Friday, December 29, 2017

Clan War Collection & Matchmaking v2Clash Royale

Its-a Orange Juice! Whats up everyone?
This is OJ. To participate in Clan Wars, you have to have at least
a level-8 account. And to be eligible for War Day,
you need to have at least 10 participants in prep day. Only co-leaders and the leader
can start the war.

You get three battles
and you can pick between Sudden Death,
Double Elixir, Draft mode, 2v2, and 2v2 Double Elixir. Heres where it gets weird. The Draft mode has card levels
based on tournament standards, while all the other modes
are based on your personal card levels. Sometimes, matchmaking can seem unfair, but the game is building your Elo rating
in the background.

Slowly, but surely,
matchmaking will equalize. During prep day, you can collect
up to 40 cards with your clanmates. You can get participation cards,
even if you lose, but if you win, you can earn your clan
double the collection cards. The cards earned
on Collection Day will actually vary based on
the arena that youre in.

Meaning: the higher you are in trophies, the more cards you can earn
on Collection Day for your clan. Big shout-out to
deckshop.Pro for this image. If you want to check out
more nerdy charts, check the link in the description. Im in the Challenger League in ladder.

So, well use Challenger as an example
on the cards that I can win. In the Bronze League, I can earn 80 cards
for losing or 160 cards for winning. In Silver, I can get
160 for losing, 320 for winning. Gold gets juicy
and I can get 280 cards for losing, or 560 for being a champ.

Legendary is absurd where you can get
a whopping 440 cards for losing, and 880 for winning. Keep in mind though, if you end up
drawing with your opponent, it counts as a loss
for both of you. So if you both tie in the Bronze League,
youll both earn 80 cards. Its just as bad as losing.
So give it your all-out.

Collection Day matchmaking
is based on your personal performance on Collection Day. Your hidden Elo score
will build up over time. Clan Wars should eventually
equalize matchmaking, once everyones Elo score has stabilized. Heres a cool tip:
You can nudge your clanmates if they havent finished
all three attacks on prep day, or if they havent
done their final attack on War Day.

If you dont want to participate
in War Day, just dont use any attacks
on Collection Day. Thats okay, because War Day
only matches you against clans in your same league with relatively
the same card collection as you. If you dont participate in prep day,
you wont make War Day harder. So its okay to sit out a few wars.

Its totally fine.
Its not going to hurt your clan. As long as you participate
in at least one war during the 2-week season, youll get the full reward
of the clan chest. On War Day,
you only get one attack. A couple of clanmates
might get a second attack.

This is so that all five clans will have
equal total attacks to make it more fair. Everyone in the clan
uses the same clan cards on War Day. Your clan cards cant be higher than
your own cards, so youll need to actually
upgrade your personal cards, so that you can use your clan cards
to their highest level. Matchmaking on War Day is based on
your clans overall performance.

If you have a skilled clan, youll be matched against
four other equally-skilled clans. You can test war decks
in friendly battles with your clanmates. But this isnt quite effective, because its an isolated meta
if you think about it. For example,
if you have a Log Bait deck, but your card collection doesnt have
spells like Zap or Log, then the Log Bait deck
might appear stronger than it is, because your clan just cant counter it.

When spectating your clanmates, make sure to cheer them on
by BM-ing your opponents. Clan cards reset every war
to keep the war meta fresh. Thanks for watching this video
on Clan Wars basics. In my next video, Ill be talking about
Clan War seasons and their leagues..

Clan War Collection & Matchmaking v2Clash Royale

Friday, December 22, 2017


It is.. What food is looks like? It's a snack ... Oh~ snacks Like nasi kucing (cat's rice) Soes cake, fried food Like that So, all the snacks called "Angkringan" ? Yea, that's called "Angkringan". Angkringan means people just eating while talking Oh..That's it...

So, can I choose from here? You can 2 nasi kucing What's that? What else? 3 Chicken satay 2 tofu How about tempe? Ehm.. I don't want it It is my first time seeing this Fried rice ... Si ... Excuse me~ What is this? Simang....

Fried rice Simangunsong fried rice had this sambal, the 5 one   What's make it different from original fried rice? It had sambal       Do you want to try it? Fried rice ... Simang... Gongsong Simang... Simanggongsong? Simangunsong I've never seen this before I think you might want to try this 1 Simangunsong fried rice And...

*Opening* It is .. So simple It's small Angkringan itself ... Not about heavy meal Like it said, it is a small food to eat while talking This is named ... Nasi kucing It means ...

Cat's food (rice) Because it is small like cat's food But it is nasi kucing, right? What if the cat eats a lot? Because it's small, it's called cat's food What if the cat eat a lot? Nasi tiger! Excuse me~ What's this? What's difference? Uwuh is like ginger drink but also comes with spices But by chance, it's sold out Oh like that~ Wedang jahe usually ... Made with cold or hot water? Both is okay It can be made iced or hot Oh I want 2 iced wedang jahe Both iced? Yeah, using ice Jahe is like ginger (in Korea) There is a healthy drink made by ginger and milk So I ordered 2 of iced So, It had difference inside It had rice is this much And a little side dish inside The one It had spicy sauce (sambal terasi) And like anchovies The other one had tempe inside Let's eat this one fastly, before the other food comes It's small As it is tool small I might think we have to eat 5 more It's really small This (leaf) is not to be eaten together, right? Oh it's just to separate the rice and the side dish Not to be eaten This is ... Is that Jabchae? Jabchae I thought it was just tempe It is called ... Wedang jahe It made by ginger and milk? It is He said there is milk too It must be good for our body It tastes like ginger tea It's a healthy taste As it had milk inside, it tastes soft and sweet But the last taste is spicy Thank you~ Woah~ It feels like set menu, am I right? A complete menu Shall we eat? We can eat it in one bite How to eat this? Remove the greeny thing Just like this How does it taste? It's delicious (because there is sambal) Each sambal had different taste, right? How do you describe this taste? You try it, I can't describe the taste It feels like home made side dish At home ...

