Saturday, April 28, 2018

Power Rangers - All Anniversary FightsForever RedOnce a RangerLegendary Battle Episodes

10 Red Rangers!? Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do it guys! It's morphin' time! Tyrannosaurus! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! It's morphin' time! Red Zeo Ranger! (Yells) Shift into Turbo! Red Turbo Ranger! (Yells) Let's rocket! [Voiceover] Three, three, five. Red Space Ranger! Go galactic! Go galactic! Lightspeed Rescue! (Energy hums) Red Lightspeed Ranger! Time for Time Force! Time Force! Quantum Power! Quantum Ranger! Wild Access! Red Wild Force Ranger! Red Alien Ranger! [Tommy] Alright guys, let's do it! (Monster grunts) (explosion echoes) Come on! Alright guys, we're
here to save the earth, let's take him down! (Rangers yell) (intense music) [Jason] Not bad. Hang back rookie, let me
show you how it's done! Go for it, newbie! Morphenomenal! (Explosions echo) [Tommy] Zeo flying power kick! (Yells) (explosion echoes) (monster yells) [Aurico] Over here! (Laughs) Missed me! (Explosion echoes) [Eric] Quantum defender! (Monster yells) [Leo] Let's do it! (Monster laughs) (explosion echoes) [TJ] My turn! Turbo Lightning Sword! (Yells) (explosion echoes) You're finished! (Explosions echo) [Carter] You ready? [Andros] Let's do it! (Explosions echo) (blaster hums) (Cole yells) [Cole] Still number one! [Monster] Well I still have Serpentera. [Jason] No! (Serpentera's engines rumble) [Tommy] He's heading to the Earth! [Leo] He's getting away! [Jason] We gotta get
back to the Megaship! Come on!
[Andros] Right! [Leo] There isn't time, we have to take out Serpentera
before it leaves the moon.

[Cole] There's only one chance. Wild Force Rider! (Rider engines rumble) (Rider roars) [Jason] Alright!
[Andros] Yeah! What!? Whoa! [Tommy] Oh no! Hey, that gives me an idea! Your world is doomed! For the Earth! (Engine revs) (energy hums) (triumphant music) (explosions echo) Forgive me Mondo, I have failed you, and the empire! (Explosions echo) [TJ] Where is he? [Tommy] Yeah, he did it!
[Leo] Alright, Cole! We did it guys! [Andros] Alright!
[Leo] Yeah! [Jason] I gotta admit,
you did well rookie. (Monsters grunt) Mig! Who are you? [Xander] Surprise! (Explosions echo)
(monster yells) Hello! (Mig laughs) It's great to be back! [Tori] Hey, look out! Let the games begin! (Explosions echo)
(monsters yell) Looks like you guys
could use a little help. [Rangers] Power down! (Triumphant music) (monsters groan) Let's do it! Ready!
[Rangers] Ready! It's morphin' time! Ninja Storm Ranger Form, ha!  Ninja Storm Let's Go  Power Rangers Roar  Dino Thunder, power up, ha! SPD Emergency! Magical Source, Mystic Force! [Rangers] Overdrive Accelerate! (Energy hums) (rangers yell) (explosions echo) But how, I took your powers away! That's what you thought! But once a ranger...

[Rangers] Always a ranger! (Intense music) (rock music) (explosions echo) [Bridge] Fire! Mack, here! (Explosions echo) [Mack] Fire! (Rock music) Hey! Drive Slammer! [Dax] Drive Vortex!  Power Rangers Roar  [Rangers] Fire! (Explosions echo) Come on! (Rangers yell) (explosions echo)  Go Rangers Go Rangers Go Go Go  Go Rangers Go Rangers Go Go Go  Power Rangers  Power Rangers Overdrive  Power Rangers  Power Rangers Overdrive  Now you've made me mad! (Explosion echoes) (Thrax growls) Power Axe! Morphenomenal! Drive Claws! (Yells) Ptera Grips! (Monster growls) (explosions echo) Drive Geyser! (Yells) Ninja Sword!  Go Power Rangers Go Ninja Storm  Fire! [Rangers] Twin fire! (Explosions echo) [Rangers] Let's go! (Explosions echo) (monster grunts) [Rangers] Oh yeah. Drive detector! (Yells) (explosions echo) (monster yells) Goodbye! (Energy hums) Sentinel Knight! It ends here, Thrax. Excelsior's a part of me now! (Yells) (explosions echo) His evil legacy is over! [Monster] But we're not! [Kira] We'll see about that! (Rangers grunt)
[Mack] All together! (Rangers yell) (monsters yell) (explosions echo) [Rangers] Power Rangers forever! (Triumphant music) (rangers laugh) I knew it! I've dreamt about this. Hey guys.

Tommy! You don't have to do it alone this time. We're here to fight by your side. You've more than lived up to the legacy we've left for you. We're all very proud of you.

Thank you. It's an honor to meet you. The honor's all ours. Why don't you take the lead? [Troy] Ready guys? It's morphin' time! [Rangers] Go go Megaforce! (Energy hums) I love being a power ranger.

(Thunder clashes) [Troy] Ready rangers? Time to create a new legend! (Rangers yell) (explosions echo) [Gia] Awesome! I never thought we'd
get to fight alongside the actual Legendary Rangers! [Noah] Seriously, I'm so pumped up, I don't even need to power up! [Troy] Hello old friend! [Robo Knight] Glad to be back! [Cole] Nice, Wild Force! [Emma] We could finally win this war! They're dropping like flies! (Explosions echo) [Orion] I'll swat
down a few more! (Yells) [Troy] Everyone, bump up the power! Use your special attacks! [Jake] Don't have to ask me twice! Snake Ax! (Explosions echo) (explosion echoes) [Troy] This is it guys,
let's end this for good. Super Mega Final Strike Charge! [Rangers] Mega Weapons, combine! Megaforce Blaster, ready! Dynamic Victory Charge! Super Spear Blaster! (Yells) (explosions echo) (rangers cheer) [Troy] Now that was legendary. (Rangers yell) (triumphant music) (explosion echoes) (energy hums).

Power Rangers - All Anniversary FightsForever RedOnce a RangerLegendary Battle Episodes

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