Friday, December 1, 2017


How do I look? Lights okay? This is the one you've all been looking for. Throughout the course of shooting today's video, I decided, it's probably about time that I do a best counters for all the big raid bosses video. Before everyone loses interest in Raids. Just kidding I don't think that's going to happen.

As long as Nantic continues to introduce different raid Pokemon and shake things up rates will remain relevant for a very long time. So earlier as they sat down to start doing research for this video I found out that Cilandro from PokeBattler.Com has actually done a fair amount of research that made my life a lot easier Poke Battler has been analyzing video footage of raids to figure out how exactly they work what the formulas for raid bosses stats are and through their research They've been able to run simulations that came up with the best counters for each potential raid boss They also published this nice looking Infographic which I'll link to in the description if you want to just download that to have it for quick reference but if you want to stick around for the rest of the video I'll kind of break things down talk about which move sets are best and give my opinions and a little bit of extra insight on All the information here. For this video I'm only going to go over level three and four raids because those are the ones that most people are interested in doing Level one and two are pretty easily solo and they're really really easy to beat if you have a group of people. So starting with Arcanine your best counters are going to be Rydon with mud-slap earthquake or mud slap stone edge Golem with Rock throw stone Edge Rock throw earthquake mud-slap earthquake muds lapse tonnage mud shot if you have it There are a lot of potential moves that you can use with Golem but you definitely want to be using moves that are super effective against fire types like Arcanine pokey battler also with Donphan with tackle and earthquake as a good counter and the reason you're seeing a lot of ground types here and not water types like you might expect is because Arcanine can potentially have wild charge as a move and Wild charge from a raid Boss Arcanine is going to absolutely destroy water types ground types are going to resist that electric move as Well as Arcanine fire type moves and because you can't know a raid bosses moves before you enter the battle there's always a risk of Going up against a wild charge arcanine.