Where there is no food Usually we were just ilke "What's in there?" There is always a food. It tastes like that "It is annoying to go outside, I'll just eat at home" It tastes like that Let's try this one too It looks like jabchae Bihun ... And tempe mixed together Is it the same noodle in Soto? You're right The rice is too much The side dish is not enough? The rice has eaten the taste of side dish Inside rice, the tempe shouting like ... "I'm here!!" The rice is small, so I worried about the side dish Yeah Taste it with satay This taste ...

Is different with original chicken satay It's like ... It's like jerky beef It's not softy but ... It's a bit dry, the texture is fun It's really like jerky beef It's salty and bitter and sweet It is called 'Kangkung' This is one of side dishes (Honestly, the fried rice tastes not that good) Honestly Earlier, I want to enter that Angkringan There are a lot side dishes to choose But here are not have many menu as I thought In Korea, this drink... Such as ginger tea ...

When we sick ... We drink it a lot, right? Jisun: No one drink it while eating
Junsu: No one It feels weird to drink it while eating Satay tastes delicious everywhere you go I like this kangkung a lot It's a cute name, isn't it? It's Kangkung Kang-Kung Cute, isn't it? When I heard it for the first time I think the name is cute It's cute but when you say it ... It's really annoying There's nothing special It just But it feels right for Angkringan Eat snacks while talking This batik so comfortable, I want to wear it everyday It's cool, right? It's cool and ... When foreigner like us ...

Walking around and people passing by People who rides bicycle and taxi always bother us Today, I went to the laundry shop ... I wore this batik and walked emotionless There are no one bother me again You can say 'tidak mau' 'mau' means 'want' So, 'tidak mau' means you don't want it, you don't need it I don't like when people say "Konnichiwa" Me too I'm getting to used it The pain of "KONNICHIWA!!" Or "Nihao~" "Arigatou~" Indonesian people might see the similarity Even I'm speaking in Indonesian language They keep saying Japanese, weird words So, it's a little frustrating Honestly, when you travel to Indonesia ... You can feel moment you haven't been feeling on the roads before Especially, I travel alone a lot When I'm alone How do I describe it? In Indonesia, it's called "MODUS" It's like flirting How do I say it? It's like ... They keep whistling This is really ...

Nowadays, I travel with you There are not a lot people bother me I like it (Indonesia) but Sometimes it's scary And it feels bad And also ... When they think I'm a traveler Most of people (seller), the price is kind of ... I saw a person in front of me ... If he bought it for 1000 won, I got it for 10.000 Won I've experienced that several time But now, I can speak Indonesian "I've spent a year in Indonesia" I said like that If I said, "The price, the price is too high" They will just tell you the true price That's what happen when you do it well In Korea, you can say like ...

"You think I'm an idiot?" Teach the viewers When you travel to Korea If there's bad guy You can say like this ... "You think I'm a idiot?" If you really do it, they will be really surprised They will be surprised It will be really shocking "Oh I'm sorry!" Bad guys is really must be punished Why do they did that to traveler Everywhere you go, any country, there are bad guys Also when I arrived in Indonesia ... Really ... I don't know anything about Indonesian speaking when I arrived If I take a taxi, for about 5 minutes They'll just ask me to pay 10.000 - 20.000 Won Asked me to pay 10.000 Won unconditionally My friends ...

Corious about ... Durian, they want to eat it too But I cannot describe the taste Many Korean people don't know the taste of durian, right? So ... Durian smells like hell but it tastes good So my friends curious about how was the taste But we can't explain it When I read comment like ... "When you eat foods that look a like If it's delicious, just say that it is delicious! Why did you compare to the taste you have known? It because ...

It's my first time taste that food To describe it, I have to compare it to the familiar flavor based on my experience I said like "I can't do anything" But... There are no Korean foods that have the same taste with Durian It feel like impossible to explain it I we can bring durian to Korea I really want to bring the big one And makes everyone eat it It's small, but I'm already full It looks really small If you eat little by little, you will be full Earlier, we can't eat much like when we are at Korea What food would be sold in Korean's angkringan? Foods that will be eaten while talking Just like holiday foods Jabchae and donggrangtaeng You're right Things like donggrangtaeng~ Earlier ... My friend saw our video He said like "Hey Junsu, you ... Look so handsome in the video" So I said, "I think I'm ugly in that video" My friend said, "It looks like the real you" Now, I'm not feel awkward in front of camera But if my face still weird, I'll accept it This is real Long time a go, you think that looks ugly I can't avoid it again Yeah, now accept it You are ugly~ You resemble to me My friend: "You are really resemble to your sister" Our face a bit similar but ...

I am prettier, right? Admit it Let's end this vlog with our ugliness Anyway, today's new experience is fun You are ugly.


Friday, December 15, 2017


Can we eat that? What? I asked my friend "I am in Bandung. What should I eat?" There many in the list But among them I saw 'setan' (devil/evil) in the list So I asked "what is this devil food?" She/he said it was devil's chicken feet So, I looked for the best and most famous "devil's chicken feet" in Bandung Shall we try it? Let's go~ Let's go~ Let's go~ Hello~ I'm Jisun Pyororong~ I'm Hyorim Pyororong~ So, we went to a satan chicken feet restaurant in Bandung Jisun: I'm curious~ I want to eat it fast
Hyorim: Me too This place is really famous in Bandung, right? Oh, really? Maybe~ Who said? My friend ... Oh, your friend~ My friend recommended this place We should try to eat in this place Oh I see.. But I'm scared Why are you scared? Maybe ...

It's super spicy Maybe it's super spicy~ But chicken feet must be spicy If it's not spicy It won't be tasty Right? Come on Let's order And just try it out This? Jumbo volcanic devil's chicken feet? Volcanic? This? Should we eat this? Or this? I think there is vegetable in it (because it's green) So, among the top 10 menus here I prefer jumbo volcanic satan chicken feet and ... Green canyon chicken feet Please recommend me the most famous menu here Best seller one? Yea~ This one, volcanic satan chicken feet How spicy is this? The spiciness is depend on 'eruption' level The higher, the more spicy I want 'volcano' level Waitress: Volcano?
Jisun: Yea~ Medium of jumbo size? The jumbo one Please recommend one more menu How about green canyon chicken feet? It's the same with volcanic one, but it used green chili Let's eat this~ Yea~ I want this too I think 'volcano' level is spicy enough The other one with higher level would be very spicy I'm looking forward~ Already feel sick I'm affraid of my expectation What if it's too spicy? Chicken feet must be spicy~ That what makes it delicious I mean.. I know... You know...

