Saturday, April 14, 2018

New Balance Changes February 2018 (0212)Clash Royale Update

Mmm, it's an orange juice What's up everyone? It's OJ with balance changes happening on February the 12th on Monday We got balance changes about half a month ago, but the community wanted more, so we're getting another change. The mega knight's spawn and jump damage are being reduced by a hundred and twenty points. This completely changes the Interactions with many units. He won't be able to completely shut down a hog rider anymore.

That hog is going to land one shot on the tower since that tower can't finish it off in time anymore. This will help make the hog viable once again. That's not the only interaction changing. Some of the fireballies won't die to Mega Knight's jump + zap or log anymore.

You will not be able to kill barbarians ice wizard or the witch because these units have over 600 health, the mega Knight will need to hit these units one extra time. Imagine those barbarians surviving; that's a lot of damage that mega knight will take. You will however be able to kill Electro wizard, wizard, and musketeer with the mega knight's jump damage and with one whack. Zap or the log and a jump is still enough to combo these units since they sit right under 600 hit points.

If you look at Musketeers they're at 598 health, the mega knight will still be a very nice counter to these lovely ladies. Here's a huge interaction change though, and a very clever balance change. The mega knights's jump will no longer disintegrate the zappies into dust from just one jump. They will survive for that one hit so this actually indirectly buffs those zappies.

Moving on to the skeleton barrel. It's receiving a very significant nerf. They're making the barrel lighter by removing two This is kind of a big deal, with two less skeletons, that skeleton barrel is gonna deal 1000 less damage to the tower left ignored of course. The knight is getting its health slightly reduced.

Very slightly. This tweak changes its interactions with almost every unit in the game. Pretty much he'll die one hit faster to everything. For example a baby dragon will kill it in one less hit, and even die slightly faster to skeletons The bandit dropped off of the meta once her bug was removed.

She used to be able to dash into targets that were a lot closer, that bug got fixed. Now for balances, they're allowing her to initiate her dash 0.5. Tiles closer -- this means that she will now initiate her dash at units that are a little bit closer at 3.5 Tiles, dealing that sweet double dash damage. The dark prince is receiving a slight health boost.

He'll be slightly more durable to be able to survive one extra hit from say a skeleton or one extra shot from a spear goblin or even one extra attack from a minion and so on. A bigger change is that his attack speed is faster. 0.1 Second faster this increases is damage per second by about 7%. He'll be killing things slightly faster, tanking baby skeletons slightly longer.

The valkyrie is going to attack 0.1 Second faster like the dark prince. This is also around a 7% increase in damage per second. She's gonna be a bit busier now since she does spin a bit faster. The inferno dragon is going to switch in between targets a little bit slower, that means smaller units like skeletons will be able to counter it a little bit more efficiently now.

Thanks for watching. Stay tuned for more quality OJ..

New Balance Changes February 2018 (0212)Clash Royale Update

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