Saturday, May 26, 2018

Shop or ChallengesLegendary Costs [Simplified]

Mmmh It's an Orange Juice! What's up everyone? This is OJ. We're going to talk about the best way to spend gems to obtain legendaries. All probabilities are based on the highest arena and are subject to change as new cards are released but the overall ranking should remain the same There are multiple ways to pull legendaries Challenges, opening chests, buying chest buying a legendary chest and buying the legendary from the shop The fastest but most expensive way to obtain legendaries is to buy super magical or magical chest from the shop The odds of pulling a legendary from a super magical is roughly 1 in 2. This means it will cost 9200 gems for a high chance to pull one legendary The next best option is to speed open chest in your cycle, each cycle is 240 chest, This cost 6312 gems to buy the time to speed all of them open The chances of pulling a legendary is roughly one in two per cycle Purchasing a wagon of gold is a much better value in comparison to the first two options.

If you're above 3,000 trophies the shop will start selling legendary cards around once a week. This will cost roughly 1,800 gems to purchase a legendary card with gold. Legendary chests appear in the shop roughly every three weeks. A legendary chest cost exactly 500 gems and guarantee exactly one legendary this is one of the best values in the game Now The best way to obtain legendaries in the game is to enter grand challenges.

Now if you enter the Grand Challenge twice and hit 12 wins both times that's 200 gems and you'll have earned 44,000 gold which is more than enough to purchase a legendary in the shop plus there's a one in four chance to pull a legendary If you can't reach 12 wins but can consistently reach 8 wins that's 500 gems to farm 40,000 gold to purchase a legendary card in the shop plus there's about a one-in-ten chance the chest will contain a legendary However in challenges for every winner, there is a loser, so statistically speaking, most players average three wins in a challenge To farm 40,000 gold, you need to reach three wins at least 13 times which is 1300 gems the odds of pulling a legendary are one in 45 from a three wins chest. At zero wins you will need to lose the Grand Challenge 29 times to reach 40,000 gold to be able to purchase a legendary from the shop this will cost 2900 gems. The odds of pulling a legendary are one in a 189 As for free-to-play players, the most reliable way to get legendaries us to stop upgrading cards and save 40,000 gold by legendaries of your choice in the shop when it appears This take about three weeks if you don't upgrade any cards and open all of your chests A very cost-effective method is to save 500 gems and by a legendary chest. This takes a bit longer but it guarantees the legendary Remember though: Reaching 12 wins is still relatively hard as only 0.65 Percent of the player pool reaches 12 wins.

Thanks for watching Stay tuned for more quality OJ. Subtitle by Max from Royal~Arrow|.

Shop or ChallengesLegendary Costs [Simplified]

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Pewds: Hey Felix, what's wrong?...Oh you know... ...I'm just having one of those days...One of those days that we all get from time to time where everything just feels like a really sad remix of Despacito *Saxophone despacito playing* Felix: There's only truly one thing that could reflect my emotions and I can vent and finally move on... I'm talking of course about roblox sad stories(Oof sound in the background) The saddest stories of them all...Are you prepared to cry?... I'm gonna have to request at least 5 crying Markipliers accross the screen, at all time during this video...Cuz there is...*Chuckles* You may have seen the memes...Where eeh there are some screenshot of a roblock video *Reading the title* *reading again* why the f- you crying so damn loud?...

*Laughing* *reading* Pewds realizes: There you go...Youtube; so SAD. And TODAY we're gonna watch them! *High pitch pewds reading* *Chuckles and go on...* *Reading and laughing*: Dad?!...Oh no Rip Dad...Sad Sentimental Felix: how is this made? *Giggles* Pewds: I can't... Wait, it goes on... I'm alone :( ...