If I eat spicy food, especially ... The color around my lips is like burned by the sun light And my lips became thick In Korea, we often eat boneless chicken feet, right? I never find boneless chicken feet here And the chicken feet Between Indonesia and Korea I think chicken feet in Indonesia is bigger Oh really? I have no idea The feet is bigger It's because, the chicken in Indonesia is always ... Jisun: Skinny, right?
Hyorim: You're right It's always ... Really this size...

This small Is it possible that the feet is bigger? Come out fast, please~ I want to eat it fast A real Korean person We always like "Why it's not come out yet?" "Please come out fast~" When we came here for the first time In the restaurant, we always said "OMG~ Why it took a long time!?" Because we are Korean, we always said, "Hurry hurry!" When it doesn't come out We keep ringing the bell again and again In Indonesia, we have to be patient I'm hungry~ I'm hungry too I can't wait anymore It just past 5 minutes People might think we have waited for 1 hour ButI t's only been five minutes. We are so Korean Jumbo volcanic satan chicken feet Thank you~ And green canyon chicken feet The color is so different Because it's 'green canyon' (Green Canyon Chicken Feet) (Jumbo Volcanic Satan Chicken Feet) Look at the color This one is less spicy Let's try the less spicy first It's really big and tall Jisun: It's bigger compared to Korean chicken feet, right?
Hyorim: Yea Jisun: It's big like our fingers
Hyorim: It's really .... The finger joints ... It's big like a hand, isn't it too much? It's delicious, not too spicy It's not much spicy Jisun: Should we order rice?
Hyorim: Yes Should we eat it with the soup? It's like spicy Korean ramyeon It's delicious~ Hoah it's spicy Slightly sweet Sweetly spicy My mouth is bit surprised Don't eat the chili There is spicy food ...

Just tastes spicy and tasteless I've tried the most satan noodle in Jakarta When I ate that It just tastes of really hot pepper flavor It was really tasteless I feel tortured (Me too) But it is slightly sweet, delicious, very savory (Yes, it is, but ...) It's too spicy for me I want to eat (cold thing) Hold on~ If you eat that, it will get worse This one is not the spicy one Try the spicy one There is spicier level The color makes it looks not spicy When this menu come out The aroma is different But it is a bit cheesy This one is delicious for me Just like its name, 'green canyon' The tastes is greeny too I eat the soup It is delicious too~ Spicy? I'm sweating Let's have some soup It is spicy But ... I can feel this like ... "It is spicy" "But also delicious" No way!! You can't!! If you drink this, it will getting spicier Bring some soup They add lots of chili (Being serious) It's really spicy How to eat the spiciest level? Jisun: I want some drink
Hyorim: I give up Let's just drink But it's delicious I can't stop If I eat this again I will die I think I know it Drink it first, It will hold the spiciness while come inside Wait a second (Hurry hurry!!) (Still spicy) The chicken feet is soft and chewy I can't eat Delicious~ My face feels seizured My lips is also trembling Eating soup with rice is really delicious It's fat It's fat The chicken feet is trembling This one is skinny Chicken feet in here is so skinny It is on diet This one is delicious It is definitely sweet Jisun, Hyorim: It's delicious~ Really delicious It's really big It's big like a human hand Woah~ Really ... I can't stop This one looks like opened hand Maybe he played rock-paper-scissor If I come to Bandung again, I want to eat in this restaurant again I know why my friend recommend this to me (Really yummy) I always said "It is delicious" all the time But it is really delicious I think the spiciness of this level is just good enough Before that We were worried about the spiciest level Jisun: If we eat that level, we will in fire
Hyorim: We might fainted If you keep drinking, it will getting spicier Don't runaway from reality! You have to face it I already failed I won't eat again now I know you will eat again Hyorim: I won't eat for a while ...
Jisun: I can't understand why you keep saying "I will not eat again" You will eat again in 5 minutes The lamp color is like a fire My eyes feels like ...

Feel like drunken Drunken of spiciness After eat the volcano, eat the green canyon feels sweet You're right (Pick up the chopsticks again) Why? Before I eat this It was shaped like 'paper' But now it shaped like 'scissor' Earthquake on my face My hands also trembling Became hard to use chopsticks When I was student I heard that Bandung is ... Education city So, there are lots of school So, there must be a lot of food that student like I think so Usually, there are a lot good culinary around campus You're right And it's not too expensive How's my lips? It's sexy Your lips doubled No wonder! I see it Became sexier Feels like just start eating Let's just keep eating I feel like today we can eat 5 times But my stomach feels a bit hurt When I see this for the first time I thought we can't eat it all Think about it We've been eating together for a long time, right? We always like "Isn't it to much?" But we always eat it all We've never left up anything The last one ... The last one too ... Finished~ Also in Korean or Indonesian Chicken feet is delicious Always delicious~ Really delicious We ate well It was really delicious I was very satisfied, it was very delicious But my lips ...

I can understand why this restaurant is famous Agreed Let's come to this restaurant again when we come to Bandung again Let's get some dessert Today Is just right here Bye bye~ Really hot!! I need more.


Friday, December 8, 2017

Born of Hope - Full Movie

There are many stories in the history of our world. Most are lost, scattered in the winds of Time, beyond the memory of man. But this story. Our story should not be forgotten.

Papa! Maia! Run! Maia run. Maia run! We came from the water, It runs through our ancient days, down the long years to this moment coursing through our lives like the bloodline of Kings A swiftly flowing stream of memory and sorrow One drop of water of blood and then another can become a ripple, a river, a rising torrent unstoppable which in time breaks down all resistance to flow free once again on the journey to it's destiny The remnant of the faithful The Dnedain the men of the West were scattered and few and beset by many dangers For the Dark Lord Sauron had not forgotten the past and of all the peoples of Middle-earth he held none with more hatred and more fear than the Dnedain He spread his will amongst his servants and through the long years sought ever to discover if the Heirs of Isildur yet lived so that he might destroy them and the last of his greatest enemies would be lost forever Hurry!  Hurry! Drhael! Ivorwen!  Gilraen!  Go!  Please! I will not lose you all this day. Arathorn! You have my thanks sir, and whatever service I and my family may provide you and yours. We owe you our lives.

