Saturday, May 26, 2018

Shop or ChallengesLegendary Costs [Simplified]

Mmmh It's an Orange Juice! What's up everyone? This is OJ. We're going to talk about the best way to spend gems to obtain legendaries. All probabilities are based on the highest arena and are subject to change as new cards are released but the overall ranking should remain the same There are multiple ways to pull legendaries Challenges, opening chests, buying chest buying a legendary chest and buying the legendary from the shop The fastest but most expensive way to obtain legendaries is to buy super magical or magical chest from the shop The odds of pulling a legendary from a super magical is roughly 1 in 2. This means it will cost 9200 gems for a high chance to pull one legendary The next best option is to speed open chest in your cycle, each cycle is 240 chest, This cost 6312 gems to buy the time to speed all of them open The chances of pulling a legendary is roughly one in two per cycle Purchasing a wagon of gold is a much better value in comparison to the first two options.

If you're above 3,000 trophies the shop will start selling legendary cards around once a week. This will cost roughly 1,800 gems to purchase a legendary card with gold. Legendary chests appear in the shop roughly every three weeks. A legendary chest cost exactly 500 gems and guarantee exactly one legendary this is one of the best values in the game Now The best way to obtain legendaries in the game is to enter grand challenges.

Now if you enter the Grand Challenge twice and hit 12 wins both times that's 200 gems and you'll have earned 44,000 gold which is more than enough to purchase a legendary in the shop plus there's a one in four chance to pull a legendary If you can't reach 12 wins but can consistently reach 8 wins that's 500 gems to farm 40,000 gold to purchase a legendary card in the shop plus there's about a one-in-ten chance the chest will contain a legendary However in challenges for every winner, there is a loser, so statistically speaking, most players average three wins in a challenge To farm 40,000 gold, you need to reach three wins at least 13 times which is 1300 gems the odds of pulling a legendary are one in 45 from a three wins chest. At zero wins you will need to lose the Grand Challenge 29 times to reach 40,000 gold to be able to purchase a legendary from the shop this will cost 2900 gems. The odds of pulling a legendary are one in a 189 As for free-to-play players, the most reliable way to get legendaries us to stop upgrading cards and save 40,000 gold by legendaries of your choice in the shop when it appears This take about three weeks if you don't upgrade any cards and open all of your chests A very cost-effective method is to save 500 gems and by a legendary chest. This takes a bit longer but it guarantees the legendary Remember though: Reaching 12 wins is still relatively hard as only 0.65 Percent of the player pool reaches 12 wins.

Thanks for watching Stay tuned for more quality OJ. Subtitle by Max from Royal~Arrow|.

Shop or ChallengesLegendary Costs [Simplified]

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