Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Learn to Sing Through Building on Success

ByF Rudin

Going from the coarse to the detail is a successful strategy to understand something. Learning to sing is no different. But when do I know is it time to go to the next level of detail? Feedback will tell you.

Evaluation of your singing is the mean to improve. Having a score you can measure against, allows you to make it better next time. However, having an aggregated number for your singing skills does not really help. It is better to break down the score to more detailed aspects of singing. Some of the areas, ordered after importance, are:

being on beatsinging on pitchhaving appropriate loudnesscorrect breathing

To be on the beat includes also knowing the words at the right time. Singing wrong words or at the wrong time gets noticed by the audience immediately. That is why I have put this aspect on top of the list. Next aspect,- being off pitch, does not sound good or harmonically -, may be set off by a good accompaniment for a certain time. The third point loudness does not have such a negative impact on the audience, but for the positive impact it is very important: It helps to get synchronized with the crowd. The last position mentioned, - correct breathing -, may be less noticeable than your posture, but is important to get you through the whole performance. Having problems in these areas may lead to unwanted early fatigue.

Getting feedback on these four facets is your way to success. For humans it is difficult to give consistent and objective feedback, since we always take the whole picture into account. But with consistent and objective feedback we can measure our progress against a scale.

We can use the level we reach on such a scale, as a reference point to build upon. Knowing the success level we have reached, helps us through the times when we score lower: We know, we could do it before! And if we did not reach the top of the scale, we know that there is room to improve.

For two important aspects, pitch and on-beat accuracy, we can get consistent and objective feedback from computers. Computer always evaluates the accuracy the same way. Therefore, you can build on the success you have reached and continue from this point. Building on success is motivating and brings you nearer to your goals.

Even so, software can only give limited feedback on your singing as a whole, it can do it on two very important aspects: Pitch and on-beat accuracy. And if you succeed in these two areas, you leave the critics to the field where personal preferences prevail over objectivity.

F. Rudin is working for a small company called AlgorithmsAndDatastructures. A company which has developed Listening Singing Teacher: A program that gives feedback on pitch, beat and loudness. Also aimed at beginners, the programs flexibility allows to load midi files, which makes the program also attractive for professionals. Another program released, Listening Music Teacher, is to understand and get the feeling for our Western music style.

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