As I owe you mine. I thank you, lady. You are most welcome, my lord. We cannot stay here.

Where were you bound? I do not know, my lord. Orcs burned our village, and slew our people. Those who were not killed were scattered, I know not where. Dorlad, my son.

Struck down as he defended us. We would not leave his body for the cruel sport of orcs. Your son shall have a safe resting place, lady. You will come with us.

Arathorn! Arathorn? You know him, father? Yes Or I did when he was but a child. If he is the same man, he is the son of my friend and kinsman. Our chieftain, Lord Arador. Isildur's Heir.

What is it? They're after plunder, it seems. But these are but baubles. It is strange. Orcs seeking gold and jewels in the Wild? To what purpose? You're becoming more like him by the day.

Is that what he would have wanted? He would have growled at me for letting you take his place. "The wild is no place for my daughter!" But I'm still glad I trained you. So am I. Lord Arathorn They'll bring no news to whoever leads them.

Good work Halbaron. Now we must bring these three to safety. We go to Taurdal, our village, Lord? Drhael. My wife, Ivorwen.

And my daughter... Gilraen. And I am Arathorn. Son of Arador.

Indeed. No, no.  Do not bow. When you come to my father, you may greet him thus.

But for now, we must make haste. A jealous heart finds no room for true affection, though it were standing right behind it. What have I to be jealous about? I saw that look between them. Just as you did.

Your eyes deceive you. Besides, it has nothing to do with me. Does it not? No! Nor with you, Drhaborn. And so Arathorn and his rangers led the grieving family North, past the mighty rivers and through the vast forests of Rhudaur.

A land that still enjoyed the watchful eye of the Dnedain and brought them to his father, Lord Arador, in the hidden settlement of Taurdal. Come, my old friend and kinsman. Let us bestow upon your son the peace and honour he has earned. For I account your loss as my loss, and your grief as my own.

Alas, no long sleep in ancient halls of stone for a son of the House of Aranarth! But I will not see your bones dishonoured, Dorlad, when the servants of Evil try again to drive the Dnedain farther into exile! Farewell! I've come to ask your forgiveness. Long had I thought your feelings for Arathorn no more than a passing fancy and that in time you would turn from them and look around you at last. I did not understand. Until last night.

Years I have spent by his side, yet there is a gulf between us that only the flames of a stranger's pyre could reveal. I cannot vie with such beauty and such sorrow. El, any man would be honoured to call you his. I would cause him nothing but grief.

We found these after the attack yesterday. It is strange how such tiny things can bring such immense darkness and change into our lives. Lord Arador now had much to contemplate. News of orcs assailing other villages came to his ears.

Peaceful homesteads, far from help, were likewise menaced, Taurdal filled as many of the Dnedain fled their homes and sought safety in numbers. And so Arador led his brave rangers in a quest to rid the land of the menace that had ravaged his people. Yet the most trusted of his men, would not be at his side. How goes the harvest, my lady? Bountiful, my lord.

I had expected a little more for my travels. Are you leaving? My father has charged me to seek out the enemy's purpose in the cold mountains of the East. Alone? Yes. A dangerous mission my lord.

Indeed. There was a time when such danger would not have moved me and every part of my being would happily travel to the end of the world in service of our people. But now? Now a part of me remains here. And that is my heart.

My Lord. I am sorry my lady, I did not mean to upset you I will look to the East and await your safe return. My Lady. With a heart full of joy Arathorn travelled far beyond the fallen cities of Arnor.

While Arathorn made his lonely way into the cold mountains, Gilraen would await his homecoming in the fading summer of the West. Straying at whiles deep into the forest, to watch for his safe return. Gilraen! I will not go far! Why does she do that? You know for whom she waits. She is too young.

But not without wisdom. My heart forebodes Arathorn will wear Barahir's ring sooner than expected. Even so, I do not think he will long lead the Dnedain, once it rests upon his hand. Then do not stand in their way, Drhael! For if these two wed soon, there yet may be hope born for our people.

But if they do not, it may be, in this gathering darkness, that the Dnedain fall at last, never to rise again. Let them have what happiness they may! You're late! Where are the others? Slaughtered! We were ambushed, there are Ghostmen everywhere! They are not ghosts! Merely Rangers, you coward. You're as bad as these two! Did you get it? These are useless. You still have not found the ring that Sauron is seeking.

Go back! Find it! How? There is not enough of us left. We need time to increase our numbers. It was a mistake to attack the ghostmen out of the darkness, Shaknar! I do not make mistakes! I go now to report your failer to Sauron at Dol Guldur. Increase your numbers if you must, but send out your spies.

When I return I want to know where he is! What is it? I smell manflesh. That's impossible. Can't you smell it? Arathorn!  You're back! You should not come this far into the forest alone! I know.  I Rangers.

Will you not go to them? They'll find us soon enough. So, I must hurry, or miss my chance. For what? I hope they take their time. I train them too well.

My lord? I wandered too far from the village. But your captain found me. I am at your service, my lord. I shall always be at yours.

Halbaron, escort the Lady Gilraen back to the village. At once, my lord. Elgarain.  A word.

I'm sorry, my lord. We could not find you. I did not know... No apology necessary, my friend.

Have you ever been in love? No. It changes your world. Consumes it with a burning flame that does not abate. A light as brilliant and piercing as Erendil's star.

You have been in love. I have heard it talked of. So you are in love? I am to be wed! Or I hope to be. And soon if fortune is with me.

I wish you joy, my lord. Your heart should be filled with joy, Arathorn. Oh, it is... Yet I fear that Lord Drhael will not willingly give his blessing...

Gilraen is, like you, not yet of age. I may not have known love, but I do know that when the heart would command the tongue no man should stand in the way... If you delay you may find that what should have been spoken is forever locked in your heart, and regret your only companion. Your words are wise still The seasons are changing.

