenge game. - What?
- Clear Box Challenge? [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[3Rd game/ Clear Box Challenge] [Think that there's a clear box on the floor] [And pose as if you were going over it] [Teams that have members who succeed will
be awarded points accordingly] [The first game after some practicing!]
Let's go! [Sensitive acting]
You've got to act it out well.

[Taken aback]
You're going to set it hat high? [Frozen] [Excuses]
That was too wide. This is good. [Hops] - That is a failure for sure.
- Rap Monster, that looks too high.

- Too high.
- Are you going to go now? Go a little later. [Jimin is going to try!]
- Here I go! - Here you go! [A helpful tip?]
It's not good to hold your leg too high. Whoa! [Gently~] [Being crabby]
No, the box tore.

He just stepped on it. [They decide to look at the footage]
I think that one was good. - It looked natural. - I think Jimin passed.
- I can't be picky about that one.

[All gathered around to see] [Come on! Park Jimin!]
- Wow~ - Amazing! Everyone should see this one! [Why don't you check for yourselves?] [Everyone has a tough time] Look at me. [Flaps] [Flap flap]
[So happy] [J-Hope gives it a try!]
This is pretty good, right? [Excited]
Wasn't that good? [Questionable]
No? [Reflects on the game] - There are so many
games in this world. - Yeah, tell me about it. [All gathered around]
That was pretty good! [It would have been perfect if not the end [Comforting him]
The end is a little off but you did really well.

[Confident] - The end is a little off.
- Can I go right away? Will it work? [Soft landing] We have to check [The tops of their heads look amazed] [They say yes to that one!] [Cherry RM team comes in 2nd]
- Great! - 2Nd place. - 2Nd place. If you succeed your 6th try,
we'll give you a point.

[Giving up]
We must be the ones to do the penalty. [Determined to get at least 1 point]
No, let's get at least 1 point! Here I go! It looks like you're making a snowball. [He takes a deep breath and jumps!
Did he fail?] - Fail.
- Let's take a look at least.

[He flew!] [Happiness Evangelists fail!]
Didn't that look like a glass box? [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[Clear Box Challenge results] [RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 0 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 3 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM team - 2 points] - The next game is a thinking game.
- All right! Come on! [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[4Th game/ Finding words in sentences] [Each player has to come out and find a new
way to form the words together] [If they say the same answer or if they don't say
anything in 15 seconds, they are eliminated] [Only words in the Naver dictionary will be
considered all right] [The last players for teams with 2 members]
[Golden Youngest - Jin, Cherry RM - Jungkook] - Ready...
- It's hard. [They need to form new words from the song
"I NEED U"] Begin! [Scanning the word quickly] - Second marriage. - Addition.

- Slang. Wow~ - A frame.
- I don't know any of those words. - Nalboo.

- Nalboo? [Arguing about the strange sounding word]
Nalboo? [Just saying what comes to his mind]
I don't know what I'm saying either. [Jungkook is eliminated]
- Wrong! - That sounded similar. - Wrong. - Master.

- Great dish.
- Great dish! - Age.
- I really can't see anything new. [Come on...] [Those who have been eliminated have a lot
to say] - 10 seconds left.

- This is hard to do. [Yeah...]
You can't think of any can you? Time over! [Jin did so well, the Golden Youngest is 1st place]
- You did so well. - I knew one more. [2Nd round's topic is "Best of Me]
[J-Hope & Jimin & V will play.

- Court lady. - Point out.
- Will. The whole face.

What else? [Thanks to Jimin, the Golden Youngest wins
2nd round!] I won! We might be 1st place! [3Rd round's topic is "Blood, Sweat, Tears"]
[RM & Jin & Jungkook plays!] It's hard to start. A small shovel. [Jin and Jungkook tried their best but...]
- Say anything. - Collect.