#Someonesvaeshim I need FaMilYYY! *Pewds dies in laughter* d-do you like pizza? *Laughing again* Felix: Why she in the crib...She's still walking around IN the crib? The crib is a vehicle of transportation!!...It's been 4 years! *Reads the story* Pewds realizes : Oh she broke off! *The story goes on* Pewds: Oh Pewds: Look at that face...Oh no no I don't like where..This is going *plays the video* Pewds while clapping: Now she's mom...NOW SHE'S MOM!!(All right we get it) *Saxophone Despacito again* *A crying and moved respecting whamen man* *Pewds moaning and demonic inhalation* The circle of life is truly inspiring ...Reads: "put your like on this video" - OH absolutely, not without a shadow of a doubt Observing: This includes paid promotion...Wow they got a sponsor for this one huh!? "My short roblox story/movie"...*Starts reading* *Pewds laughs at the syntax* *cackles again* Pewds: Lemme guess(twice)...He's gonna hit by a car(so funny haha) The-they love the Sh-(euh censoring sound) on roblox sad stories...*Inhales* It's either two stories all right? Wha- N1: gets randomly hit by a car(so original) and accidents like that N2 : euuh*windows xp problem* ...Go off to the military or something like that I'll bet you my whole channel he's gonna get hit by a car *sad farewell music* sorry...Lemme-let us just enjoy *Pewds reading: 5 minutes "Latter" *Pewds inhales* NO... What is that? *High pitch hello* Worried Pewds: Noo *Mocking interpretation* *demonic grin* Huh(vomit voice) Nani the f- Pewds: Do it! F-ing do it(family friendly oof sound) *Psycho pewds reading* Oh my God! He was just going to withdraw money at the bank (Wise guy Pewdiepie)Please guys think twice before you go and withdraw money at the bank 'cause your gf...Your roblox gf... ...You never know when you could lose her *sad music* *reads* *Sadic laughter*...911!! Help us Pease(I'm dying lmao) My gf got a knife- (Pewds continued laughter) Remaking the sad atmosphere... Bf: My gf got knife in breast! 911: Ok.

Where are you? Bf: Rosewood bank! Pewds: HURRY UP SHE'S GOT A KNIFE IN HER BREAST. Gf: babe!! Bf: What? Crying face Gf: I love you so much remember this all time Pewds: What does that mean? *Reading again* What do you mean..What corner? Bf:I love you more than anything in this world. Why you saying that? No! No! No! You not gona die!!(I'm done lmao) Intensified beast-like cry Pewds: Nooo Noooooo (heartbroken) Felix: My heart it bleeds *moaning while touching his heart* Is that--Is that the ghost of her? Oh, she lives on. Gf: I love you too *Pewds starts clapping* It really makes you think It truly makes you think This has giving me a completely new perspective on life and...

...How I'm going to live it. I feel like I actually learned something here today...Don't you feel it too? All right let's watch something eeh a little lighter to to lift the mood just a tiny bit(Agreed) My favorite song *reads the title of yet another video*(God pease no!) *Music playing* *pewds dancing* Pewds: Oh... OHHHHHH. Hah yeah bae Pewds: I didn't think it was possible to get more depressed from watching Drake but I was wrong(at least you got it as well) *begins another video* Oh my God these ...He's taking his kid for a fast ride Ain't nothing wrong with that, I'm sure nothing wrong will go wrong...NOO the car in the- *pffft laughter* *Crashing realistic sounds* *Deep inhales* NOOOO!!! I love the song it's so good(whatever pewds) This is a roblock classic theme *the theme goes on* Oh what happened? The dad is fine Buttt *Surprised inhaling cracks up* What..It was a dream? Ah it was just a dream guys don't worry *Chuckles* *Claps* while clapping: Oh mY gOD I was so ready to just bawl my eyes out with...Balls That was so sad; This is heavy stuff guys...

...Give yourself a pat on the back... 'Cause we're-we're really going through some of the(interrupts sentence) once we are through this tunnel of roblox, we're gonna be REBORN. We're gonna be resanctioned as a new human being who IS STRONGER! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger(Beware Kanye West) Let's keep going(huh didn't you lost your bet?) I haven't cracked the tears yet but I'mm on the... Trust me, I am on the verge yes the song...Reblox sad story Nothing lasted...Forever; oh Wow I wonder what's our g...

*In a high pitch* OH GEEZ RICK!! I WONDER WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN. *Singing* fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky. With you-- *Pewds cannot take it anymore*: Jus-just hit her already!...Where does she die? OOHHH she's fine! That's just... *Cracks at the roblox face* It's so wrong, this whole thing, like everything about this is just so inappropriate and so wrong like...*Goes in the comment section* Noo (Stfu oof sound) That's like saying I can see the video what do you m-....*Another comment* Oh mY GoD I just realized this...

She died but she has full health do you understand? What this means? It means that someone did a faker daker(wtf is that?), That's right I am about to call the roblox police Felix: I think what truly makes roblox  so emotional Is the death sound, the famous O O F *Repeated tragic scene with oofing sounds* and whenever I hear it I just know that another soul has been lost, another soul has been crumbled and there's nothing more sad than the loss of a roblox life(yeah surely) *the umpteenth video starts...Snow white eating the poisoned apple: I feel strange... *Incomprehensive strange words and moans* *The famous Death's oof sound* *Histerical laughing* Pewds: Jesus Christ! Oh my God!.. "SADDEST ROBLOX STORY EVER" *Oscar, nobel price worth story starts* Hey Honey Hey I missed you at school today Why weren't you there ? I had to go to the doctor Oh really ? Why ? Oh, Nothing Just some..Annual shots...That's all Hellish pewds: WOULD YOU DIE FOR ME? *Pewds Hollywood acting honestly* *air blowing*...Next day...*The acting goes on along with the air blows*   Pewds: He's calling her Oh My God she's at the hospital!       *Goat child-like scream*(version 2: cringe man shouting) Angry pewds: DO YOU THINK THIS IS SOME KIND OF JOKE??! YOU CAN JUST HAVE A PUNCHLINE IN A ROBLOX SAD STORY!?! I WAS SO BUILT UP FOR 6 F-(oof censor) MINUTES! AND I WAS READY TO CRY MY EYES OUT SAYING SHE HAD. CANCER OR something.

