Thursday, December 8, 2011


   by Articlein Entertainment / Music    (submitted 2011-12-03)

A state of total "soul-manifesting", you don't understand anymore, who you are. You are in the world of transcend and don't give a damn. The world seems so abstract to you. You can feel the reconciliation of the singular and universal operated by the first true concept: consciousness of self.
When you realize who you are, you want to define a whole new concept "how you feel" in arts, science, music and every possible existence. It was the same way Pablo Picasso use to feel before doing his great masterpiece "Guernica" and Paul Cezanne use to feel before doing "sunflowers".
There is a state of mind which drags you in this hell which seems so promising and sweet and yet so powerful and dark. You don't want to get out of it, don't want to know where you are and what do you want.
It is that state of mind which exist somewhere between the reality and farfetched dilemma, different enough from their previous normal state that it can excite feelings of newly formed understanding ranging from revelation & enlightenment to the opposing polarity of confusion & psychosis.
In this state there are all kind of Physics involved. These are one kind of visual artwork inspired by psychedelic experiences induced by drugs such as LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin. By that definition all artistic efforts to depict the inner world of the psyche may be considered as .
In many cases there is a modification is one's education so that it didn't discourage, but rather encouraged, "aesthetic sense, love of nature, passion for music, desire for reflection, or strongly marked independence.
This concept is also the success of a method which is a taboo in itself. The need to address minority rights of women, gays, the handicapped, and many other neglected constituencies within the larger population came to the forefront as an increasing number of primarily younger people broke free from the constraints in a desire to create a more inclusive and tolerant social landscape.
This may seems crazy, even as fashions have changed, and art and culture movements have come and gone, certain artists have steadfastly devoted themselves to this concept. Even they have their own breed of Hair products, cars, cigarettes, and pantyhose as an act of pseudo-rebellion.
"There is a law operating in the universe that is SO amazing in its potential that we could be surprised to discover we are using it every day without even realizing it (although often in the wrong way, which is called creating unconsciously)!"

About the Author

"There is a law operating in the universe that is SO amazing in its potential that we could be surprised to discover we are using it every day without even realizing it (although often in the wrong way, which is called creating unconsciously)!"


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