[RM did so well the Happiness Evangelists won
the 3rd round!] - Hey you! - You~ [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[Finding words in sentences] [1st, 2nd round, Golden Youngest won]
[3rd round, the Happiness Evangelists won] RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 3 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 5 points] J-Hop & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 1 point] This game is BTS, One Body game. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!]
[5Th Game/ BTS One Body Game] [They must pose what their keyword stands for] [They win if the team members pose same] [2 players go at once and there are 10 questions] [Happiness Evangelists, RM and Suga]
Let's keep it simple! Rap Monster, 1, 2, 3! [RM is this!]
He knows well about himself! Suga, 1, 2, 3! - What should I do?
- Just stay still. [Surprise]  - Stay still.
- Jimin, 1, 2, 3! [Eyes wide]
[How high are you reaching for?] [Now the game begins] - BTS.

1, 2, 3!
- Wow~ [We're BTS!] [What's up with the finger?]
He has a finger up! [No way]
I wasn't! [He puts his mitten back on] Winter. 1, 2, 3! [Frozen]
[Good teamwork!] [So excited]
2 points so far. Heart. 1, 2, 3! [Their hidden finger hearts]
I'm doing the same thing.

Take my mitten off. [My mitten is so precious]
Are you ready? RM. 1, 2, 3! [His chin is all the way out] [Ctrl+C/ Ctrl+V] [Eyes shaking]
Jungkook. 1, 2, 3! - I don't know.

- Fail! [Staying still doesn't count]
You always stay still. - He stayed still. - No you have to do something.
- Yeah.

[What will be next?]
Chicken. 1, 2, 3! [Want a drumstick?]
- Take my mitten off. - It's similar. Game.

1, 2, 3! [Exactly the same]
Wow! [So excited]
They're like one person. [Soul mates] All those years of living together
is really paying off. We've shared the same house the longest. Frog.

1, 2, 3! [Can you see our frog swag?]
- Wow! - Amazing! - That's unbelievable. [Excited] [Members are so surprised]
They're doing so well, they might not come in last. "I NEED U". 1, 2, 3! [Really shocking] [They were shocked too] [He's so amazed he's laughing] [What about the last question?]
Did you guys get all of them except for one? [Jump] - Dunk shoot.

- 1, 2, 3! [Huh?] [The members don't miss a thing]
He dunked and he threw a shot. He gave it a shot and he dunked. [Happiness Evangelists got 8 right]
- All right. - Amazing! [Great work]
So good.

[Golden Youngest team goes] "Blood, Sweat, Tears". 1, 2, 3! [Is it raining?] [They posed differently from the start]
They missed that one, right? [Suddenly so talkative] I should have done
that pose. That didn't come to my mind. Something cute.

1, 2, 3! [Cutie cutie]
Correct. "DNA". 1, 2, 3! [That's easy]
- That was too easy. - Too easy.

[This is hard]
J-Hope. 1, 2, 3! [J-Hope is confused?] [They look the same but...]
But why is that pose... Why is that me? [The members know J-Hope better than he
knows himself] You always look like this. [Pretty positive] [Do I?]
Let's get it! It's a wonder he doesn't know himself.

Jimin. 1, 2, 3! [Perfect pose] [That's different] - The legs!
- Come on now... Americano. 1, 2, 3! [What's up with the sound?] [Ice Americano?]
Wait! He's drinking a ice Americano.

[The hyenas approach them]
Look, he's drinking through a straw. [Nonsense]
I sometimes drink like this with a straw. [Jin is drinking an iced one and Jimin is drinking
a hot Americano] The one on the left is iced... - Yes, and he has a hot Americano.

- And the right side Americano is hot. You all drink you ice Americanos with straws. [Strict] - That's true but...
- I keep my lid open. [One more step
I drink mine in a bowl.

Wifi. 1, 2, 3! [Huh? Is that wifi not working?] - Why is that wifi?
- This is wifi. [If the meaning gets through,
that's good enough] Wifi! I thought of that! "Fire". 1, 2, 3! [What is that?]
- What's this? - What's this? [This]
Come on.

[We did it!] I didn't think that would be the pose. Fish-shaped bun! 1, 2, 3! [A bite] [The detectives come again]
His left hand came up later. [I'm not guilty! I'm really not!]
No, play the footage again. I went like this! [What does the footage say?] It came up later.

[Footage says it came up later!] Justice... Model. 1, 2, 3! [Different]
- Different. - Completely different, huh? [The two are flabbergasted by each other]
What kind of model looks like that? What model goes like that...