DA F-oof is this?! All right guys to break from that absolutely ridiculous parody *disgustang mouth sounds* It makes me *disturbing sound* we're gonna have an actual really emotional video here...This is a roblox community member that did an amazing cover to Sia and if you haven't cried so far in this video You're about to, trust me this is emotional (Parenthesis Emotional) *most awkward singing evah* *Uncomprehensible words* *Rethinking his life* Pewds with a low tone: Yeah...That was really nice, that was really beautiful What exactly it is that combines roblox with such melancholy undertones to be successfully emotional I don't know...That is not for me to determine...*Laughs* Guys this video has been extremely emotional Make sure you take care of yourself and don't watch too many roblox videos ..Sad moments in one day. We're gonna end it here but of course this is just part of my little mini series that I'm doing. Ah probably be 30-40 episodes so definitely SUBSCRIBE and leave a like if you want more sad roblox moments. *Music starts* This has been your host And remember namastee.


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Random Street Food! #1

There is still enough time before departure So, I gotta eat first   For celebrities, even when they will boarding right away Fashion is really important, right? But for me, the most important thing is wearing something comfortable That's why I'm wearing flip flops now I'm the only one who is wearing it here If I go there ( Indonesia ), I dont need to wear a thick coat thick clothing So I've sent all of my thick clothes to my house (in Korea) Right now in (South) Korea is still freezing so I want to go back there as soon as possible to where ?! To Indonesia ~ ^^ Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hari Jisun ~ Hoo!! Finally Finally, I am back to Indonesia~ last night, I arrived in the airport late at night. Because the flight was delayed for too long that's why, when I arrived at the airport it was already past 2 o'clock in the morning So..So today I feel really tired After arriving at the place I am staying at, I only slept for a couple of hours and woke up because I was starving to death So I already took a shower and ready to go *clap* It's been awhile since I have had any Indonesian food but for the sake of 'uploading video frequently'. Today I dont have enough time to do an outdoor shooting So now I'll just go out and buy some street food I don't have any idea what kind of food they sell around here So I am really curious to find out SO CUTE!!!!!! ;A; go~ go~ There is a main road ahead   that I have to walk by But for me, crossing such a big road is something that I'm still not used to   I always feel scared every time (crossing the road) It's so scary ... There is gado-gado, satay, dumplings, meat ball   Hello! I would like to have...

Satay... Yes, with rice and sambal too It looks delicious huuuwww, I'm back right away! To be honest, Indonesian food that I craved for so much is while I was in (South) Korea is... Jengkol~ jengkol and rendang but, I missed satay too~ I'm really happy, lets just dig in! Hhhmmm... Such a familiar smell such a delicious smell savory smell I'll eat with rice I personally prefer eating with rice than lontong (a.K.A compressed rice cake) I'm still not used to the texture (lontong) the texture seems to be chewy (like tteok a.K.A rice cake in korea) but in reality, the texture neither chewy nor rice alike so, I'm kind of confused when eating lontong rice looks yummy Lets give it a try Just now, I look like an Indonesian, right? Honestly, I am still not sure when can I use words like 'deh' or 'loh' 'kok' I am still confused when I have to use those words This is chicken satay coated with sambal Have a nice meal So good! I am not exaggerating.

This...This tastes so good I'm touched It has been so long since I have this and it's really yummy Why did I only get 10 skewers. Oh gosh! Usually I can have at least 20 of these for myself But why?? I made such a terrible mistake today Its been a while (since) I try (to eat) Indonesian satay, right? Rice mixed with satay sauce (peanut-based gravy) My brother Junsu also loves satay alot If Junsu is here now, he'll definitely love this But this time I'm back here (to indonesia) alone, because he's still a collage student. He hasn't finished his study yet So he couldn't come along to Indonesia this time Perhaps next time, one day I might be back to Indonesia again with Junsu Although my brother Junsu frequently makes appearance in the channel Hari Jisun But this originally really is Hari Jisun's channel   Thanks alot for liking my brother Junsu. But he couldn't be in every Hari Jisun's videos But he couldn't be in every Hari Jisun's videos I made this channel on my own and it's originally Hari Jisun's channel So please also enjoy videos of Hari Jisun alone   I talked too much.