Maybe it will bring a change to his heart too. If it changes with the seasons, it can only grow colder. Just hold your ground and speak your heart. Thank you.

You're a good friend to me. I would lay down my very life for you. And I for you. I am glad you're safe, my son.

You also father. Halbaron tells me that your campaign against the orcs has been a success. Their numbers are indeed few now. They should not trouble us for some time.

Yet your mind is not at ease. I now know what they're after, and that they do not act alone. They are servants of Sauron, and he seeks the Ring of Barahir. Father, they are hunting for you.

It is as I feared then. I beg you to hide the ring. Do not wear it! No. But it will lead them straight to you! Let Sauron send all the armies in this world against us.

I will not hide from who I am, while I have a breath in my body, and a sword in my hand. Forgive me. There is nothing to forgive, my son. You have been of great service to me, and the Dnedain.

You are a true heir of kings! Come now, do not be troubled. Your mother used to remind me that the people look upon us for guidance, that we had to stand fast, no matter what. Perhaps one day you will find someone with as much wisdom and beauty, to counsel you. You have my blessing, my children.

May your days be long and fruitful, and filled with hope. I go now to Rivendell, where Elrond Halfelven awaits me. When I return with his good counsel, then perhaps we shall have a wedding. Good luck with Drhael.

Lord Drhael... Good morning. Through the long winter months the warmth in Arathorn's heart was only held at bay by his fear of failing his most important task. Just hold your ground, and speak your heart.

Lord Drhael. I have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. I owe you my life, son of Arador. But I do not owe you my daughter.

But I love her, my lord. I fear deeply the shadow you cast on my house, Isildur's Heir. The attention you show my daughter is unwelcome... By you.

Not by her. Yes.  Therefore it cannot be ignored. I hope for Gilraen's sake your father's blood flows through your veins.

If you fail your people, you will have only the Dnedain to answer to. If you fail her, it is me to whom you'll answer. Was that a yes? And when Winter had withdrawn it's cold fingers from the land and passed into bright and early Spring. Arathorn, son of Arador and the Lady Gilraen were wed, in happiness and hope.

But after only a year of joy, a dark shadow crept back into their lives. Arador, son of Argonui, Lord of the Dnedain, found himself in a shallow dell amid the chill, blinding vapours of the Coldfells. Run! Run! Where's my father? He's further South. Go! Father! Father.

Arathorn!  Arathorn!  Awake! It is nought but a dream!  Awake! No!  I saw him!  I felt the breath leave him! Shhh!  It's but a dream.  A dream! Oh, Gilraen!  Would that it were! What hope is there for our people? The line of the Kings hangs by a thread, I fear it's going to find its bitter end in me. Arathorn, where is your joy? Where is your hope? I will not despair! Nor would I have you do so. Arathorn, look at me! Fear not tomorrow, for it is not ours to know or to command.

And do not fear that the royal house has reached its end. It is alive. In you. And in me.

There is my Hope. So a year after the lose of his father on the first day of the third month Arathorn and the Dnedain welcomed into the world new hope. You have a son my lord. We will name him, Aragorn.

Kingly Valour, that he shall have, but on his breast I see a green stone, and from that his true name shall come and his chief renown for he shall be a healer and a renewer. Behold Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Lord of the Dnedain! Scion of Elendil of Nmenor! The Heir of Isildur! Hail Aragorn! Hail Aragorn! By the valour of the Lord and his Rangers, the Dnedain had a measure of peace. And the child Aragorn grew swiftly and happily. Halbaron Seems but yesterday that your son Halbarad was Aragorn's age.

It does indeed, my lord. I imagine it'll seem the same, Evonyn, when our son is a man. That it will, my lady. How quickly they grow! And how much they eat to get there! If there's anything left! I claim this field in the name of the King! Seven stars and a crown on a field of blue In the wind of war the banner flew Around it the King called men forth To fight for freedom in the North Fornost has fallen the herald cried As Dnedain they fought and they died A man noble and brave fell from his steed Trampled by beasts that gave no heed The king was carried from the fray As the army of Angmar made its way Our banner caught in a sea of death As the kings herald drew one last breath The banner toppled and fell to the Earth The enemy howled in terrible mirth As men ran in fear and cried The Lords Elladan and Elrohir of Rivendell arrived unlooked for, and wished to speak with us at once.

Welcome, friends! What brings you to us this night? And how fares your father Lord Elrond? And the Lady Arwen? Our father and sister are well, my lord. It was Elrond who sent us hither in haste. Orcs are increasing North and East of Taurdal. Their numbers are greater than have been seen in many years.

Even now they move relentlessly toward the northernmost villages of the Dnedain. It will not be long before danger presses once more on your borders. To Rivendell where the boy doth lie And where the banner still flies on high. For this reason our father sends grave counsel.

What is this counsel? He urges you to send your wife and son to Imladris for safekeeping, and for you, Arathorn, to lead the Dnedain by secret ways to other lands, and flee this encroaching danger. It is late my lords, we will speak further in the morning, Let us find you somewhere to rest. Elrond Halfelven is wise, and sees much that is hidden or has yet to come to pass. I will consider his words, and take thought for my people.

Let your decision be not long delayed. With every hour that passes, peril draws closer. I understand.  Rest well, my lords.

Rest well. Do not say it! I will not be parted from you. Yet it is wise counsel. If danger closes in on us once again, you and Aragorn must be protected.

All the Chieftains of the Dnedain have been fostered for a time in Elrond's halls. I myself spent years there as a child. I will not leave you. I will not! We know where he is! Good.

Come with me. Elgarain! Halbaron saw you leaving. Something I should have done a long time ago. Without goodbye? Ever since your father's death, I've made it my duty to look out for you.

I owed it to him for his years of service, and his friendship. When you wanted to take his place, I alone supported you. For ten years you've been by my side, yet now, when I need you most, you would leave me? You need eyes and ears in distant lands, and the Ranger post at Hithlin is unmanned. Hithlin? But it is so far! I release you from your duty.

I will burden you no more. You have never been a burden. Elgarain, you have only ever been a friend. You're like a sister to me.

You have a family. A wife and son who need you. Protect them. Do not bid me stay! Please.

