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A public address, or “PA” system is an array of speakers, typically connected to an external mixer, used for applications where high levels of volume are required, such as parties, concerts and demonstrations. A woofer is a large, speaker that is configured specifically to project the lowest bass frequencies. Woofers are typically used to add presence to the bottom-end of the audio, for example in night clubs and at gigs. Since not all PA systems have woofers, setting up a system with a woofer requires a little extra consideration.Related Searches:Difficulty:ModerateInstructions Things You'll Need3 speaker wires or RCA cablesSuggest Edits1Set up the stereo speakers. If your PA has stands, mount the speakers on their stands. If not, mount them in an elevated position, such as on stage or on a secure table.
2Put the mixer on a table. For best results, position the table so it is central to both speakers; this means you get a reliable stereo image to work with.
3Position the woofer so it is directly between or slightly in front of the stereo speakers. Woofers should always go on the floor. If necessary, use a dolly to move the woofer. Due to the size of the speaker cone, woofers are typically very heavy.
4Connect the relevant cable to the “Woofer Out” or “Sub Out” jack on the mixer. The type of cable required varies according to the make and model of the speakers and mixer. Typically you’ll need either a standard RCA cable or standard speaker wire. RCA cables plug right in.
5Press the spring-loaded lever to open the gap in the speaker wire socket. Then slide the braided wire into the gap and release the lever.
6Connect a cable to the “Stereo Out (right)” jack on the mixer. Connect the other end to the right-hand speaker. Repeat the process with a second cable, using the “Stereo Out (left)” jack.
7Turn the “Master” dial to zero. Doing this means if there are any damaged cables or the mixer is faulty, no unwanted sounds will be amplified when you power up the mixer.
8Turn on the mixer. If you are using a power-mixer with an in-built amp, the speakers won’t have separate “On/Off” switches. If the speakers are powered, turn them on after you’ve turned on the mixer. Never turn on the speakers before the mixer as this can cause a loud “pop” as the power surges from the mixer. This can damage the speaker cone and be harmful to your hearing.
9Connect an audio source to one of “Input” jacks on the mixer. This can be a CD player, microphone or other compatible device.
10Hit “Play” or talk into the microphone. As you do this, gradually increase the “Master” volume dial to your preferred volume. The “Master” controls the output level going to all speakers. Therefore it isn’t necessary to make separate adjustments for the woofer.
11Increase the prominence of the woofer by increasing the level of the “Bass” setting in the mixer’s equalizer section.
Tips & WarningsTo tweak the equalization of the PA, set all dials to their central position and make small adjustments therefrom.
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ReferencesSmart Home: Hooking up a WooferHi Fi Tower: Skytec Active 2.1 PA Set with 18" Subwoofer and Built In MixerPhoto Credit Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesRead Next: Print this articleCommentsFollow eHowFollowView the Original article
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