So if you bring in those water types It could get a little dangerous Against alakazam you're going to want to use dart or bug type moves and the best Pokemon to choose as counters are Tyranitar with white and crunch or even bite and stone edge Pounding with snarl and foul play snarl and crunch is also acceptable and I should also mention that dark types are Immune to psychic meaning they're going to take 50% damage from the raid Boss Alakazam You can also use bug type against Alakazam and the best one to use a scissor With fury cutter and x-scissor because as a steel type scissor is also going to resist psychic types though It's going to take a little more damage than the dark types would against machamp alakazam is undoubtedly your best choice And you're going to want either confusion future sight or Psycho cut future sight you can also use sb on with the same moves and to take advantage of machamp Flying-type weakness you can use a dragon knight with dragon tail and hurricane or a Charizard with air slashes It's quick move preferably overheat But fire blast is also good for a charge move dragon knight in Charizard will also resist machamp fighting-type moves But be careful if it has a stone edge stone edge is going to be double effective Against Charizard and also super effective against Dragon Knight against Gengar Dark and psychic types are your best choices again Alakazam and espeon are good choices, but they're weak to gang guards ghost type moves Tyranitar with bite and crunch is a very good choice unless the gengar has focus blast which is going to be double effective against tyranitar Dragonite with Dragon tail and outrage has some of the highest DPS in the game And it's always a viable choice here you do also have the option of using gengar with hex or shadow claw and shadow ball That is going to take super effective damage again from Gangers ghost type attacks But it does resist sludge wave if the defending gengar has it Against vaporeon you're going to want to go with the stronger grass type attackers electric is good against Vaporeon but grass resists Vaporeon water type moves So they're typically a better choice your best Choice is Executor with bullet seed and solar beam you can also use venus or with razor leaf or vine whip and solar beam? Victreebel with razor leaf and leaf blade or solar beam and then other grass types like vileplume and tango as filler Against Jolteon you definitely want to be using ground ground is immune to electric. So it's going to take 50% damage You're going to want right on with mud-slap earthquake golem with mudflap earthquake mud shot earthquake if you have it don Ban with tackle and earthquake again is an excellent choice against larry on you Have a lot of options you can use the same ground and rock types or even the top-tier water types But because raid boss Pokemon deals so much damage Resistance is going to play a big part in surviving the raid battle so the Pokemon with double resistance to fire our golem As a ground in rock type Sam goes for ride on and also omen star as rock and water type moving on to level 4 raid bosses against venus or Charizard is your best bet because it's going to have double resistance to all of being Sora's Grass-type moves and Pretty much any of Charizard move sets Excluding dragon claw are going to be very efficient against venusaur typhlosion with Ember and either fire blaster overheat is also a good choice in this siren in and you can use a pSychic types Alakazam and Espeon With either confusion and future sight or psycho cut future so you know you know the moves against Charizard you're looking at the same counters as flareon for the most part although you're going to want to focus on the Rock and Water type attacks because Charizard is going to resist ground so it's going to come out neutral in that sense Golem is your best choice with rock throw and stone Edge omastar with water gun hydro pump is also great and Tyranitar with fight and stone Edge is also very strong Against blastoise you have a lot of different options your choice is kind of going to depend on the blastoise move set of course you're not going to know that before going into the raid so Here's the best options to choose if you don't know what's going on Jolteon always a great choice with under shock and Thunderbolt under shock and thunder is also pretty good Magneton with either spark or charge beam and zap cannon is a great choice because not only is it going to deal? Super effective damage It's also going to resist all of blastoise potential attacks the grass types executor or venus or Victorville are all good choices Unless the blastoise has ice beam in which case they're going to take some pretty heavy damage if you don't dodge that the insta raid boss right on you really want to Take advantage of its double weaknesses to grass and water so you're looking at all the same top two your grass types exeggutor Victreebel venusaur and among water types Vaporeon is going to be your best choice because a lot of the other tops your water types like omastar and Lapras are Weak to some of right on Potential attacks against Lapras machamp is your absolute best choice? And you're going to want counter and dynamic punch Although counter in close combat works almost as well if you live in South America You can also use heracross with counter in close combat you can also use Jolteon with Thundershock and either Thunderbolt or thunder and as long as the lapras doesn't have water type attacks you can also use arcanine with fire fang and fire blast flamethrower or even wild charge against nor lacks again your best choice is machamp with counter and dynamic punch followed by machamp with counter and close combat or Heracross with counter and close combat and you can also use tyranitar with bite and crunch especially against normal axes that no zen Headbutt Because it's actually going to resist then headbutt as opposed to the fighting types which are going to take super effective damage from Zen Headbutt and finally against a raid boss tyranitar again machamp is your absolute best choice because Tyranitar has a double weakness to fighting so again counter and dynamic punch or counter and close combat on the champ or Heracross you can also use bulky water and grass types so that's Vaporeon or feraligatr with water gun and hydro pump or again venus or with vine whip solar beam razor Leaf solar Beam or Exeggutor with bullet seed and seed bomb or solar beam so with all that said if you're playing the raid game There are a few key pokemons you definitely want to invest your resources into with TMS now It's very possible to get high IV versions of all these Pokemon with the perfect Movesets Without too much effort in my opinion the most essential medic on Er eve's machamp with counter and Dynamic punch And I finally got one today as you'll actually see later in this video Besides that you definitely want a golem with Rock throw stone edge a ride on with mud-slap Earthquake Jolteon with Thunder Shock Thunderbolt Executor with seed bomb and solar beam dragonite with Dragon tail outrage is an all-around DPS champion and can be used against almost any Pokemon and of course you definitely want a vaporeon with water gun and hydro pump So that would be my list of Pokemon to prioritize not only for gym raids, but for the gym metagame in General So if you have any of those pokemon with high ivy's I would prioritize Using your TMs on those to get their ideal move sets before moving on to other Less important, but still probably pretty important Pokemon And I feel like everything that I just said is going to take up a significant portion of this video but enjoy the rest of the day including plenty of gem raids with Reversal and Mystic 7 Good morning. We are on our way right now to Roscoe's there are so many raids around look at there's Charizard another level 4 about to start soon there's a Machamp behind us. We're going to pass on those right now because we got to meet someone for breakfast ok So this is a reversals first time at Rocco's ever and hopefully it gets talked about too much internationally But if you ever come to Southern, California, oh my gosh, it's kind of essential We are heading out Mystic sevens taking care of the meal the rule when you're hanging out with other youtubers is whoever has the most sub pays So you might see me and mystic hang out a little more often now That's not really the rule.

He's just a nice guy offered to pay so Thanks mystic. I have five charged Tm. I know for sure. I want dynamic punch online machamp So I'm just going to try it now.

He already has counter if I could get dynamic punch that would Seal the deal as one of my best to DPS. Pokemon there it is you got perfect got it dynamic first try counter dynamic punch? I'm set for felicity's I'm set for Snorlax raid bosses. I ran into our raid bosses That'll be good Heading down to the pike now There is an Arcanine raid over there that ends in four and a half minutes I'm not sure if we're going to make it in time to be on it There was also when champ raid that ended like two minutes ago. We didn't make it in time for that either, but here's the meg Perfect timing it should be like quite a few two caves And even probably some five caves with them execute some eggs eggs Kabuto, that's cool, ooh Bulbasaur nice.

I need those candies nice, and Close vote God also. I'm sorry if my mic has been loud the last few days just Falling apart man time to replace this camera Ninis all right honestly overall not bad that bulbasaur definitely clutch Dragon I've fought hard and returned Two minutes the Arcanine not I'm not in the mood to run Especially not for that Yo What's up? How we put on turning our way now you're good for you to pose higher. I already won in Already won then 80 seconds. Oh 80 seconds.

Okay. Drop everything let's do this. That's how you get things moving All right, so this should be a pretty easy one I. Mean between the three of us.

