Friday, January 12, 2018

FAQ on How to get Legendary CardsClash Royale

Its a Orange Juice! Whats up? Its OJ
with the most frequently asked questions in Clash Royale. I waited a long time,
and still dont have any legendaries! When legendaries first came out, it used to take six months
to obtain one legendary. Now, its normal to get one
legendary a month, depending on your arena. With the introduction of Quests,
Clan War Chests and Legendary Chests, its fast to obtain legendaries
compared to the past.

Basically, the faster you unlock
your chests and open them, the faster you will cycle
through your chest cycle. It is guaranteed
that you get four Magical Chests in every 240 chests that you go through. If you look at the 500-chest cycle, you are guaranteed
a Super Magical Chest. And if youre above 2000 trophies, youre guaranteed
one Legendary Chest per 500 chests.

It takes roughly three months
to go through 500 chests. This means, no matter what,
you will get a legendary if you open your chests every day. To check when your next big chest is,
visit deckshop.Pro. I have a link in the description.

Under your name,
youll find your Player ID. Enter that Player ID on the website,
and look at that. My next big chests are coming up soon. My friends all have legendaries!
Why dont I get any? Ive been playing a lot longer than them,
and they have much more! As long as youre playing
the game regularly, all cards, including legendaries,
will even out over time.

Your friends may have more now, but keep opening those chests and doing all of your daily Quests. For every 12 chests in your quest cycle, youll get one Super Magical
and one Legendary Chest. Make sure to participate in, at least,
one Clan War every two-week season, and youll be guaranteed
that Clan War Chest. Im losing games,
because I dont have any legendaries! You dont need legendary cards
to succeed in the game.

Some of the most famous decks in the game
dont have any legendaries in them. Heres the most extreme example: my personal level-1 account. I managed to climb around 2000 trophies using only epics, rares, and commons. Without any legendaries! You can get even further
if you level up these cards.

Legendaries are not necessarily better
than the other rarities. Theyre just harder to obtain
and might have a few unique mechanics. It doesnt make them better, though. Player Support should give me
a legendary card! One shocking fact you may not know is that Player Support
cannot give you legendary cards.

The reason why they cant
is because Supercell never designed the Player Support platform
to give away cards. Theres no reason for it to give away
legendaries or any other cards. Its good to note that Support
works more like technical support, like when you have difficulties in-game,
or something malfunctions inside. I spent a lot of money on chests
and didnt get a legendary.

I want a refund! Spending more money on chests isnt necessarily going to get
you more legendaries. If you look at the Fortune Chests, they may contain a legendary
in your fortune. But, remember,
thats only a 1-in-10 chance to get that legendary
in that Fortune Chest. So, if youll spend money
to hunt for legendaries, the best bet is to open
the Legendary Kings Chests.

These have a 100% chance
of getting one legendary with the bonus that you can pick
between two random legendaries that pop out of the chest. I want a specific legendary. Unfortunately, Player Support
doesnt have the power to give us cards. However, if youre looking for
a very specific legendary, and youre not willing to spend gems, it takes about two weeks
to save 40,000 gold.

Once you have 40,000 gold saved up
and hit 3000 trophies, check the shop every day, because all the cards appear in the shop
at least once every three months. I keep getting the same
legendaries every time! Sometimes, youll get
the same legendary multiple times. But in the end, the game balances out
your total card collection, and you will eventually get more
of the legendaries you dont have. If youre Blint
and have gems from grandma, the Legendary Kings Chest
guarantees a different legendary.

Can we get legendaries in Quests? You can get legendaries from Quests. If youre in the highest arena possible
and receive a Magical Chest, you have a decent chance
of getting a legendary. If you have a Super Magical Chest, youre practically guaranteed
a legendary. The probability is always changing,
so check out deckshop.Pro to see the real percentages
if youre curious.

The link is in the description. These chests guarantee a legendary card. Finish as many Quests as fast as possible to cycle through all the chests, and youll be on your way
to becoming a legend. Legendary cards dont show up
in my shop anymore.

A big mystery to everyone is how often
legendaries appear in the shop. First of all,
legendaries will appear in the shop as soon as you reach 3000 trophies. The shop refreshes every 24 hours. Overall, every card will happen
to appear in the shop at least once
in a three-month period.

Youll need to be at least level 5, before seeing any legendaries
appear in the shop. This is because the second row
of card slots are locked in the shop, and the second row is where
the legendary can appear in the shop. The Legendary Chest is a bit different. The chest itself can start appearing
in your shop if youve reached 1400 trophies at least once
in your Clash Royale career.


FAQ on How to get Legendary CardsClash Royale

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