I will not hold you here if you wish to leave. But I do not understand. And for that reason, I cannot explain. Forgive me.

Lord Arathorn!  Your counsel is needed. Arathorn.  The Enemy is on the move! Safe journey, my friend. My Lord.

The orcs are on the move. Lord Elrohir bid me to say this: "The decision has been made for you." Call my captains to me. War is at hand! Well met my friend. It is time.

But while the Lord of the Dnedain and the Sons of Elrond laid their plans, the orcs, by stealth and cunning, were nearer to the village than even Lord Elrond had foreseen. Did you not forget something? What would I have forgotten? To tell me you were leaving. Lord Arathorn needs our help. Yet whether he rides to Rivendell or leads the Dnedain to safety elsewhere, you will not stay.

I cannot. I see that now. I go to free my heart of him. Would you not welcome such news? Indeed I would.

For you are ever in my thoughts. Did you never know or guess this? You've always been kind to me. Kind? No, Elgarain. I love you.

I have done for years. When you knew I loved another?  Why? Because in time I knew you would be wise enough to let him go. And now I have. Only to run from me.

El, do not run. Come with me. I will. Elgarain!  Flee! You cannot hold them off alone! Hurry, warn the village! No! You must warn them, for the Dnedain go! We will see each other again! Go! My lords.

My lords! We shall not wait for the orcs to make their advance. We will evacuate the villages, but we will bring war to them in the Wilds, wherever they may be. So let the servants of Evil beware! To arms! To arms! To arms! To arms! Halbaron!  Our enemy is upon us! The forest Drhaborn fights to delay them orcs everywhere! Rangers, to me! Are you injured? No. Gilraen, where is your son? Where is Aragorn? Aragorn!? Go to the Hall! Arathorn! Fall back, fall back! There! He's the one! Behold your fate.

Your house has ended! Papa... Papa, papa!? Two dogs must die today! Gilraen! My lady, go inside! I will not leave you! Papa, papa! The Dnedain prevailed. But a heavy price was paid for their victory. Forgive me.

For what? For my envy because he chose you. Elgarain! Arathorn, I... Save your strength my friend. I failed you.

No.  No, you did not. My family is safe because of you. Your father would be so proud.

I found my heart today. And now it is lost... He was leaving with you? I will not lose it all. You must live.

And Aragorn must live. We cannot lose our hope! Elgarain. Elgarain! How many more must fall? How many?! Too long the servants of evil have ravaged our people and this once-proud Kingdom of Arnor. Men of the West! The Shadow grows longer, and its cruel arm reaches ever toward us.

But we cannot lose hope. A time will come when the Dnedain regain their strength, and banish evil from these lands forever. Until then, we have a duty to safe guard our people at all cost. So, arise, Dnedain! Remember who you are! Let our enemies once again flee before us! And let no orc leave this forest alive! Gather your rangers.

You men with me! I will come back to you.  I promise. Then Arathorn, son of Arador, Lord of the Dnedain, led his people in a great and valiant onslaught, and the servants of the Enemy quailed. Arathorn, wait! Now the line of Kings ends! The line is not broken.

There is still hope! They will return, Gilraen. They will. Lady Gilraen!  Lady Gilraen! Lord Arathorn is hurt! Has he spoken? Only your name, my lady. Gilraen? I'm here.

I'm here! Here is my joy. And there is our hope. Aragorn, Chieftain of the Dnedain! Then the Lady of the Dnedain bid farewell to her kin, and to all her people, for to protect the last children of Nmenor she bid Halbaron disband Taurdal and the Dnedain to find safety in small secret settlements in the depths of the forests of Rhudaur. The Heir of Isildur was brought to Rivendell for his fostering and safekeeping.

And that is how you are come here to Master Elrond's house, little one. I will not for many long years call you Aragorn. For your name must be forgotten. Less the enemy learn you live and all we fought for is lost.

For the last time then. You are Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, Chieftain of the Dnedain and the Heir of Isildur. But for now, Estel, you are simply our Hope..

Born of Hope - Full Movie

Friday, December 1, 2017


How do I look? Lights okay? This is the one you've all been looking for. Throughout the course of shooting today's video, I decided, it's probably about time that I do a best counters for all the big raid bosses video. Before everyone loses interest in Raids. Just kidding I don't think that's going to happen.

As long as Nantic continues to introduce different raid Pokemon and shake things up rates will remain relevant for a very long time. So earlier as they sat down to start doing research for this video I found out that Cilandro from PokeBattler.Com has actually done a fair amount of research that made my life a lot easier Poke Battler has been analyzing video footage of raids to figure out how exactly they work what the formulas for raid bosses stats are and through their research They've been able to run simulations that came up with the best counters for each potential raid boss They also published this nice looking Infographic which I'll link to in the description if you want to just download that to have it for quick reference but if you want to stick around for the rest of the video I'll kind of break things down talk about which move sets are best and give my opinions and a little bit of extra insight on All the information here. For this video I'm only going to go over level three and four raids because those are the ones that most people are interested in doing Level one and two are pretty easily solo and they're really really easy to beat if you have a group of people. So starting with Arcanine your best counters are going to be Rydon with mud-slap earthquake or mud slap stone edge Golem with Rock throw stone Edge Rock throw earthquake mud-slap earthquake muds lapse tonnage mud shot if you have it There are a lot of potential moves that you can use with Golem but you definitely want to be using moves that are super effective against fire types like Arcanine pokey battler also with Donphan with tackle and earthquake as a good counter and the reason you're seeing a lot of ground types here and not water types like you might expect is because Arcanine can potentially have wild charge as a move and Wild charge from a raid Boss Arcanine is going to absolutely destroy water types ground types are going to resist that electric move as Well as Arcanine fire type moves and because you can't know a raid bosses moves before you enter the battle there's always a risk of Going up against a wild charge arcanine.