I'm just gonna eat I use a lot of souce I'd like to get my Korean friends to try satay, I bet they're gonna like it too Sweet, salty, savory It's impossible that it doesn't taste good Have u guys eaten? Its really yummy Its really good I feel like I can have like 30 or 40 of these skewers Yummy I got these satays from the roadside, right? But how can it be so tasty? I have had my fair share of satay in Indonesia but this place's satay suits my taste bud I wanna slowly eat but I can't If the peanut flavor in the sauce is too overwhelming, I wouldn't like it so much But all this... How to say.. The combination of flavor is really great. The peanut taste is not too strong.

Just a perfect level of saltiness, sweetness and spicyness why do I feel so happy? And I dont really like if the satay has too much fat and chickenskin Because the texture feels... Mushy (the texture) the texture is so tender and fatty. Korean people call it "molkkang-molkkang" I personally don't like that kind of texture But this particular satay doesn't really used a lot of skin I like it even more I am sure a lot of people who love chicken skin or fat If its more fatty it feels more tender, right? But I personally don't really that kind of texture My body feels like dancing Dancing So happy In Indonesia, I can always eat food like this, right? I am done with the satay, but still have some rice left. I am always like that The meat is not much, but the rice is alot Mixed with the sauce The meat is little, but the rice is alot this is too delicious, this is a real problem.

Delicacy I finished the satay in no time And.. Come on, lets try this rujak too PLEASE WATCH THE NEXT VIDEO!.

Random Street Food! #1

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Power Rangers Super Megaforce - All Legendary Ranger Mode FightsEpisodes 1-20Superheroes

Legendary Ranger mode, Samurai! [Rangers] Ready! (Energy hums) (laughs) Yeah, they're
doing it, woohoo alright! This is an historic moment
for the Power Rangers. Ready. [Rangers] Go Go Samurai! Power Rangers Samurai! [Gia] Sweet! [Jake] Let's try another legendary mode! [Rangers] Legendary Ranger
Mode, Mystic Force, ready! Magical source, Mystic Force! Pink Mystic Ranger! Green Mystic Ranger! Yellow Mystic Ranger! Blue Mystic Ranger! Red Mystic Ranger! [Rangers] Power Rangers Mystic Force! [Noah] Whoa, Righteous! I think you're having
an identity crisis. It doesn't matter who
you are, this ends now! (Explosions echo) Quick, Legendary Ranger mode, SPD! [Rangers] Ready! Power Rangers SPD! [Troy] Take out his
missiles, and then hit him! (Explosions echo)
(rangers yell) (grunts) I'm not that easy to take down! You can block my missiles,
but you can't block me! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Ninja Storm! Ready! [Troy] Thunder Staff! [Gia] Ninja Sword! (Rangers yell) (monster grunts) [Troy] Let's make him see red! [Rangers] Legendary
Red Ranger Mode, ready! Whoa, we can all be red? Color me impressed, this
mode's got some serious power.

