Saturday, May 12, 2018

Random Street Food! #1

There is still enough time before departure So, I gotta eat first   For celebrities, even when they will boarding right away Fashion is really important, right? But for me, the most important thing is wearing something comfortable That's why I'm wearing flip flops now I'm the only one who is wearing it here If I go there ( Indonesia ), I dont need to wear a thick coat thick clothing So I've sent all of my thick clothes to my house (in Korea) Right now in (South) Korea is still freezing so I want to go back there as soon as possible to where ?! To Indonesia ~ ^^ Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hari Jisun ~ Hoo!! Finally Finally, I am back to Indonesia~ last night, I arrived in the airport late at night. Because the flight was delayed for too long that's why, when I arrived at the airport it was already past 2 o'clock in the morning So..So today I feel really tired After arriving at the place I am staying at, I only slept for a couple of hours and woke up because I was starving to death So I already took a shower and ready to go *clap* It's been awhile since I have had any Indonesian food but for the sake of 'uploading video frequently'. Today I dont have enough time to do an outdoor shooting So now I'll just go out and buy some street food I don't have any idea what kind of food they sell around here So I am really curious to find out SO CUTE!!!!!! ;A; go~ go~ There is a main road ahead   that I have to walk by But for me, crossing such a big road is something that I'm still not used to   I always feel scared every time (crossing the road) It's so scary ... There is gado-gado, satay, dumplings, meat ball   Hello! I would like to have...

Satay... Yes, with rice and sambal too It looks delicious huuuwww, I'm back right away! To be honest, Indonesian food that I craved for so much is while I was in (South) Korea is... Jengkol~ jengkol and rendang but, I missed satay too~ I'm really happy, lets just dig in! Hhhmmm... Such a familiar smell such a delicious smell savory smell I'll eat with rice I personally prefer eating with rice than lontong (a.K.A compressed rice cake) I'm still not used to the texture (lontong) the texture seems to be chewy (like tteok a.K.A rice cake in korea) but in reality, the texture neither chewy nor rice alike so, I'm kind of confused when eating lontong rice looks yummy Lets give it a try Just now, I look like an Indonesian, right? Honestly, I am still not sure when can I use words like 'deh' or 'loh' 'kok' I am still confused when I have to use those words This is chicken satay coated with sambal Have a nice meal So good! I am not exaggerating.

This...This tastes so good I'm touched It has been so long since I have this and it's really yummy Why did I only get 10 skewers. Oh gosh! Usually I can have at least 20 of these for myself But why?? I made such a terrible mistake today Its been a while (since) I try (to eat) Indonesian satay, right? Rice mixed with satay sauce (peanut-based gravy) My brother Junsu also loves satay alot If Junsu is here now, he'll definitely love this But this time I'm back here (to indonesia) alone, because he's still a collage student. He hasn't finished his study yet So he couldn't come along to Indonesia this time Perhaps next time, one day I might be back to Indonesia again with Junsu Although my brother Junsu frequently makes appearance in the channel Hari Jisun But this originally really is Hari Jisun's channel   Thanks alot for liking my brother Junsu. But he couldn't be in every Hari Jisun's videos But he couldn't be in every Hari Jisun's videos I made this channel on my own and it's originally Hari Jisun's channel So please also enjoy videos of Hari Jisun alone   I talked too much.

I'm just gonna eat I use a lot of souce I'd like to get my Korean friends to try satay, I bet they're gonna like it too Sweet, salty, savory It's impossible that it doesn't taste good Have u guys eaten? Its really yummy Its really good I feel like I can have like 30 or 40 of these skewers Yummy I got these satays from the roadside, right? But how can it be so tasty? I have had my fair share of satay in Indonesia but this place's satay suits my taste bud I wanna slowly eat but I can't If the peanut flavor in the sauce is too overwhelming, I wouldn't like it so much But all this... How to say.. The combination of flavor is really great. The peanut taste is not too strong.

Just a perfect level of saltiness, sweetness and spicyness why do I feel so happy? And I dont really like if the satay has too much fat and chickenskin Because the texture feels... Mushy (the texture) the texture is so tender and fatty. Korean people call it "molkkang-molkkang" I personally don't like that kind of texture But this particular satay doesn't really used a lot of skin I like it even more I am sure a lot of people who love chicken skin or fat If its more fatty it feels more tender, right? But I personally don't really that kind of texture My body feels like dancing Dancing So happy In Indonesia, I can always eat food like this, right? I am done with the satay, but still have some rice left. I am always like that The meat is not much, but the rice is alot Mixed with the sauce The meat is little, but the rice is alot this is too delicious, this is a real problem.

Delicacy I finished the satay in no time And.. Come on, lets try this rujak too PLEASE WATCH THE NEXT VIDEO!.

Random Street Food! #1

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