Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fun Ways to Give Someone a Concert Ticket

Wrap concert tickets creatively for the element of surprise.

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Concert tickets are an appropriate gift for virtually any occasion. They are personal enough to be given as an anniversary present, yet universal enough that they can also be used as incentive prizes at the office. Coming up with can add a personal touch that will make your gift more meaningful to the recipient.

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Go out and purchase the latest CD offering from the band you bought your friend tickets to see. Open the CD and slide the tickets into the case, right in front of the CD. Wrap the CD. Your friend will likely be happy with opening what he thinks is a new CD, but when he pops open the case and sees concert tickets inside, he will go ballistic with joy.

Treasure Map

Make your recipient work for those concert tickets by sending her on a treasure hunt. Draw a small map that leads to a clue, which leads to more clues, before finally ending up at the location of your concert ticket loot. If you want to literally make your recipient dig for the gold, you can put the tickets in a small treasure chest and bury it in a sandbox. Your recipient will love the thrill of the hunt almost as much as she will love the concert tickets.

Singing Telegram

Have your concert ticket delivered to your recipient via a singing telegram service. Request that the person delivering the tickets sing one of the band's most popular songs. While your recipient may be slightly embarrassed by the awkward nature of your delivery, all hard feelings will vanish when he discovers that he scored free tickets to a show.

Morning Routine

Help your spouse shake off his morning grogginess by taping concert tickets to his electric razor, sticking them up one the bathroom mirror with a lipstick love note or slipping them into his empty coffee cup. Just be ready for him to wake you up with kisses if you planted them the night before.

ReferencesHot Date Ideas: Treasure HuntCD Case Gift Card Holder:Joana StuderClassic Singing Telegram: Home PagePhoto Credit Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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