[The other 5 are amazed by the 2 players]
What model goes like that? [Acting like a model]
They walk like this. [I don't understand that]
Don't you know the swag pose? [Cherry RM team is going to be fun]
J-Hope, Jungkook are going to be great. [Worried]
We might not think alike. Amusement park.

1, 2, 3! [Yay! I'm having fun!]
[What was that?] [What did we do differently?] [Can't believe them]
Are you kidding me? [What?] [Wrong pose]
You should have at lease opened your arms. Clock. 1, 2, 3! [What time is it?] [The detectives come out again] - I heard
something. - Since you wear watched on your left.

We did the opposite side pose earlier too. They said it was OK so we should keep quiet. [Lips sealed] [Pass for that one]
We should pass this one. [Keyword, MIC Drop]
"MIC Drop".

1, 2, 3! [Full of swag] - Get it wrong.
- Here we go. [Keyword, Run BTS]
Run BTS! 1, 2, 3! [What pose did they strike?] [This guy disappears again]
[Nothing looks the same] [Everyone claps]
Isn't this "Run BTS"? [Come on] [We always did that pose]
- This is it. - This is right.

[Apologizes in a hurry]
Sorry about that. [Keyword, wink]
Wink, 1, 2, 3! [Winks]
[They closed different eyes] - They closed different eyes.
- There's only 2 options. Dcalcomanie! [If they wink the same eye this time,
they'll consider it as correct] [Why do they keep doing the opposite?] No, it's like we're looking into a mirror! [No way]
We gave you one more chance.

[Keyword, "Don't Worry, Just GO]
"Don't Worry, Just GO". 1, 2, 3! [What is this?]
Go? [You can't cheat]
He cheated. He shouldn't do that. J-Hope is a very honest guy.

Did you cheat or not? I just looked at his eyes. [He's so pure]
He cheated. He did. [So bright] [Keyword, Suga]
- Suga.

- 1, 2. [Exactly the same] [Everyone agrees] [Yes]
- Isn't this right? Right? - We agree. [Keyword V]
V. 1, 2, 3! [V's pose] [Talking to themselves]
- Wasn't it Rain? - V.

V. - V. [Keyword, Jin]
Jin. 1, 2, 3! [Bring your shoulders up!]
[So manly] [Bursts out laughing] [Looks just like Jin]
Why is that me? [So hilarious]
This is...

[Ctrl+C, Ctrl_V of Jin]
Why is that me? Ramen, 1, 2, 3! [All agree on that]
OK. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <One Body results>
RM & Suga & V, Happiness Evangelists - 8 points] [Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 5 points] [J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 5 points] [Roulette Special! Spin BTS! <Final Results>] [1st place]
[Jin & Jimin, Golden Youngest - 16 points] [2nd, J-Hope & Jungkook, Cherry RM - 15]
[3rd, RM & Suga & V, Happy Evangelists - 14] Do you want to start with the penalties? [They will spin for the penalties and snacks!]
We'll go with snacks first. [Roulette Special! Spin BTS!
<Snack Roulette Results>] [1st place winners spin for snacks, the
Golden Youngest team - Sandwiches and Juice] [2nd place will spin for snacks and spin once
more on the OX wheel for snacks] [Cherry RM team - Chocolate
(But they got X on the 2nd wheel)] [Happiness Evangelists have to spin the
penalty wheel] I think BT21 is a normal one. [Some are normal penalties] And the one with
the curly hair shooting is normal too.

Yeah, at least that's cute. [Snacks are ready] - Sandwiches were
a good choice. - They look good They look expensive. [Cherry RM team come sniffing]
You can't leave a thing.

Got it? They're not the main.
We are. - Let' go.
- Spin the wheel! [Where will they land?]
This is our fate.

Please, land on mountain climbing. [Please don't...]
Please land on packing lunches. [Will it be mountain climbing?]
Climbing buddies? [The wheel goes back a little!]
Now it's spinning backwards. - What's that? - Wait.

[V - Let's the staff do what they want with him]
Allows the staff to do what they want. [It's not that good?]
- I'm jealous. - That's not a good thing. You might have to go mountain climbing.