I'll say! Let's turn this guy black and blue! (Rangers yell) (grunts) What, I'm seeing red? Red Rangers, it's time to get fired up! (Explosions echo) (monster yells) (Troy yells) (monster groans) [Monster] At least it
took five teams to beat me! We need to go Legendary! [Noah] We could use RPM's weapons! [Rangers] Legendary Ranger Mode, RPM! Get in gear! Turbo Cannon! (Explosion echoes) [Gia] Burn rubber, X-Borg! Zip charger! Turbo Axe! (Yells) Rocket blaster! (Yells) [Rangers] Let's switch things up! Legendary Ranger mode! [Emma] Bring on the new powers! They're sure giving me an extra kick! These guys are toast! Nice, time to take these
new powers on a test drive! Make that a test fly! There's so much power
running through me! You guys are about to
get swept away! (Yells) Let's find out what happens
if we combine our new powers. [Rangers] Right! Final strike! (Explosions echo) Let's go SPD! Legendary Ranger mode, SPD! SPD emergency! (Energy hums) (monster growls) (rangers yell) [Gia] You'll never take over our planet! (Explosions echo) Take that!
[Noah] Whoa! (Troy yells) You picked the wrong planet
to mess with this time. (Monster grunts) SPD Delta Blaster, locked! [Rangers] SPD Delta Max loaded, fire! No, stop! (Yells)
(explosions echo) [Gia] Let's show him our full fury! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Jungle Fury! (Explosions echo) Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed! [Troy] Battle Claw, unleashed! (Laughs) Nice. Say goodbye! (Rangers yell) [Emma] Rhino Morpher! Super Blade attack! [Troy] Let's unlock some
blasting power and finish them! [Rangers] Legendary Ranger mode, SPD! SPD emergency! SPD Delta Max loaded! [Troy] Fire! (Explosions echo) (triumphant music) Ultimate Ranger Saber strike, activate! Do your worst! This is the part where you say goodbye! Fire! Mega Force, Samurai,
Mystic Force, Ninja Storm, Lost Galaxy, Super Mega Blue! (Monster yells) Let's take a queue from Jake, and give him a black eye! Good idea! Yeah! [Rangers] Legendary Black Ranger mode! Dino Thunder Black Ranger! Alien Black Ranger! RPM Black Ranger! [Troy] Let's power up! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Wild Force! Wild access! (Yells) Ha, a costume change won't help you! Attack! [Troy] Let's go wild on these guys! (Rangers yell) [Noah] Let's take out the trash! (Pterodactyl calls) (zord roars) In honor of the Red Lion, let's go Wild Force! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Wild Force! Wild access! (Animals roar)
(energy hums) Guardians of the Earth, united we roar! Power Rangers Wild Force! [Monster] Tear them apart! (Rangers yell) (intense music) Blue Shark Fighting Fin! (Yells) [Jake] Nice one! [Monster] Attack all you want, I won't fail my mission! (Grunts) Come and get me! (Lion roars) (monster yells) [Troy] The Wild Force power's with us, I can feel it! And we can focus all
our power through this! [Rangers] Wild Force, ready! [Troy] General, your mission is over! [General] Bruisers, cover me! Jungle Sword! [Rangers] Jungle Sword, savage slash!  Go go Power Rangers  (monster grunts) [Troy] Let's go Legendary! Legendary Ranger mode, Mighty Morphin! [Rangers] It's Morphin Time! (Energy hums) (rangers yell) Power Daggers! (Yells) Power bow! (Explosion echoes) Power Axe, fire! (Matacore grunts)
(Jake yells) Power Lance! This guy's crazy tough! (Grunts) [Troy] Enough already! [Matacore] At least
try and put up a fight.

(Troy yells) (General laughs) Well done, Matacore! Even powered up, they're no match for you! Now finish them off! [Troy] We gotta try
another legendary mode. Yeah, let's mix it up! Excellent. These fools can't make up their minds. [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Lost Galaxy! Go Galactic! [Noah] You guys keep him busy, I'll take care of the Prince! (Yells) [Prince] (yells) Protect me! [Monster] Stop right there! Fine, I'll take you both down! Choose your words carefully, blue.

They could be your last. [Noah] Yeah, bring it! (Monster grunts) (explosions echo) Whoa, he knocked me
outta legendary mode! (Emma and Gia yell) Trans Blaster, fire! Right back at ya! (Jake yells) Might of Flame! (Yells) (Troy yells) We need our legendary powers! It's morphin time! Jaden said to use our instincts
to sense their next move. Let's do that, and use our best legendary modes to fight them with! Legendary Ranger mode,
Operation Overdrive! (Yells) Legendary Ranger mode, Ninja Storm! (Explosions echo) Ninja Sword! Legendary Ranger Blitz! Troy's right, we just need to
stay one step ahead of them. Legendary Ranger mode, In Space! Surprise! (Yells) I sense a new attack coming! Legendary Ranger mode,
Dino Thunder, power up! (Intense music) My turn! (Yells) Legendary Ranger mode, Zeo! (Yells) Bet you didn't see that coming! And here's a little
something extra to boot! Legendary Ranger mode, Time Force! Time's up, boys! Time strike attack! Enough, finish them or I will! [Troy] I don't think so! (Yells) Guys, we need to keep
some power in our tanks to fight Matacore.

Let's go legendary again guys, this one's for Jaden. [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Samurai! Go go Samurai! (Rangers yell) (Matacore yells) [Matacore] Don't you get it yet? Whatever powers you call upon,
I will match them and more! (Swords ping) [Jake] Troy, use the
double disc Jaden gave us! Right, it's time! Fire Smasher, double disc mode! (Yells) (explosions echo) That disc is awesome, let me try! Double disc, two sword strike! We need to go legendary. He's too strong! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Wild Force! Wild access! (Monster grunts) [Gia] Hand over our weapons! (Yells) [Noah] Or we'll make you regret it! [Monster] Afraid to
get your hands dirty? (Troy yells) [Troy] No, we'll do
whatever it takes to stop you! [Monster] You don't have what it takes! (Monster yells) That wasn't supposed to happen! Time to get wild! (Rangers yell) [Monster] (grunts) You're
better than I thought, but don't worry, I'll be
back to finish you all. [Gia] Yeah, yeah.

