Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Rent an Outdoor Stage

Planning an outdoor event begins with finding a venue or stage.

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During the summer months, outdoor stages provide the opportunity for people to enjoy events including concerts or ceremonies. Renting an outdoor stage to host an event is a fairly simple process that requires research and planning to ensure that your function will go smoothly and be a memorable experience for all involved.

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Compile a list of all possible renters or venues for an outdoor stage. Begin by looking in your local business directory for all business that rent stages. Call your local city recreation facilities office to see what parks or outdoor venues are available for rent. Depending upon where you live, the city itself may have parks with an outdoor stage.


Review your list of options. Determine which venues will be most appropriate for the type of outdoor event you plan to host.


Number each of the business or venues on your list beginning with the one you most desire for your event.


Call each venue or rental business. Depending upon their schedule, you may have to move the date of your outdoor event.


Ask about any insurance policies or permits that will be necessary for your event.

Tips & Warnings

Call for an outdoor stage at least six months before your event date to ensure that you will get the location and stage you want.

Make sure the stage is equipped with necessary safety features such as a non-slip surface.

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ReferencesDistinctive Event Rentals: ProductsPhoto Credit Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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