Monday, December 12, 2011

The spirituality of rock and roll

Why did rock and roll took over fifty-five years since the 1950s people, that it said when was just a passing fad, the last five years would not? In particular why has classic rock radio format and artists still popular not only with its took forty-seven years with own station original audience but with their children and their grandchildren now?

Lose teenage angst and rebellion, social protest sex finally its attractiveness at least as song themes, so what is on rockin it at the classic rock, ' keeps? The somewhat obscure lyrics are one of the defining elements of classic rock. When a message is to abstract easy to understand that it is often assumed, "depth" or poetic. If the average listener is not only that, is exactly the song it assumed that it represented something that told in plain English can not.

Rock songs are known for the things "between the lines" say can be said not in fine company. Sex and drugs were once taboo subjects and so the slang of the counter culture of the time was used as a code in the song lyrics. If someone not readily was understand the words of which assumed that he or she simply not cool enough, or "in the know". This put the public in a position where it was originally the need to project their own importance to songs, which may not have. Explain but not really classic rock continuing attractiveness.

What could it is to explain that many classic rock fans of the music the impression that some sort of esoteric knowledge within the text is hidden. Much of the textual content of classic rock and particularly progressive or prog rock is based on Visual symbolism. Instead you facts you draw an image the text and a picture is a thousand words or rhymes say. They feel that you understand the song, rather than think you understand and feel something is always much more, than they think. Thinking involves not necessarily feeling while feeling almost always does. It reaches a deeper part of your consciousness and that is, a certain song "depth why you feel", or is important, even if you don't really can explain why.

Symbolism is the universal language of our dreams. We all understand perfectly, we dream about what's going on in our although everywhere where "it" is. It is only when we wake up and can translate the importance of the Visual symbols of our dreams, but remember only the symbols themselves we believe our dreams funny or strange. They were certainly not strange or US foreign, while we dream they were.

Unconsciously, we understand the information that we have received, in the dream state and in other cultures of this dream events just as seriously as in "normal" waking reality to be taken. In the texts, some classic rock and progressive rock songs reminds us of the abstract nature of the texts of the language of our dream state and we recognize their importance instinctively even though we can deliberately interpret their literal meaning. It is because of the link with a deeper sense of the lyrical content offers a song in combination with the musical and sonic accompaniment, which often dreamy or "left" and that makes so important this kind of music, not only his original fans, but new generations.

Some great examples of the classic rock are lyrics in the songs;

Hotel California-(the Eagles) this song about a mysterious Hotel time is spent on modern life in California never leaves the hotel.

Try all along the Watch Tower (Bob Dylan) the most famous version of Jimi Hendrix, "none of them know along the line what it is value," has phonetically to sing the first line that he of course do not understand.

Almost all of the band Yes. Jon Anderson claimed he chose his lyrics according to the sound of the words, not the meaning, but most Yes fans will tell you that their lyrics are very deep and full of meaning.

I am the the walrus - claimed (the Beatles) John Lennon, this as response to the fans and the press tries to interpret his lyrics written to have. His famous quote was; "Let f #$ % kers figure this one out."

Neal is an artist, writer, filmmaker, Member of the multimedia band, the Tooners and founder of the Director of the rock clip, the Internet and music video sponsorship site ( and rock and roll & rehab, for the control & roll (

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