[Jake] Yeah, hey guys? Follow our lead! [Rangers] Right! Legendary Ranger mode, Jungle Fury! Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed! [Jake] Purple Wolf, right behind you! (Rangers yell) [Monster] What, no, stop! Not enough rangers! [Jake] Let's sink our claws into him! Enough games, Raring Fists! [Troy] Use your animal
instincts to evade them! [Monster] What, how can
thwart my ultimate attack? [Gia] Just like Master Casey taught us! Unleash your animal spirit! You have the spirit of the snake. You have the spirit of the phoenix. Just like animals do, you trust
and control your instincts. You know how to defend yourself.

(Rangers yell) Or attack. [Troy] Jungle Fury, Claw Booster, fire! (Monster yells) (rangers yell) [Jake] Together, Emma,
release the power of the pack! (Monster grunts) Let's go legendary! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Lost Galaxy! Go Galactic! (Rangers yell) [Gia] You okay? That's it? Come on, I'll even give you a free shot! [Rangers] Trans Dagger! (Rangers yell) [Emma] What? [Noah] Some kind of force field! Not just some kind, the
kind that can block anything you throw at me, so try
as hard as you want. You can't defeat what you can't hit! (Explosions echo) (rangers yell) We're not going down that easy, come on! (Rangers yell) (monster grunts) (energy hums) (rangers yell) [Troy] Hey guys, keep at it! Give him all we've got! (Explosions echo) Man, that was rough. This guy's strong! [Jake] I'm tired of
getting knocked around.

I'm gonna finish this, now! [Troy] No!
[Gia] Jake, don't! (Monster grunts) (explosions echo) [Jake] Quasar Saber! (Yells) What? (Energy hums) [Jake] Whoops! (Yells) [Troy] Move in, the force fields down! [Monster] But I'm not! (Explosions echo) I must retreat for now, Rangers, but know this, next
time I will finish you. [Jake] So close, I just wish I knew how I deactivated his force field. [Rangers] Let's go legendary! [Orion] Uh... We know you can do this.

Okay, show me. Legendary Ranger mode, Samurai! [Rangers] Go go Samurai! Samurai Blue! Samurai Yellow! Samurai Pink! Samurai Green! Yes, the Samurai sixth ranger key. Legendary Sixth Ranger mode! Samurai Gold! (Morpher beeps) I did it!
[Troy] Nice! [Monster] You won't find this so nice. (Explosions echo) (rangers yell) [Rangers] Spin Sword, Quintuple Slash! [Orion] Barricuda Bite! [Emma] Let's go legendary.

[Orion] Good call, this guy's
much tougher than he looks. [Rangers] Legendary Ranger
mode, RPM, get in gear! [Troy] Full throttle! Go for it, guys! Amazing, now it's my turn to go legendary with RPM Sixth Ranger power. Cool, another silver key. Wait, I have a second key, a gold one.

What's going on? [Noah] Orion, we need your help! Morph already! Uh, but to which one? What, where am I? Wait, it's you two. So, which should I choose? [Gosei] You don't have to. Rangers, fuse! (Energy hums) [Orion] Whoa! [Jake] Orion, stop
messing around and help us! You won't believe what
just happened to me! No way! Can't wait to see what this key can do! Time to go legendary! Legendary Sixth Ranger
mode, RPM Gold and Silver! (Morpher beeps) [Gia] Huh?
[Jake] What? [Noah] Impossible!
[Troy] Nice! [Gia] Wow!
[Emma] He actually fused RPM Silver and Gold Ranger together! (Triumphant music) Sorry for the wait,
but now it's showtime! RPM Silver, and RPM Gold! Ready for action! And now I have two Cloud Hatchets, which means double the trouble! Jet mode, liftoff! (Rangers yell) (Orion yells) Oh come on! [Monster] You're strong,
but without the fancy suit, I bet you're nothing! [Orion] Good thing I have it on, then! [Noah] The fusion's
made him unstoppable! [Troy] He's a great
addition to the team. [Noah] Yeah.

[Gia] Exactly, he's amazing! What, great, Mr. Impressive
just got even more impressive. (Orion yells) [Monster] Take a whiff of this! (Explosions echo) [Emma] Orion! Smell ya later!
[Jake] Oh no! [Emma] Jake, get down! (Grunts) Em, are you okay? I'm sorry, I froze up! [Monster] I guess it
is true what they say. There's plenty of fish
in the sea! (Laughs) (rangers yell) No! Legendary Ranger
mode, it's morphin time! Cool, a new ranger mode, and boy does it pack a punch! Prism Punch, activate! You have your fishy fist,
I have my flashy fist! (Yells) Enough of this rubbish! [Orion] Please, sixth
rangers, join together with me, and help us fight for Earth! [Gosei] The power of
six is now yours, Orion.