So if you bring in those water types It could get a little dangerous Against alakazam you're going to want to use dart or bug type moves and the best Pokemon to choose as counters are Tyranitar with white and crunch or even bite and stone edge Pounding with snarl and foul play snarl and crunch is also acceptable and I should also mention that dark types are Immune to psychic meaning they're going to take 50% damage from the raid Boss Alakazam You can also use bug type against Alakazam and the best one to use a scissor With fury cutter and x-scissor because as a steel type scissor is also going to resist psychic types though It's going to take a little more damage than the dark types would against machamp alakazam is undoubtedly your best choice And you're going to want either confusion future sight or Psycho cut future sight you can also use sb on with the same moves and to take advantage of machamp Flying-type weakness you can use a dragon knight with dragon tail and hurricane or a Charizard with air slashes It's quick move preferably overheat But fire blast is also good for a charge move dragon knight in Charizard will also resist machamp fighting-type moves But be careful if it has a stone edge stone edge is going to be double effective Against Charizard and also super effective against Dragon Knight against Gengar Dark and psychic types are your best choices again Alakazam and espeon are good choices, but they're weak to gang guards ghost type moves Tyranitar with bite and crunch is a very good choice unless the gengar has focus blast which is going to be double effective against tyranitar Dragonite with Dragon tail and outrage has some of the highest DPS in the game And it's always a viable choice here you do also have the option of using gengar with hex or shadow claw and shadow ball That is going to take super effective damage again from Gangers ghost type attacks But it does resist sludge wave if the defending gengar has it Against vaporeon you're going to want to go with the stronger grass type attackers electric is good against Vaporeon but grass resists Vaporeon water type moves So they're typically a better choice your best Choice is Executor with bullet seed and solar beam you can also use venus or with razor leaf or vine whip and solar beam? Victreebel with razor leaf and leaf blade or solar beam and then other grass types like vileplume and tango as filler Against Jolteon you definitely want to be using ground ground is immune to electric. So it's going to take 50% damage You're going to want right on with mud-slap earthquake golem with mudflap earthquake mud shot earthquake if you have it don Ban with tackle and earthquake again is an excellent choice against larry on you Have a lot of options you can use the same ground and rock types or even the top-tier water types But because raid boss Pokemon deals so much damage Resistance is going to play a big part in surviving the raid battle so the Pokemon with double resistance to fire our golem As a ground in rock type Sam goes for ride on and also omen star as rock and water type moving on to level 4 raid bosses against venus or Charizard is your best bet because it's going to have double resistance to all of being Sora's Grass-type moves and Pretty much any of Charizard move sets Excluding dragon claw are going to be very efficient against venusaur typhlosion with Ember and either fire blaster overheat is also a good choice in this siren in and you can use a pSychic types Alakazam and Espeon With either confusion and future sight or psycho cut future so you know you know the moves against Charizard you're looking at the same counters as flareon for the most part although you're going to want to focus on the Rock and Water type attacks because Charizard is going to resist ground so it's going to come out neutral in that sense Golem is your best choice with rock throw and stone Edge omastar with water gun hydro pump is also great and Tyranitar with fight and stone Edge is also very strong Against blastoise you have a lot of different options your choice is kind of going to depend on the blastoise move set of course you're not going to know that before going into the raid so Here's the best options to choose if you don't know what's going on Jolteon always a great choice with under shock and Thunderbolt under shock and thunder is also pretty good Magneton with either spark or charge beam and zap cannon is a great choice because not only is it going to deal? Super effective damage It's also going to resist all of blastoise potential attacks the grass types executor or venus or Victorville are all good choices Unless the blastoise has ice beam in which case they're going to take some pretty heavy damage if you don't dodge that the insta raid boss right on you really want to Take advantage of its double weaknesses to grass and water so you're looking at all the same top two your grass types exeggutor Victreebel venusaur and among water types Vaporeon is going to be your best choice because a lot of the other tops your water types like omastar and Lapras are Weak to some of right on Potential attacks against Lapras machamp is your absolute best choice? And you're going to want counter and dynamic punch Although counter in close combat works almost as well if you live in South America You can also use heracross with counter in close combat you can also use Jolteon with Thundershock and either Thunderbolt or thunder and as long as the lapras doesn't have water type attacks you can also use arcanine with fire fang and fire blast flamethrower or even wild charge against nor lacks again your best choice is machamp with counter and dynamic punch followed by machamp with counter and close combat or Heracross with counter and close combat and you can also use tyranitar with bite and crunch especially against normal axes that no zen Headbutt Because it's actually going to resist then headbutt as opposed to the fighting types which are going to take super effective damage from Zen Headbutt and finally against a raid boss tyranitar again machamp is your absolute best choice because Tyranitar has a double weakness to fighting so again counter and dynamic punch or counter and close combat on the champ or Heracross you can also use bulky water and grass types so that's Vaporeon or feraligatr with water gun and hydro pump or again venus or with vine whip solar beam razor Leaf solar Beam or Exeggutor with bullet seed and seed bomb or solar beam so with all that said if you're playing the raid game There are a few key pokemons you definitely want to invest your resources into with TMS now It's very possible to get high IV versions of all these Pokemon with the perfect Movesets Without too much effort in my opinion the most essential medic on Er eve's machamp with counter and Dynamic punch And I finally got one today as you'll actually see later in this video Besides that you definitely want a golem with Rock throw stone edge a ride on with mud-slap Earthquake Jolteon with Thunder Shock Thunderbolt Executor with seed bomb and solar beam dragonite with Dragon tail outrage is an all-around DPS champion and can be used against almost any Pokemon and of course you definitely want a vaporeon with water gun and hydro pump So that would be my list of Pokemon to prioritize not only for gym raids, but for the gym metagame in General So if you have any of those pokemon with high ivy's I would prioritize Using your TMs on those to get their ideal move sets before moving on to other Less important, but still probably pretty important Pokemon And I feel like everything that I just said is going to take up a significant portion of this video but enjoy the rest of the day including plenty of gem raids with Reversal and Mystic 7 Good morning. We are on our way right now to Roscoe's there are so many raids around look at there's Charizard another level 4 about to start soon there's a Machamp behind us. We're going to pass on those right now because we got to meet someone for breakfast ok So this is a reversals first time at Rocco's ever and hopefully it gets talked about too much internationally But if you ever come to Southern, California, oh my gosh, it's kind of essential We are heading out Mystic sevens taking care of the meal the rule when you're hanging out with other youtubers is whoever has the most sub pays So you might see me and mystic hang out a little more often now That's not really the rule.