It's a level to raise. It's exeggutor Larry ooh This guy actually hits a nice pretty hard bringing back all eyes closed. I actually say - must enjoy the breeze Yep, Dun Dun Network error oh oh, I think just got another camera mystic just got an error great Okay, I'll take your advice easy takeover, battle here All right got it all right Raynor needs a tricky IV real quick. That's the first time I've actually seen that particular message pop up So that's the message that pops up when a pokemon in a gym needs to be fed at Barry With that right out of the way, I think we'll go do the wheezing next and then check this up We have a level 4 hatching in just over 20 minutes right here It is a hot day.

He just is really taking it out of me right now Honestly, I shouldn't complain. I'm so happy the summer is back It feels like proper summer being out here today yesterday at the pike just seeing a ton of people out And not only out just enjoying the weather, but out enjoying the Pokemon go update amazing Yo, all right? Well before hatching right now it is What is it come opera? This is another Lapras? I don't want an average let's go. I mean We did a lapras raid yesterday, so I helped you know I would have loved to see tyranitar here especially now that we got a little bit of help, but yo I will take another lapras and That's your uncle warren sure universal a person x let's go alright. That's it This is this is it Lapras In the shape there, we go 21 768 same as last time seems like every raid boss Pokemon is going to have the same Cp Every same raid boss web safety people fighting electric Maybe Rock I'm gonna go machamp for sure that's high DPS and type advantage.

Yo niantic I just have one request after healing a pokemon like this Did you just keep keep my team nickname? Because if I choose, and then I realize I need to heal we're doing that right now This guy's joining in leave that see this is what I'm saying with this rate update hold on hold on Chilled young I'm not going to get it for the game to people oh That's alright. There's enough of us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All right Accidentally started with Polizzi though, that's what I'm saying oh We got into a jam. Oh, there's nine. I.

Guess either someone who's working here. It's Sunday ouch That really hurt I've got some help back A lot going on right now Probably to scoopers that actually really really heard My phone is really feeling the heat out here - it is super laggy Ten someone else joined them we had 80 seconds. It's almost done. I'll just chill with pussy because trying to switch.

This is maybe too much of a struggle There we go got him Alright. What are we going to end up at 14:46 with us? To charge p.M.. For rare candies three Golden raspberries I need more fat p.M.. I have plenty of charge 14:46, I'm just you know golden.

I have 39 of them I know I was saying safety's for like Big legendary raid bosses But with the rate that they're dropping from from the number of raids that mean reversal are doing I. Can use them on these normal Pokemon like this? Rare candies though you might want to hold on to for legendary because Right now you can get an advantage to get a head start and lock with whatever Pokemon you already have But if a legendary raid shows up and catch a legendary you're going to start with zero candy or three candies for catching it? But if you have those rare candies stockpiled Bets like N. 20 Who knows how many legendary candies you could have right off the bat by saving those rare candy, so I'm waiting That's what I might do I might just save my rare candy who have fs and see what happened? Rough Breath hydropump Really strongly knocked in ivy's but water gun hydro pump is actually Lapras is top DPS moveset now But I'd still prefer frost breath blizzard because there are some better straight-up Water type options that you call you go stop what? Night they weren't scoopers. Oh, thanks for the help guys BPs right here.

This is this is how you do it right here this intimidation feature right you seek under Lapras you savage I got it goes down Bertha guys do All my dates like I don't believe this I love that attrition This is it at the end of the day the end of the raids anyway and the right if for some Ridiculous reason you are not subscribed to either of these channels Go check them out links in the description reversal mystic 7 I'll put a way to pick up its legislating with you. Oh It's fun Now I got to get a quick shower shower number 2 for the day and then we got to get out to La Because it's not over yet I'm late. What else is new we are at USC University of Southern California my cousin dante who many of you recognized from that Is premiering a short film here he recognized him from that you'll be interested to hear about the short film. It's called Bangerang Rufio Origin Story For those who aren't familiar Rufio is the character that he played in the Steven spielberg classic hook back in 1991 missions Vincent Hook stops It's 3:30 The event since 3:00 to 4:00.

What are the odds they haven't actually? Played the movie yet pretty small Very small et Okay, this is it. We're like literally on top of work. So they get up and then spielberg building George Lucas building. Oh Finally, I think I found it.

I found an open door oh Like them. I like the pop all right you can but you don't want to keep looking at your hair right, so Change kids is late. She's always late. I'm gonna hide your wedding because he might be late.

It's physical I think they're all used to this by now, but it doesn't matter you're late You may drive And I'm going to get to watch it online you can all watch it online also on Dante's channel rest up right now So I'll put a link in the description if you're a hook fan. I appreciate if you're a Anything I'm here panda watch check Rufio fans. Do just Whatever if you like this guy, just click on it one time check it out. You're like bang ring you guys.


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