Whoa, the fusion worked! This is incredible! (Jake yells) [Orion] Jake, are you okay, buddy? [Jake] Don't worry about me, access your new powers! Okay, this monster's in for a surprise. Super Mega Gold, power up! (Energy hums) (yells) [Monster] Am I seeing things? Whoa, awesome! Earth's defenders, never surrender! Super Megaforce Gold! [Monster] Silver, gold? Whatever, you'll be black and blue once I'm finished with you! (Laughs) [Jake] He's just green with envy, man. Go get him! Yes, let's finish this! (Rock music) [Jake] Yeah, Orion, go! (Monster yells) You wanted this to be
finished, you got it! Legendary Final Strike, charged!  Power Rangers Megaforce  Go go Power Rangers  This doesn't look good! Super Silver Spear! Power of six unite!  Rangers forever, Megaforce all together (explosion echoes)  Power Rangers Megaforce  Legendary Mode! (Explosion echoes) [Noah] Dino Thunder Tricera Shield! (Monster grunts) [Monster] No, where did it go? My power prism! [Troy] Time for legendary Squadron mode! [Orion] I'll go Mighty Morphin! [Rangers] Legendary Ranger
mode, it's morphin time! Mighty Morphin White
Ranger, Saba! (Yells) [Troy] Orion, duck! [Rangers] Legendary Strike, ready, fire! [Orion] Right! Curse you! He sure is a stubborn one. A hard head's more fun to pound on.

[Orion] We'll stop him with
the power of Zeo crystal! (Intense music) [Rangers] Legendary Ranger mode, Zeo! Power Rangers Zeo! Let's go for it! (Monster yells)
(rangers yell) [Rangers] Dynamite attack! (Energy hums) (monster yells) (explosions echo) [Troy] Guess he couldn't
weather that storm. [Orion] Alright! Legendary Ranger mode, Mighty Morphin! Ready, it's morphin time! (Rangers yell) Power Lance! Power Daggers! Power Axe, like that? Power Bow! Power Sword! (Explosions echo) [Emma] That was rockin'! I'm a lover, not a fighter! But if you push me, I have to fight back, for her! (Rangers yell) [Noah] Get him! (Rangers yell) My turn! (Yells) Uh oh! Ha, didn't even tickle! [Troy] Yeah, how about this? Yep, that hurt. I better get reinforcements! I'll be back! [Troy] Now or later, we will stop you! [Jake] Legendary Ranger mode, Turbo! [Rangers] Shift into Turbo! Red Turbo Ranger! Blue Turbo Ranger! Yellow Turbo Ranger! Green Turbo Ranger! Pink Turbo Ranger! Bring it on! (Rangers yell) (rock music) What's wrong, green? Too weak to fight me one on one? Leave him alone! We work as a team. [Rangers] Turbo Attack! Lightning Sword! (Monster yells) Let's tap into the
strength of our legendary prehistoric powers! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Dino Thunder! Power up! (Rangers yell) Dino Thunder, white! Dino Thunder, black! Dino Thunder, yellow! Dino Thunder, blue! Dino Thunder, red! [Rangers] Power Rangers, Dino Thunder! (Monster yells) (rangers yell) [Troy] Keep on him,
I don't know how long we can hold this legendary mode! [Monster] You're still no match for me! Thunder Max Saber, blaster mode! (Explosions echo) Ptera Grips! (Yells) (monster yells) (Jake yells) Brachio Staff, Fire Strike! (Monster grunts) [Noah] Hello, miss me? (Monster grunts) Tricera Shield! Drago Sword! (Monster yells) [Troy] Now it's my turn! Tyranno Staff! Uh oh, I feel my legendary
powers weakening, better use it while I can! (Explosions echo) (monster grunts) Dino Rampage! (Yells) Let's get out of here and
come up with a new plan! Alien Ranger mode! [Rangers] Powers of Aquitar, activate! Legendary Ranger mode, Jungle Fury! Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed! [Noah] He's yours, Gia! [Gia] Just the way I like it! (Yells) (explosions echo) Nice Emma! [Troy] Spirit of the tiger!
[Noah] Spirit of the Jaguar! (Spirits roar) (explosions echo) [Troy] Two down, one to go! (Rangers yell) Time to punch a hole in his defense! [Rangers] Jungle Fury
Claw Booster, fire! (Explosions echo)
(rangers yell) Did you forget already? Your attacks are worthless
against my shell.