He's just a nice guy offered to pay so Thanks mystic. I have five charged Tm. I know for sure. I want dynamic punch online machamp So I'm just going to try it now.

He already has counter if I could get dynamic punch that would Seal the deal as one of my best to DPS. Pokemon there it is you got perfect got it dynamic first try counter dynamic punch? I'm set for felicity's I'm set for Snorlax raid bosses. I ran into our raid bosses That'll be good Heading down to the pike now There is an Arcanine raid over there that ends in four and a half minutes I'm not sure if we're going to make it in time to be on it There was also when champ raid that ended like two minutes ago. We didn't make it in time for that either, but here's the meg Perfect timing it should be like quite a few two caves And even probably some five caves with them execute some eggs eggs Kabuto, that's cool, ooh Bulbasaur nice.

I need those candies nice, and Close vote God also. I'm sorry if my mic has been loud the last few days just Falling apart man time to replace this camera Ninis all right honestly overall not bad that bulbasaur definitely clutch Dragon I've fought hard and returned Two minutes the Arcanine not I'm not in the mood to run Especially not for that Yo What's up? How we put on turning our way now you're good for you to pose higher. I already won in Already won then 80 seconds. Oh 80 seconds.

Okay. Drop everything let's do this. That's how you get things moving All right, so this should be a pretty easy one I. Mean between the three of us.

It's a level to raise. It's exeggutor Larry ooh This guy actually hits a nice pretty hard bringing back all eyes closed. I actually say - must enjoy the breeze Yep, Dun Dun Network error oh oh, I think just got another camera mystic just got an error great Okay, I'll take your advice easy takeover, battle here All right got it all right Raynor needs a tricky IV real quick. That's the first time I've actually seen that particular message pop up So that's the message that pops up when a pokemon in a gym needs to be fed at Barry With that right out of the way, I think we'll go do the wheezing next and then check this up We have a level 4 hatching in just over 20 minutes right here It is a hot day.

He just is really taking it out of me right now Honestly, I shouldn't complain. I'm so happy the summer is back It feels like proper summer being out here today yesterday at the pike just seeing a ton of people out And not only out just enjoying the weather, but out enjoying the Pokemon go update amazing Yo, all right? Well before hatching right now it is What is it come opera? This is another Lapras? I don't want an average let's go. I mean We did a lapras raid yesterday, so I helped you know I would have loved to see tyranitar here especially now that we got a little bit of help, but yo I will take another lapras and That's your uncle warren sure universal a person x let's go alright. That's it This is this is it Lapras In the shape there, we go 21 768 same as last time seems like every raid boss Pokemon is going to have the same Cp Every same raid boss web safety people fighting electric Maybe Rock I'm gonna go machamp for sure that's high DPS and type advantage.

Yo niantic I just have one request after healing a pokemon like this Did you just keep keep my team nickname? Because if I choose, and then I realize I need to heal we're doing that right now This guy's joining in leave that see this is what I'm saying with this rate update hold on hold on Chilled young I'm not going to get it for the game to people oh That's alright. There's enough of us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All right Accidentally started with Polizzi though, that's what I'm saying oh We got into a jam. Oh, there's nine. I.

Guess either someone who's working here. It's Sunday ouch That really hurt I've got some help back A lot going on right now Probably to scoopers that actually really really heard My phone is really feeling the heat out here - it is super laggy Ten someone else joined them we had 80 seconds. It's almost done. I'll just chill with pussy because trying to switch.

This is maybe too much of a struggle There we go got him Alright. What are we going to end up at 14:46 with us? To charge p.M.. For rare candies three Golden raspberries I need more fat p.M.. I have plenty of charge 14:46, I'm just you know golden.

I have 39 of them I know I was saying safety's for like Big legendary raid bosses But with the rate that they're dropping from from the number of raids that mean reversal are doing I. Can use them on these normal Pokemon like this? Rare candies though you might want to hold on to for legendary because Right now you can get an advantage to get a head start and lock with whatever Pokemon you already have But if a legendary raid shows up and catch a legendary you're going to start with zero candy or three candies for catching it? But if you have those rare candies stockpiled Bets like N. 20 Who knows how many legendary candies you could have right off the bat by saving those rare candy, so I'm waiting That's what I might do I might just save my rare candy who have fs and see what happened? Rough Breath hydropump Really strongly knocked in ivy's but water gun hydro pump is actually Lapras is top DPS moveset now But I'd still prefer frost breath blizzard because there are some better straight-up Water type options that you call you go stop what? Night they weren't scoopers. Oh, thanks for the help guys BPs right here.

This is this is how you do it right here this intimidation feature right you seek under Lapras you savage I got it goes down Bertha guys do All my dates like I don't believe this I love that attrition This is it at the end of the day the end of the raids anyway and the right if for some Ridiculous reason you are not subscribed to either of these channels Go check them out links in the description reversal mystic 7 I'll put a way to pick up its legislating with you. Oh It's fun Now I got to get a quick shower shower number 2 for the day and then we got to get out to La Because it's not over yet I'm late. What else is new we are at USC University of Southern California my cousin dante who many of you recognized from that Is premiering a short film here he recognized him from that you'll be interested to hear about the short film. It's called Bangerang Rufio Origin Story For those who aren't familiar Rufio is the character that he played in the Steven spielberg classic hook back in 1991 missions Vincent Hook stops It's 3:30 The event since 3:00 to 4:00.

What are the odds they haven't actually? Played the movie yet pretty small Very small et Okay, this is it. We're like literally on top of work. So they get up and then spielberg building George Lucas building. Oh Finally, I think I found it.

I found an open door oh Like them. I like the pop all right you can but you don't want to keep looking at your hair right, so Change kids is late. She's always late. I'm gonna hide your wedding because he might be late.

It's physical I think they're all used to this by now, but it doesn't matter you're late You may drive And I'm going to get to watch it online you can all watch it online also on Dante's channel rest up right now So I'll put a link in the description if you're a hook fan. I appreciate if you're a Anything I'm here panda watch check Rufio fans. Do just Whatever if you like this guy, just click on it one time check it out. You're like bang ring you guys.