[Looks at the staff] They wouldn't do that
to me. The director is close with us by now. [What will RM land on?] Namjoon.
Don't look.

Don't look. - Here you are. - We'll look at it and react for you.
- You can guess with our reactions.

[So nervous] - It can't be...
- It can't be. [Are the members fooling with him?]
Really? [RM is so nervous]
You have to spin once more. [RM is already going mountain climbing]
- Spin again. - Why? Is it mountain climbing? That was close.

Oh never mind.
I have to go anyways. - Once more.
- Let's go! [The roulette spins once more with a heavy sigh]
RM, just stay there [I'm not going to watch] OK.

It might be fun if he lands on making lunch boxes. [That's no fun for me]
Then he has to pack his own lunch. [The roulette is moving...]
- No? - No way, that can't be. [What will RM land on?]
Wait up.

[1 Shot blurred]
Congratulations. - Congratulations.
- Why? [RM's penalty - 1 shot blurred]
- Blurred 1 shot. - All right.

Not bad. [Just saying whatever comes to mind]
Just blur me out. I like it actually. [Penalty]
Please, blur me out.

[For those of you who want to see RM,
we will blur out his body only] [Lastly, it's Suga's turn to spin]
You know how I roll right? Straight up. Climbing partners would be amazing.
Just once please! [Spins as if he doesn't care but looks nervous]
Partner! [RM wants him to land on partner] I think that
you might land on being my partner. [Why are you standing behind the wheel together?] [Nervous]
- Don't touch it.

- I didn't. [Hey...] [Am I shaking?]
For real? [Gets up] [V is surprised] [What?] [Penalty]
Hey! What? [Suga landed on pass?]
What is that? [The members are trying to trick him]
- You can switch. - We'll give you a chance. - Don't touch it.

- Hold on for a second. [Worried about his shot] - It's not decided yet.
- Get out of my shot. [The members are tricking him]
It's like fate.

[Suga isn't persuaded]
No, I'm not going to switch. [The arrow moved] [Penalty]
- I stick with it. - Are you sure? - Yes. [Sighs]
Yes I stick by my choice! [He's amazing] [Excited]
Again? [So funny]
- Again.

- Yep, once again. Hey it's better than being blurred out. Yeah it is. So I have to wear this again? [Almost in tears] So whose outfit
do I put on this time? [Suga's penalty - Jin's RJ character outfit]
- Jin's outfit.

- RJ. [Making fun of him]
Yep, again. [Given up]
- RJ is cute. - I'll come back as RJ.

We'll let V select. [I didn't think you were this bad...]
You are too mean. [Staff decides to use V this way]
I would spin once more if it was me. - I'll do it.

- Go back. [I guess everyone wants to go mountain
climbing?] He should land on climbing. [Will the gods of entertainment shows help?]
Will the gods help us out? [What's this?]
Hold on there. [Eyes wet]
Wait, really? [V - Has to shoot un BTS! In curls]
Really? [Gives him an option] Will you stick to this one
or do you want to change to mountain climbing? [Tries to trick him] I think they're
similar choices.

What's the difference? [Tries to trick him 2]
V, mountain climbing might be better. [Tries to trick him 3]
You can bond with RM. What will happen? [Wavering] - We'll count to three now.
- Make a decision.

- Make a decision. [Now it's time to decide]
Three! - 3! 2!
- I'll go mountain climbing. [This innocent sheep gets caught in the trick]
It was shooting Run BTS! In curls. [He has to go mountain climbing]
But you chose to go mountain climbing...

[Oh no...] - Achasan Mountain is waiting for you.
- I'd go with the curls. [Penalty] I didn't expect this to happen but
I'm happy that I have a partner now. [RM could have been lonely but now he has
someone] At least you won't be lonely.

- Hey, it's a good thing for you.
- I know, I didn't say anything. [Penalty] [Very happy] [I love this]
We wanted you two to bond. The penalties are fun.

It's fun since we don't have to do them. - Run BTS! Will continue on. Run!
- BTS! [Next time, it's RJ!]
- What's next? - RJ. - Back as RJ..


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