I don't know how much more we can take. We gotta keep fighting. What next, Troy? Let's tap into the dragon
powers of legendary mode! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, dragon power! (Rangers yell) Then just call me Dragon Slayer! (Explosion echoes) Is that all you've got? I think you'll be afraid of this! Legendary Ranger mode, RPM, ready! [Rangers] RPM, get in gear! (Energy hums) RPM, red! [Gia] RPM, yellow!
[Noah] RPM, blue! [Jake] RPM, green!
[Emma] RPM, black! RPM gold and silver! (Rangers yell) [Rangers] Power Rangers RPM! Attack! (Rangers yell) (rock music) (explosions echo) They tried to get rid of us in Corinth, now the power of Corinth
is gonna get rid of you! These power boots are awesome! Seriously, I'm totally
revved up! (Yells) These guys don't have a chance! I feel the need for mach speed! (Explosions echo) Cool, ow! What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, a little help! (Troy yells) Thanks!
[Troy] No problem! Now to take out the rest of this trash! [Gia] You okay?
[Jake] Yeah, thanks. That really grinds my gears.

Stop all that winning! [Orion] It's just down
to you now, Professor Cog. Yeah, well too bad for
you, that's all I need. Sprocket Spirals! (Explosions echo) Ha, it's over! Not yet, Turbo Cannon!
[Emma] Rocket Blaster! (Energy hums) Zip Charger! (Explosions echo) Cloud Hatchets! (Yells) Straight Saber!
[Jake] Turbo Axe! No! [Jake] Whoa! [Troy] Straight Saber Strike! [Jake] Turbo Axe, strike! Legendary Sixth Ranger mode! Wolf Warrior! Knight Power Strike! What, huh? (Energy hums) (monster yells) Legendary Ranger mode, Mystic Force! I've had enough of that Green Ranger. Hey Damaras, how come
you're sitting this fight out? Too chicken to face me? Chicken!? I am the greatest warrior in the universe! (Grunts) I will pulverize you! Uh oh!
(Damaras yells) That hurt! [Rangers] Legendary
Ranger mode, Mystic Force! Mystic Shield! (Explosions echo) Follow my lead! [Noah] Yes, we have to end
this before the Armada shows up [Rangers] Legendary Ranger mode! Mighty Morphin mode, red! Blitz mode, black! Prism mode, green! Lightning mode, blue! Supersonic mode, yellow! [Rangers] Super Megaforce! Red's mine! [Emma] Prism Shooter!
[Jake] Blitz Blaster! [Gia] Supersonic Flute!
[Noah] Lightning Rods! Power Sword! Attack!
(Levira yells) [Levira] I refuse to let you stand between me and redemption.

[Troy] You don't deserve to be redeemed. Redemption comes from changing
who you are on the inside. [Levira] Nonsense! (Troy yells) [Gia] This new mode
is loaded with power! I'm gonna make the most of it! Supersonic Flute! Sonar Blaster! [Noah] We need to
finish off these Kingsmen and help Troy! (Yells) And with these two rods, I'll
take this guy down double time Lightning Slash! [Jake] Nice, Noah, give me a second, and I'll handle this guy too. Alley oop! Weapon Magma Galaxy! (Yells) (monster yells) (grunts) Prism Pulse! Prism Gauntlets, activate! (Explosions echo) Prism Punch! (Explosions echo) No, this can't be happening! Not now! [Troy] Yeah, good job, now wait for it! (Explosions echo) [Orion] Legendary Ranger
mode, Mighty Morphin, green! Troy, use my Dragon Shield! Thanks Orion! Just the power boost I need! Legendary Ranger mode, Mighty Morphin! (Yells) (triumphant music) [Gia] No way! (Explosions echo) [Rangers] Legendary Ranger mode! [Troy] Operation Overdrive! [Noah] Squadron!
[Orion] Megaforce! (Monster yells) [Troy] Lock him up! Green Samurai power! Aquitar Ranger power! (Monster yells) [Gia] Ptera Grip!
[Emma] Power Bow! Pathetic! [Rangers] Fire power! (Monster grunts) [Jake] Battlizer Gauntlet!
[Noah] Battle Booster! (Monster grunts) [Orion] Finally, a solid hit! Keep it up!
[Troy] Let's do it! (Rangers yell) Legendary Ranger mode, Zeo! (Monster yells) Had enough? I don't even have a scratch! (Yells) (explosion echoes) [Rangers] Legendary Battlizers! [Troy] Jake, take the lead!
[Jake] No problem! SPD emergency! (Monster yells) [Noah] Here we go! Jungle Fury!
(Noah yells) Magi-Bolt! (Monster yells)
(rangers yell) [Troy] Samurai Shark Attack! [Orion] Troy!
[Troy] Right! Power of six! (Monster yells) Yes!.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce - All Legendary Ranger Mode FightsEpisodes 1-20Superheroes